Thanks for your reply Totentaz. I just read about Myo-Reps and it was an interesting read, similar to DC but with a focus on the muscle instead of the CNS.
I'll explain why I have decided to try HST again after all these years.
I've used Max-OT about 90% of the time for the past 8 years or so. I have responded well to the low volume, train hard, focus on strength gains approach. However, I do not feel my strength gains match my overall size. It's like my muscles have become so resistant to strain that I am not getting the "equivalent growth" had my muscles been deconditioned and progressively loaded in set increments HST style. Furthermore, it is hard to continue to make progress training all out, and hoping for the best... regardless the tweaks in volume and frequency, I think I'm at a point where I need to plan my progression.
Here are some of my stats and recent lifts:
BW: 175lbs
BF: 12% or so
Dec Bench: 285 2x5
BB Row: 325 2x5
Squat: 285 2x5
I'm hoping HST will let me squeeze out some extra growth from my existing level strength as well as help plan my progression so that I'm not just training all-out all the time.