Why people feel the need...


New Member
I dont know why but when i heard some people at the gym i go to take AAS i was a bit shocked as i thought very few people and only those at really big gyms took em..

My point is this why do people take them ? dont they realise that its bad for your health ? or is it really that bad ?

Also it makes all us natural lifters efforts seem like nothing when they can throw down some tabs or whatever and go get 2 stone of muscle in a couple months.

Pitty people just cant do it the natural way.
Why do people repeat age old myths about certain substances when there is little scientific evidence for any of it.

Why do people agree with one performance enhancing agent becuase it currently isnt legislated against, but think another is bad becuase it is?
From what I've read, AAS aren't a miracle drug. You have to take great care when constructing an AAS cycle and pay special attention to PCT so you don't lose what gains you've made during your cycle. If anything, AAS users must be even more dedicated than we are to tweaking their diet, their routine, etc.

I think they are only really bad for you if you don't learn your stuff before you use them, or if you abuse them - kind of like with other drugs, prescription or otherwise.
Now whether or not I would use them if they were legal... I don't know.
MOTHER is that you?; logging on as Xcalibur again...  

You're just lazy, do some more research before you drag down the perceived collective IQ of the HST board. Questions like this are just ...bollocks! I can't even be bothered to take the piss