your results with HST...

[b said:
Quote[/b] (Calkid @ June 23 2003,3:03)]If it's more weight you're after, that's a question of eating...
Yeah, well I'm after lean gains. I guess I was just expecting more. I see posts were people were gaining like 7 lbs in the first 2 weeks. Maybe I thought I could gain that much. Although I didn't know if they were newbie gains or what though.
That's gonna be water weight. When I come off SD and start bulking, I usually get 3-5 pounds immediately (and I'm not big). Then it tapers off to 1-2 pounds a week. That initial 3-5 goes away during SD, but I keep the rest.

OK, just finished my second cycle with HST and wanted to post my results.

after 1st cycle - 6 weeks (15,15,10,10,5,5)

weight +.5 lb
R Bi +.5 in
L Bi +.5 in
Chest +.5 in
Waist -.5 in
R Thigh 0
L Thigh +1in

after 2nd cycle - 7 weeks (added extra week of 5's w/10 rep dropset)

weight +6.5 lb
R Bi + .5 in
L Bi + .25 in
Chest 0
Waist +.25 in
R Thigh +2.25 in
L Thigh +2.5 in

The large gain in the thighs may be a measurment error but then again, I've never done squats before HST so you never know.
Here are the results after a 3 week mini cycle (not eating much), deconditioning (not doing much of anything, surgery recovery), full cycle (eating a lot mostly) and the last day of deconditioning (been dieting). So this is about a 4 month timeframe.

Beginning --> Complete last cylce --> last day deconditioning

Weight 180 --> 200 (hit 205 once) --> 186.2
Waist 31" --> 35.5" --> 32"
Chest (not accurate) 38" --> 39.5" --> 39"
Arms Flexed 14.25"--> 16" --> 15.6"
Arms not Flexed 14.25" --> 15.5" --> 15.1"
Thighs 23.5" --> 24" --> 24"

If I can get my waist back below 29" (was 167lbs at the time) I'll try 2 bulking cycles next to each other :)

Just finished 1st cycle. 15 15 10 10 5 5 5 5 in SD
Start 220 40" waist Approximately 21% bf
Finish 237 38" waist Approximate bf 18.5%

Upper arms 16.5 to 17.5
Chest 44" to 46"
thighs 25" to 27.5"

Much stronger, happy to be in SD, kinda messed lower back up with squats.

Ate like crap, not enough calories, and the wrong type, but I grow well.

Gonna do TKD this next cycle, and incorporate HIIT. 2-3 times a week.

39 yrs old, 40 in December, so 2 more cycles or so.
I am in my second cycle of HST, also cutting.
I am 6'0'' 26 yrs old.

Weighed 104.5 kgs in the winter, while bulking up. Lost some weight with normal powerlifting training, dieting and cardio. In April I started the HST. Weight then 97kgs.

Currently I am weighing a pretty lean and mean 93kgs, with visible abs and chiseled back (always gets good definition on my upper back fast).

My waist has gone down from 103 cm, to 88 cm. In January, weighing 104 kgs my upper arm measurement was 44.5 cm. Two months ago it was down to 42 cm (just before I started with HST). Upper arm is currently 44 cm. So I managed to increase muscle size, since my BF has dropped drastically.

My strength has gone up on all my lifts, feels great.
I went on a short 6-week cycle (15,15,10,10,5,5). I didn't complete the last two weeks due to joint soreness in my elbows and shoulders. I'll report on what my gains were so far.
Stats: 19 years old, been lifting consistently for 5 months, started HST in early June.

Weight: 118 lbs
Waist: 29.5"
Chest: 34"
L. Arm: 11"
R. Arm: 12"
L. Thigh: 19.5"
R. Thigh: 20"
Calves: 13.5" Both

Weight: 128.5 lbs
Waist: 29.5"
Chest: 35.5"
L. Arm: 11.5"
R. Arm: 12.25"
L. Thigh: 20.5"
R. Thigh: 20.5"
Calves: 13.5" Both

Weight: +10 lbs
Waist: 0.0"
Chest: +1.5"
L. Arm: +0.5"
R. Arm: +0.25"
L. Thigh: +1.0"
R. Thigh: +0.5"
Calves: 0.0"

Even though these numbers look great, I am not confident in my measuring ability so I am not inclined to feel 'good' about these results just yet. I noticed a slight increase in overall bodymass, no doubt some must be fat, though I don't understand why my waist hasn't increased in size.

Also, I have taken pictures before the HST cycle. I will develop my after pictures soon.

My strength has increased noticably on average of about 5-10 lbs on exercises including squats, bench press, calf raises, upright rows, bent-over barbell and stiff-leg deadlifts.
I am still not too sure how much muscle mass I gained, but my strength has definitely gone up. Even though that wasn't the purpose of the program (strength building), it helped me progress for the first time in my weightlifting career with a consistent lifting schedule.

Thanks Bryan!
David Nguyen
2nd cycle results: (short cycle - skipped the 15's this time but I don't plan to skip them in the future)

Numbers are compared to the end of my first cycle on 5/19/03. I'm 42, about 6' 2", 174 pounds.

Weight: +3 pounds
Waist: +1/8" (so not too much fatter :) )
Chest(flexed): +3/8"
Left arm(flexed): +1/8"
Forearm: no change
Left thigh: +1/2"
Left calf: +1/2"

Overall, I'm very happy with the results. I have noticeably more definition in my chest. My leg presses increased another 40 pounds beyond where I was at the end of my first cycle. I can't seem to increase my weights on incline dumbbell presses though someone just gave me some good advice on getting the dumbbells up into position that might help. I don't really count calories - I probably could have been eating more.

Thanks, Bryan!
Just finished my sixth cycle three days ago and I've lost an additional 7 pounds, so I'm now 20 pounds lighter than I was in January and my waistline decreased 12 cm in the past 6 months. I'm 79 Kg now at 1 80 cm. This cycle was at least 14-16 weeks long and the five's/negatives portion was around 8 weeks long. My joints started complaining so I had to quit. Strenght gains were good
My new 3 RM for dips is BW plus 50 Kg and for deadlift is 172.5 kg. My bench is up to 116.5 kg X 5 in six months which was my 1 RM one year ago, before my shoulder injury.

I've also lost some more size in all other parts of my body:

waist 92 cm -6 cm (extended) or 85cm tucked in
biceps 40,5 and 40 -1cm
chest 110 -4 cm
legs 62 and 61,5 -2,5 cm
calves 36 and 36 -0,3 cm

I look a lot leaner everywhere and I swear I'll never get as fat as I was last year. It's not worth it. It takes forever to lean up if you let it get to the point I did. I'm not even sure if I want to get any leaner and risk some more serious muscle mass losses. Diet was around 2800 KCals, never lower than 2600 and to the end as high as 3200, with one or two additional HIIT sessions per week.

That's it. I'm satisfied, not euphoric or anything but given the conditions, stress and lack of proper sleep, I've been enduring lately I think it's safe to say these are some good results.
Great work
I always admire successful cutting more than successful bulking because I know it's waaaaay more difficult.

Now for some pics :)
Congrats Restless, 79 Kg !!

You also gained strength while cutting

Should be a great before and after transformation pics
[b said:
Quote[/b] (mikeh @ July 17 2003,1:47)]Congrats Restless, 79 Kg !!
You also gained strength while cutting

Should be a great before and after transformation pics
The trasformation wasn't really that radical, I went from very fat to normal, not to ripped. I'm now SD'ing and trying to decide ig I'll continue cutting or not during next cycle. It's a though decision.....
Thanks to HST.

I am training for already 4 years, so I can`t be called a
beginner at bodybuilding. I am a
classical "hardgainer" (6'7 height with a great lack
of weight, almost no fat and so on...). Having tried
different programs I have never seen any scientifically
proved one. All of them are based on some personal experience.
Like: "I do it this way and have a great success". But I don`t -
I am not using any steroids and the like!
Reading all of this numerous inconsistent articles I`ve almost decided
that the way the muscles grow is incomprehensible and even misterious!
That`s why I started searching for some REAL and SCIENTIFIC articles
on "how does it grows"... And found!!!
Unfortunatly it is in Russian (I am from Russia), and I don`t know if there is an english version.
There, in a conclusion, I have read about HST. There is explained WHY(!)
HST can REALLY work (on a cellular level!!!). I have heard HST before
but thought it to be something senseless (train the whole body each workout - nonsense!).
Encouraged by this article I completely changed training style... and I SAY!
I have started gaining strength as well as weight!! And what I wanted
to say more is that I think HST unlike other training methods to be
a real SPORT! It is really a workOUT! And now I FEEL quite another
way than the 4 previous years!! Thanks a lot!
ok, here are my results after 1 cycle.
Height ... 74.41 in (1.89 m) 74.41 in (1.89 m)
Weight ... 176 lbs (80.00 kg) 185 lbs (84.00 kg) 9 lbs (4.00 Kg)
Neck ....... 14.57 in (37.00 cm) 14.57 in (37.00 cm)
Shoulder .. 44.49 in (113.00 cm). 44.88 in (114.00 cm) 0.39 in (1.00 cm)
Chest ...... 38.58 in (98.00 cm) .. 38.98 in (99.00 cm) 0.39 in (1.00 cm)
Waist ...... 33.07 in (84.00 cm) .. 33.46 in (85.00 cm) 0.39 in (1.00 cm)
Abdomen . 34.25 in (87.00 cm) ... 35.04 in (89.00 cm) 0.79 in (2.00 cm)
Hips ........ 35.04 in (89.00 cm) .. 36.02 in (91.50 cm) 0.98 in (2.50 cm)
Thigh ..... 23.62 in (60.00 cm) .. 24.02 in (61.00 cm) 0.39 in (1.00 cm)
Knee ..... 14.96 in (38.00 cm) .. 14.76 in (37.50 cm) -0.20 in (-0.50 cm)
Calf ...... 15.35 in (39.00 cm) .. 15.35 in (39.00 cm)
Ankle ...... 9.45 in (24.00 cm) ... 9.45 in (24.00 cm)
Arm ...... 11.61 in (29.50 cm) .. 12.20 in (31.00 cm) 0.59 in (1.50 cm)
Forearm . 10.63 in (27.00 cm) .. 11.42 in (29.00 cm) 0.79 in (2.00 cm)
Wrist ...... 6.89 in (17.50 cm) ... 6.89 in (17.50 cm)
BF% as estimated by
LBM .... 147 lbs (66.83 kg) 155 lbs (70.52 kg) 8 lbs (3.69 kg)
Fat ...... 29 lbs (13.17 kg). 30 lbs (13.48 kg). 1 lbs (0.31 kg)
BF% .... 16.46 % ............. 16.05 % ........... -0.42 %
all measurements should be taken with a grain of salt, but still, I'm reasonably happy. Been training for 3/4 year now, forst 1/2 year I didn't gain any weight at all (excessive cardio), even lost 3 kg. I'm not on a very strict diet, just upped the protein. No supplements at all (just bought flaxseed oil yesterday)
Reasonably happy, I'll try another cycle :)
Sixth Cycle Results

Another cutting cycle. Basically same setup as last time (Post "Fifth Cycle Results", same thread, page 9). Exchanged arm isolation exercises for their DB versions. Kept in the 15-20 rep range for thighs (lower back still bothers me). More cardio on days in between workouts (running).

Result: Lost another 1-2% BF while preserving virtually all LBM. Able to improve my RMs in all lifts ca. 5 lbs.

Outlook: I have achieved my goal concerning body composition. Now it would be time for bulking again, but due to holidays & other trips, I'll postpone this till late September. Until then I'll try to keep my current shape and maybe lose another % of BF. Have to watch LBM, though. When I start bulking I'll add Creatine to my supplement regimen (protein powder & fish oil). I want to wait with that in order to have the full psychological benefit when it matters most.

Thanks HST & gang!
Here is EVERYTHING about my first HST cycle.

(1st measurement is after SD, 2nd is after 15s, 3rd is after 10s, 4th is after 5s, 5th is after 5s/negs)
Note: All measurements are in inches or pounds.

Left Bicep--14.5--14.5--14.75--14.75--15
Right Bicep--14.5--14.5--14.75--15--15.25
Left Thigh--23.5--23.5--23.75--23.75--24
Right Thigh23.5--23.5--23.75--23.75--24.25
Left Calf--14.75--14.75--14.75--14.75--15
Right Calf--14.75--14.75--14.75--14.75--15

*I know I messed up pretty bad measuring my chest, and my measurements were so inaccurate that I didn't think they were worth posting.

**For some reason I forgot to record my weight after 10s, but the general trend was upward, so it was probably ~180.


Typical 15-15-10-10-5-5-5s/negs-5s/negs cycle


Bench Press (Barbell)
Incline Bench Press (Barbell)
Barbell Rows
Military Press
Lat Pull-Downs (in the 15s and 10s)
Pull-Ups (in the 5s and 5s/negs)
Tricep Push-Downs
Incline Dumbell Curls
Ab Machine
Side Bends (for Obliques)


Leg Curls
Calf Press
Back Extensions
Leg Press

I did 2 sets of everything, except on 1 set of Bench Press, Incline Bench Press, and Dips. During the 5s and 5s/negs, I did a dropset for every exercise except for squats (cause I didn't want to be too tired for leg press).

I did a 6-day a week, upper body-lower body split throughout the cycle, except during 10s. During 10s, I switched to two-a-days on Tuesdays and Thursdays and one workout on Saturdays.


Obviously, this was a bulking cycle. I didn't take any supplements, so I drank a lot of milk to make sure that I was getting enough protein (close to a gallon a day). I know my gains would have been even better if I had eaten more, but I felt like I couldn't possibly have eaten any more. After I finished the 5s, my weight stayed at 183 for my first week of 5s/negs. I went on vacation the second week of 5s/negs and made it a point to eat like a madman. I ended up gaining 5 lbs. in 4 days! I'd say that this is because my metabolism is really high and so is my activity level, so it is difficult for me to eat a surplus of calories, but since I took it easy on vacation and ate a ton, I ate a lot more calories than my maintenance amount for that period of time. I think this weight was mostly muscle, since my waist didn't get any bigger and my abs looked as good as ever. Also, I made my best gains during this time (5s/negs). I did my second week of 5s/negs the following week.


I think I had a little trouble getting my legs to grow because I play soccer, so they're pretty conditioned at all times. I had to use pretty heavy weight (heavy for me, at least) to get them to grow. The good thing is that I've been pushing more weight than ever on squats and leg press.

As for doing abs HST-style, I'd say go for it. My abs look better after this bulking cycle than they did before.

That's all I can think of for now. Thanks to everyone who has helped me along the way.
Hi all - halfway through a 10 day SD, so I thought I'd post some stats...
Results after 2 cycles:
Weight: 215 212
Arms: 18" 18 1/4"
Chest/Back: 48" 48"
Legs: 25.5" 26.75"
Calves: 17" 17"
Waist: 33" 32"

Diet was on average 200-300 calories above maintenance, with protein at 1.25 - 1.5g per lb of bodyweight, carbs at 2 -2.25g per lb bodyweight and fat as naturally occurring in foods.

First HST cycle was 2 weeks 15s and 10s and 3 weeks 5s with the following exercises (2 sets each):
Squats, Seated Calf Raises, Barbell Row, Chins, Hammer Bench, Dips, Barbell Curls, Leg Curls, Weighted Crunches

After a 9 day SD, my second HST cycle was 3 weeks 10s, 8s, & 6s with deadlifts replacing squats in exercises listed above. At the end of week 4, the workload started to fry my CNS ( I attribute this to adding deadlifts to the routine), so I adopted the following consolidation routine (2 sets each):

Hammer Behind the Neck Press
Single Leg Curl
Barbell Row
Reverse Grip Bench Press (great triceps exercise!! get help unracking and racking - it'll save your wrists!)
Incline Hammer Curl

My recovery improved immediately. Overall, my first two HST cycles went well. I made some substantial improvements while losing a few pounds (minus cardio and the intention to do so!).

Next cycle will be 1 week 15s, 3 weeks 10s, 8s, 5s with the following exercises (2 sets each):
Squats, Barbell Row, Hammer Chest, Seated Calf Raise, Cable Laterals, Machine Curls, and Pressdowns
My results after 3 completed HST cycles!
Diet- CKD (NHE) natural hormonal enhancement
Supplements-8g of fish oil pills, 5g of creatine, EC + tyrosine and bitter oranage stack,Multivitamin, Coral Calcium, Berry antioxidant pills, and sun chorella A.
All 3 cycles have been moderate bulking cycles with minimal cardio used on off days.
Day 1 of 1st cycle measurements (measurements taken in morning before workout flexed without pump)
weight 171.5lbs
hgt 5'10"
waist at naval-36"
body fat 14%
Chest 41-3/4"
R Bicep 13-1/4"
L Bicep 13"
Forearms 11"
Upper legs 23"
calves 15"
Last day of 3rd cycle
weight 177.5lbs +6lbs
waist at naval-37.5"
body fat 15% +1%
Chest 43-3/4" + 2"
R Bicep 14-1/8" +7/8"
L Bicep 13-3/4" +3/4"
Forearms 12-1/2" +1-1/2"
Upper Legs 23 7/8" +7/8"
calves 15-1/4" +1/4"
I am currently in the last stages of my diet, only 54 days to the photo shoot.

I started as you know at 104.5 i February.

Currently I weigh 89.5 kgs, got 5 kg's left. IMO, I would make a great poster boy for HST. You will get plenty of pictures, made by a pro photographer.

Granted, being 182 cm, it means I won't have the mass of a drug user, but it will probably look freaky enough for the general public.