Recent content by Doc_Holliday

  1. D

    5X/wk cycles

    Thanks for the reply. Few more Qs. How close to failure are you right now during your working sets? Just wondering about over-training, and the fatigue your smaller muscle groups would face. How many cals are you taking in? I'm not at the point yet where I'd do a 2/day split, but I'd definetly...
  2. D

    5X/wk cycles

    I was wondering if some of you guys that go 5X/wk could give me some info on how you set up your routines. From what I've read, most people do Chest/Back/Quad/Ab MWF, and Delts/Traps/Hams/Arms/Calves TTH. Do most people stick strickly to 1 exercise per body part throughout the routine? I...
  3. D


    Cool, Have many sets do you do per exercise? Also, what do you do for exercises where negatives don't really apply, like deadlifts for example? How many drops do you generally throw onto the end of an exercise?
  4. D


    Due to scheduling conflicts I am only doing one week of negs - i decided to use my 2RM followed by 3 negs for bench, pull-ups and military. For those of you that follow this model, do you do one set or three? I was barely able to pound out 1 rep on my second set, even with a 5 min. break for...
  5. D

    Starting 5s

    OK, so pretty much a consensus to rotate the bench/dips rather than do both in a workout. I'll also rotate in heavy row, although I've been really eager to get back to pullups. I'd love to be able to do squats instead of leg press but an ankle injury limits my squats. Would you guys rotate...
  6. D

    Starting 5s

    I've finished my second week of 10s...program has gone fairly well although I was feeling some effects of over-training in my last workout. Here is what I've been doing up to this point: Bench, BB Row, SLDL, Military, Leg Press, Pulldowns, Dips, Shrugs, BB Curls, Skulls, Calf raises. (2 sets a...
  7. D

    Start of week 3

    is the '90,90,95,95,100,100' commonly used by people? Obviously it would breed more intensity since the weights are heavier overall, but you lose the incremental progression increases in favor of smaller increases. Does anyone else prefer to set up their plans this way? Are their any drawbacks?
  8. D

    Start of week 3

    I had actually been doing 2 sets for 15s, so my volume is down with the tens. Basically just wanted to make sure I hadn't over-looked something and was doing it wrong. Anyway, I'll just really focus on slow, clean reps as you guys have mentioned and be ready for the tougher test next week. Thanks.
  9. D

    Start of week 3

    I completed my first two weeks of 15s, and now moving on to 10s I'm starting with weights that are lower than my last workout of 15s. My first workout was pretty easy, is there anything you are suppose to do to increase the intensity in the 1st week of 10s? I just tried to keep my TBS fairly...
  10. D

    Not reaching your reps

    I'm interested in this as well. I figure if I'm doing 15s and can only hit say 12 or 13 reps, I'd either rest for like 15 seconds and pound out 2 or 3 more reps, or I'd do a quick drop set and do 6 or 7 reps at a lower weight right away. Are either of these strategies effective?
  11. D

    yet another 1st HST cycle

    For dips you could try holding dumbells between your legs, although when the weight really gets up there it could cause problems.
  12. D

    Another newbie

    Thanks for the replies fellas, I really noticed a difference splitting up the work for each muscle group better - 2nd day was easier. One more quick question: How crucial is the 48-hour time window? I worked out monday night about 7, then wednesday afternoon at 1ish. Is this a problem? I still...
  13. D

    Another newbie

    Well day one was tougher than expected. Had to do dips/bench back-to-back because of how hard it is to get a bench on monday nights. I'm considering dropping dips for the 15s, or doing only 1 set. DOMS today are fine, little bit in the legs but that is to be expected coming off a layoff from...
  14. D

    Another newbie

    Have never really been into measurements, currently 6'0 and 185 lbs. Bf% was 15 last I checked, probably 16 now (using some electro-shock tool at radio shack). The site where i use to keep track of my diet/calories shut down - i ran a sample through and their calculations seem a...
  15. D

    Another newbie

    Hello all, I had heard of HST on other boards and figured I'd give it a shot since I was looking for a change.  Also have drawn inspiration from friends who are athletes who seem to follow similar principles to HST in their programs. Been training for about 4 years, mostly simple bulk routines...