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  1. R

    Protecting muscle while dieting?

    Thank you Bryan. It feels good to be back.
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    Protecting muscle while dieting?

    Hello everybody! After taking a break from HST (I don't mean SD) I've decided to return. I've started to diet but I'm also well-trained. I'm in the "dieting groove" and not ready to SD. So how can I use HST to protect my muscle size for the next 10-12 weeks? Rippt
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    Bulking Up

    What is Bryan's opinion of "Bulking up" in the traditional sense? I know many Pro BB's are notorious for eating a prodigious amount of junk food in the offseason but they are also notorious for taking huge amounts of gear. So, assuming fat intake stays low, nutrient density is...
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    Eating during 5's

    I wonder what Bryan would have to say about this
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    Eating during 5's

    Yeah, you totally confused me... I do drop sets also, and I will be adding in some interval training on "off" days- But lowering the carbs was recommended becuase increased microtrauma decreases insulin sensitivitiy, NOT just because your activity level is going down. So I'm gonna up...
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    Eating during 5's

    HI I'm a bit confused on how to eat during the 5's. If carbs are optimal at 30% do I need to drop calories too, or do calories stay the same while protein goes up to compensate for the reduced carbs??? -Rippt
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    High Carb vs. High Fat

    So you would use low carbs with low fat?
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    High Carb vs. High Fat

    I know Bryan is more of an advocate of high carbs for gaining size but... How does the high fat/cyclical high carb diet compare? Here is the premise: High Fat: Insulin is low most of the time so fat supposedly can't make it into fat cells while the EXTREMELY high calories and slight test boost...
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    Eating for Size

    I want to start the Eating for Size recommendations but I need clarifications on fat intake. Supposedly I... 1) figure out my caloric intake 2) distrubute protein to 1g/pound (or is it LBM?) 3) Assume there are 55g fats from lean protein sources and 4) consume 1 tbsp of FLAX per 100 lb. of BW...
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    Bryan, I'm a bit confused about fats. So far I eat salmon once a day (about 8 grams of fat there) and take CLA 6g/day. Is this ALL I need? I've heard good things about GLA, sterile hemp seed oil, etc. but I don't want to deviate from the proper "ratio"- whichever that is. Please if...
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    Does anyone know if Bryan recommends GLA? I currently use 6g of CLA per day and eat fish (4-8 oz. salmon per day) and the only downside I see to using GLA is additional cost. Thanks Rippt
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    When to start dieting

    I plan on giving myself plenty of time to diet. Therefore, I will only cut calories slightly. Should I start at the start of the 5's? How long can I stick to the 5's? -Rippt
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    Supported bent-over rows

    I noticed Bryan sometimes uses supported bent-over rows. How are they done- with a barbell and incline bench or are we talking hammer strength-type equipment? -Rippt
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    Bryan or Blade, Do you think ECA's can help with hypertrophy? I consume simple carbs before my morning training (which is one of the times I would take ECA). Good stuff is that ECA gets more effective over time, lesser side effects (I tolerate ECA's very well), fat loss effects, ergogenic aid...
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    Bryan, I'm using HS creatine and training twice a day, three days a week. On "off" days I do cardio twice a day. How much creatine should I be taking and when? (BTW I'm under 200 lbs) Thank you -Rippt
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    To Bryan or Blade, If ECA was never intended to be cycled, can it be taken year-round, as long as I don't suffer any ill effects? What are the contraindications? -Rippt
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    So far the only CLA triglyceride that I am aware of is Thin Fat by VPX.
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    Dianabol, I am aware of that. However, Bryan said to take CLA/EFA's w/ carbs otherwise they would be preferably oxidized for energy by the liver. Then they wouldn't be able to have their effect on fat cells.
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    Bryan, I'm on a cyclical low carb diet (Faigin's NHE) and I want to know when to take CLA during the low carb days. The most amount of carbs I'll have on low carb days will be about 25, not necessarily all in one sitting. Jason