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  1. W

    Fiber.... Fit It Into Your Cut?

    Too many calories... I've been getting my fiber with green salads, bean salad (good protein) and Metamucil once or twice a day. The stuff is expensive! Ill have to remember where I got bulk Psyllium fiber before... Much cheaper.
  2. W

    More Targeted Glute Work... Squats?

    Dumbells helped with my squatting depth...after I tried a normal "ass-deep" barbell squat with lowered weight. Ugh! Dumbbells kinda cumbersome and get in the way a bit, but I'll try to manage. The issue with my back is, I have few fused vertebrae, and flexibility is a problem, ie trying to...
  3. W

    More Targeted Glute Work... Squats?

    Thanks Jester... Normal deadlifts I can manage better than squats. I'll try dumbell squats and add some Romainians.
  4. W

    More Targeted Glute Work... Squats?

    My concerns are, I'm pretty new at squats, I'm old, I have middle back issues that may compromise my form, I work out alone and only with free weights.
  5. W

    More Targeted Glute Work... Squats?

    Thanks Totz... I'll have to drop the weight significantly to start that :S
  6. W

    More Targeted Glute Work... Squats?

    Yeah, my cut weight is 154, I only bench 140, 220 deads wanna lace into me about that too!? Jeezus... Lol
  7. W

    More Targeted Glute Work... Squats?

    I have but been doing squats very long, so I only at 175lbs... Lowering far enough to get my thighs parallel to the ground only. Is there a technique that more targets the glutes? Or a different exercise? Thanks
  8. W

    Fiber.... Fit It Into Your Cut?

    Ahhh... Steam!
  9. W

    Fiber.... Fit It Into Your Cut?

    Im drinking a lot of water. A proper Wok (Im assuming is what you meant) needs oil to cook with...?
  10. W

    Fiber.... Fit It Into Your Cut?

    Upping my spinach, carrot, arugula intake... Maybe more veggies to spice up my salads. Trying for at least one salad a day. Damn olive oil really ups the calories, even just a tablespoon!
  11. W

    Fiber.... Fit It Into Your Cut?

    Carbs about 120 to 150g... Same for protein. Black coffee isn't even doing the trick! Lol
  12. W

    Fiber.... Fit It Into Your Cut?

    Having a hard time getting enough daily fiber... 10g or less. Digestion is pretty slow, obviously. Keeping my carbs and protein intake high enough leaves little caloric room left to 40g of fiber or so while cutting.... I've added phylum fiber when I can, but it isn't enough. Anyone else? Tips?
  13. W

    "heat Therapy" After Workout..?

    Something I've been doing the last couple of months, initially as an aid to metabolism and fat burning, is to have a long, HOT soak in the tub after working out. But thinking about it more... You know when you're exposed to cold, your capillaries close and blood flow is restricted from going to...
  14. W

    Further Observations On Bulking And Cutting...

    I meant maintaining muscle /lean mass on a cut...not "maintaining a cut" :) Convert protein to energy... Which may burn more calories, because it isn't efficient, but why would you "waste" expensive protein for fuel (in a low carb scenario) and not utilize it for growth and repair,what it's best...
  15. W

    Further Observations On Bulking And Cutting...

    I've upped my bench and my deadlift while in this current deficit. :). Not strange for me! Lol But I do notice a difference in strength from my current 140-160g of carbs to my normal 280-300g. Everything else just gets the same workout for now. As far as carbs, if you're doing full-body...
  16. W

    Further Observations On Bulking And Cutting...

    Sure, you'll get an insulin response.... But then what? What are you shuttling off to your depleted muscles other than protein?? Not sure what you mean," still be more effective and still replenish"..? Do you mean just a protein shake after workout? This is maybe why you have trouble...
  17. W

    Further Observations On Bulking And Cutting...

    You're not understanding it... Lol You are NOT cutting carbs. You are timing your carbs post workout to replenish, which is correct. You go carbless during the day, just fat and protein and BCAA's (to prevent catabolic state) Protein is needed for muscle growth, of course but without carbs...
  18. W

    Further Observations On Bulking And Cutting...

    Carb Back loading.... Google it.
  19. W

    Further Observations On Bulking And Cutting...

    A few things... So, I've been dialing down the calories all this year... The last time I SD 'ed was last year, I think.... Been working in the 8 to 12 rep range all this year. Steady weight except it I feel a strain then I'll reduce weight and climb back up again in subsequent workouts...
  20. W

    Cutting with HST

    The cardio is helping... As you can see the 1 month trend of my weight. The days I don't do CBL (weekends) my losing trend reverse like clock work! But since adding cardio, the trend is still downwards.