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  1. F

    How is this log?

    dont understand are these your rep maxes 15 10 5 Legs Reps:15 Sets Weight Squats 1 67.5 80 95 Leg Press 2 105-110 140 165 Chest Incline Press 1 50-55 Dec 65 Inc 70-75 Dips 2 5 20 32.5 Back Pulldowns 2 130-140 10 17.5 20...
  2. F

    Help me make my 8 rep range work...

    when you say 15s did nothing for you, in what way did it do nothing for you..
  3. F

    My HST Routine

    Squat x 2 Bent Over BB Row x 1-2 Leg Curl x 1 Chins x 1-2 Incline DB Press x 1-2 Shrug x 1-2 Dips x 1-2 Calves & rear delt x 2 Curls & Tri press & Ab's x 1 try it like this :D
  4. F

    ? on Load for experts

    or just make the increaments very small ..over a couple of cycles :D
  5. F

    Alternatives to free weights

    ive never heard of anyone doing this frank but i suppose if you can make the ressistance harder on this machine then why not..start on the lowest level do the 15s then go higher and do the 10s and so on after 8wks take an sd and start again...good luck :D
  6. F

    Finished setting up my RM's - SD here I come!

    also remember when you get to the 5s it will probably take longer..and i would drop the leg press you have squats..good luck :D
  7. F

    testosterone studys

    A Scientific Analysis of Over-the-Counter Testosterone Boosters Posted on 30 October 2005 at 13:57:11 i found this on another site and thought it might be of some intrest. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Scientific Analysis of...
  8. F

    PWD- How Soon you drink it?

    i use 2 tablespoons full of glucose :D
  9. F

    Primer and Driver in UK?

    you can order them on here click on products at the top.
  10. F

    Totally discouraged by HST

    as noobie dont have to do 15s,you could start with 8s for 2wks 5s 2 or 3wks negs 2wks sd and start again :D
  11. F

    I made a mistake!! I need help Please :)

    jey p you should have really done an sd before you started .but that is will make better gains on your next cycle AFTER YOU SD..good luck :D
  12. F

    Personal Question - Need some advice

    your heart and lungs are muscles and like all other muscles need exercise,as fausto says just go to the doctor to find out if you have heart problems,not for training advice..cardio will build your heart and lungs best..but get a medical first let us know how you go on good luck :D
  13. F

    Training legs only whit HST... results

    when you used to walk into any gym years ago and ask how do i get big always got the same reply do heavy squats..maybe they were right or maybe jvroig is right about doing compounds only :D
  14. F

    Totally discouraged by HST

    (quote)Or it could be from possibly taking the advice of some on the forum advising to drop isolation exercises for arms.  But once again we don't know until you tell us more specifics. thehamma i take it you dont agree with dropping isos hamma. i am doing that this cycle on the 5s so will let...
  15. F

    I made a mistake!! I need help Please :)

    do 2wks of 5s 2wks of negs..(or continue with 5s) total 6wks take another sd and start with the 15s..good luck :D
  16. F

    repping out on the 15s

    no colby..vanilla hst but repping out on the 15s 1st set maybe first wk of tens as well..but dropping arm isos in the 5s :D
  17. F

    Genetic Potential

    also viator did a lot of other types of training before hit to get to that jester says dont touch it :D
  18. F

    Personal Question - Need some advice

    go and see a doctor..
  19. F

    Help making a womans routine

    i think the only way to lose muscle is not use it but that may be difficult with far as a workout just for fitness what about just doing a 3day fullbody workout 2 sets of 10 very little rest between sets..a bit like a circuit.. :D
  20. F

    Order to do exericses.

    it all depends on what you are doing..on squats mine is about 20k between each one :D