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  1. C

    Routine Review

    It looks great... possibly do some static holds, pulsing, and/or partials once you hit the 5's. <div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I see I started a mini-revolution with the Comp+iso workout 5x week.</div> Faustonian cycle... I DUBBED THE NAME!! I do like the idea of...
  2. C

    Weight loss plateau/minimal results

    <div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"> I started at 12-13% body fat and I am now at 8%.</div> While losing 6 lbs... I would be ecstatic. I am currently cutting (starting my 4th cycle next week) and my goal is 8% - at 12% right now. Hopefully I can put myself on track and get...
  3. C

    am/pm spilts

    My AM/PM splits are similar WO's... example is squats in the AM, leg press in the PM... I also do isolation &quot;full-body&quot; workouts another two days a week.
  4. C

    Do I need SD for this cycle ?

    <div> (Totentanz @ Mar. 01 2006,17:06)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Every new person asks this and every time people tell them that they will likely get better results if they SD beforehand... but you know what? If you don't want to, then don't. The 15s could serve as a...
  5. C

    3rd Cycle Results

    <div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Post some pics when you get chance!</div> Ahh, I knew that question was gonna pop up eventually... I'll post them in the summer when I am cut up.
  6. C

    What am I doing wrong?

    Lower the # of exercises/volume... Try something like this: <div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"> Leg press Deadlifts Calf-raises Chest dips Incline Dumbbell Press Lat Pulldown Dumbbell Rows Shrugs Dumbbell Shoulder Press </div> The # of sets shouldn't be set in stone...
  7. C

    What day does it start getting hard for you??

    I make sure every day is tough (i.e. add volume on the earlier days of a mesocycle)
  8. C

    3rd Cycle Results

    206.5 at 13.3
  9. C

    3rd Cycle Results

    I couldn't find my old thread that described my routine.. (I am on a different computer and I don't have the bookmark) Anywho, I just completed my cycle over a week early due to turning 21 and getting sick afterwards. The idea of the cycle for those who don't know was to do compounds on MWF with...
  10. C

    What am I doing wrong?

    It also could be glycoen stores and water that causes your measurements to be different. That is why I average out my measurements every week. I take it you have no bf% readings. If you lose too much weight (over 1.5 lbs a week), then you will be sacrificing muscle. I aim for .5 lbs of fat a...
  11. C


    I was doing 5x 270 this past cycle, but I am taking (JW Bond's?) advice and treating legs (squats, presses, curls, extensions, and deadlifts) with higher rep phases (20-15-10) in my next cycle.
  12. C

    20 min. bike ride before and after workout ok?

    I run to the gym (almost a mile), and I still get good leg workouts... your legs are used to the unloaded work you put on them everyday. It's good to get your blood flowing before your WO anyways.
  13. C

    Morning Training v Evening Training

    All good tips.. just make sure you have the carbs in you.
  14. C

    Re-doing maxes again, etc...

    Usually? High rep stages I will do 4-5 sets in the 1st week and 3-4 sets in the 2nd week where as for the 5's and negs I start off with 3 sets and then I do 2 sets in the 2nd week. I do as much as I can more or less.
  15. C

    Happy B'day

  16. C

    Re-doing maxes again, etc...

    I treat my abs like any other muscle in an HST cycle. I do a few sets of pulley crunches as my exercise of choice. I am trying to get rid of the gut first before I care that much about abs.
  17. C

    Custumized HST Scheme

    Daxie, Great to see your posting again - haven't heard from you in awhile. I like the exercise selection and the use of partials. I still haven't used partials during negatives and I probably won't do it until this summer. Luckily I have some RM #'s from last spring when I was doing Power...
  18. C

    am pm workouts

    AM/PM splits are great although I have had a tough time of keeping up with them during the 5's and negs.
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    1 week of 10's, 2 weeks of 5's... then drink.. I mean, SD .. or SP My spring break is over a week away - can't f-in wait.
  20. C

    My 1st cycle results *with pics*

    As I mentioned in the Sticky... AWESOME RESULTS MAN!