Well, after 3 months of mostly PL type work, heavy and losing ground, I gained a little bit more lately by hitting the reps.
I've been on a rotation: chest and tri's one day, back and bi's two days later, legs two days after that. Each workout was a blitz of near HIT, which I didn't use to believe in and still don't- entirely. It was just FUN!
But my 405 squat went down to 365...deads went down from 425 to 385 for a few reps...so I went on a new cycle with the same plan; chestday, back, legs, but not always a day off between. I've joined a cheaper gym with my wife (fitness 19 - $9/mo) and my highrep work is heavier than most of the guys maxes in there. But I've found a few big dogs to work with and had my best day EVER yesterday for chest with a partner of equal strength. Funny working out with an audience while doing 15 rep sets! Buncha squirrels with goggly eyes!
Chest day -
Incline DB's
DB heavy flyes or alternate pec dec, usually with stack
wide grip weighted dips
Skulls or standing BTH cambered bar presses for tri's
cable pressdowns
two-bench back dips with loaded barbell across lap (cambered works best)
inclined pushups, narrow and wide, one set each.
Back day
Pendlay's, sh*t-heavy or alternate cable pulls, rigid and heavy as possible (pull stack; make back!)
reversed pec dec or inclined 45 degree reverse flyes. You go up to an inclined bench with db's in hand (25lb warmup to 55's) and lay against it like you're gonna hunch it, let the db's hang down and raise them to head level at 10 and 2 o'clock.
weighted pullups
weighted chins (transgressing into bi's here)
DB curls or cambered curls, all heavy
crossover machine curls to ears
Oh Crap day
Squats first. Now training for wide stance, working bottom doubles.
Deads on alternate workouts
leg extension machine, up to stack
SLDL's - surprisingly heavy now...put bar on curl stand and start at top, bounce bar off floor for reps...up to 385 so far, now repping out 315. Weird.
Alternate - hypers with loaded BB in arms. Totally freaks out the squirrels.
BB power shrugs, moderate to heavy
3-5 min. breaks if I need or am talking to someone. Don't believe sweat or fatigue builds anything. Occasionally do a max-stim set, usually with a trainee.
Improvements not great, still fat, but am almost 56, so I guess it's all good. Last blood test gave me almost 400ng/dl testosterone, low, but liveable. Heart ejection factor (I may have mentioned this) is at 67 up from 30%.
Life coulda been worse...