2 month SD and return to BB

Thus far I have single legged SLDL's, single arm db work, pushups of all types, sissy squats, possibly hypers with heels under the wheels, and pullups and chinups using the load locks across the inside of the trailer.
Haven't figured out rows, dips, or ?
Wow, never heard of those things: perfect.
No, I'm not about to take TessieTalksalot along to bug me. Trucking is hard enough as is.
You might want to look into some kettlebell training also.  I've never been a big fan of them, but they seem to be growing in popularity. Donnie Thompson uses them quite a bit.  Might be pretty good for on the road training.  Supposed to be pretty easy on the joints.

You have always came across (even though I have never met you) as a real cool dude!

I wish you all the best and I hope trucking or construction works out for you soon!
Thinking of bodyweight exersizes when trucking, I stayed lifting heavy for 3 months too long; my prehire was frozen since no drivers are quitting anymore and freight is down.
So I lost strength and maybe size. Two weeks ago I droppe dthe poundage and repped at 15-20, graduating down to 10-15 reps now and dropping slowly.
Staying heavy in traps because anything under 315 feels way too light and it seems like all anyone mentions is my "goldbergs" on my shoulders. Arms back to 16-1/2 + doing lots of iso's for fun. They've almost stayed there, going down to 16 for a while at the worst.
I'm at 213-215 lbs. now.
Quad, mammoth arms and shoulders. What exercises are you doing for the latter? Good development all around. Agree with Joe, you look the best that I can remember from your pics.
Well, after 3 months of mostly PL type work, heavy and losing ground, I gained a little bit more lately by hitting the reps.
I've been on a rotation: chest and tri's one day, back and bi's two days later, legs two days after that. Each workout was a blitz of near HIT, which I didn't use to believe in and still don't- entirely. It was just FUN!
But my 405 squat went down to 365...deads went down from 425 to 385 for a few reps...so I went on a new cycle with the same plan; chestday, back, legs, but not always a day off between. I've joined a cheaper gym with my wife (fitness 19 - $9/mo) and my highrep work is heavier than most of the guys maxes in there. But I've found a few big dogs to work with and had my best day EVER yesterday for chest with a partner of equal strength. Funny working out with an audience while doing 15 rep sets! Buncha squirrels with goggly eyes!
Chest day -
Incline DB's
DB heavy flyes or alternate pec dec, usually with stack
wide grip weighted dips
Skulls or standing BTH cambered bar presses for tri's
cable pressdowns
two-bench back dips with loaded barbell across lap (cambered works best)
inclined pushups, narrow and wide, one set each.
Back day
Pendlay's, sh*t-heavy or alternate cable pulls, rigid and heavy as possible (pull stack; make back!)
reversed pec dec or inclined 45 degree reverse flyes. You go up to an inclined bench with db's in hand (25lb warmup to 55's) and lay against it like you're gonna hunch it, let the db's hang down and raise them to head level at 10 and 2 o'clock.
weighted pullups
weighted chins (transgressing into bi's here)
DB curls or cambered curls, all heavy
crossover machine curls to ears
Oh Crap day
Squats first. Now training for wide stance, working bottom doubles.
Deads on alternate workouts
leg extension machine, up to stack
SLDL's - surprisingly heavy now...put bar on curl stand and start at top, bounce bar off floor for reps...up to 385 so far, now repping out 315. Weird.
Alternate - hypers with loaded BB in arms. Totally freaks out the squirrels.
BB power shrugs, moderate to heavy

3-5 min. breaks if I need or am talking to someone. Don't believe sweat or fatigue builds anything. Occasionally do a max-stim set, usually with a trainee.
Improvements not great, still fat, but am almost 56, so I guess it's all good. Last blood test gave me almost 400ng/dl testosterone, low, but liveable. Heart ejection factor (I may have mentioned this) is at 67 up from 30%.

Life coulda been worse...

(quadancer @ May 21 2009,9:35)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Deborah only lets me have just so much.</div>
Gotta get what you can Big Man.

You're looking great, esp. for an almost-56 year old! Good to hear that your Debs is training too.

Are you doing any additional stuff at home or do you leave it all at the gym?
The only thing at home is occasional face pulls (25lbs. x 25 reps for burn) and some cardio. We were given a LifeFitness elliptical that is every bit as good as the ones at the gym. It rocks!
I'm enjoying the guys at the gym more and more...a few bigger dogs jump in with me, and ask a lot of questions...and everyone wants to know how to grow traps like mine! I'm beginning to think that's all I have, is traps!
Anyway, I show them power shrugs and leave it at that. If they don't wanna go heavy, it's their problem. I have no idea how some grow traps pulling 60 lb. db's.
I have no clue on posing, but I took a few shots to get the traps in, so you'd have an idea.
I found that flexing them isn't as good as relaxing.
Amen on the shrugs!

It's kinda of funny watching them do those things and then they wonder!

Or they bend their arms so much doing heavier stuff that's its almost a curl!
Needing a deload of sorts, I decided to try Mark Crain's &quot;Extreme Deadlift&quot; system. Every workout is the same for 16 weeks, just adding ten lbs to everything. It was set up for a 620 lb. max, so I reworked it to 75%, which would bring me out at 465, up from my 425 double of last year. I just did the second week workout and again, I had to work out legs AFTER doing the routine, because it's just too easy. Here's the second set of numbers:
325x5 wide (I assume he means stance)
285x5 narrow
245x5 Wide Box
210x5 Narrow Box
The box is harder than I thought, had to get a 4&quot; one to stand on because of the extreme reach and weakness found there. Should make the pull outta the hole stronger though. And that's my weak link. If I can get it to mid shin, it's coming up.
He also advocates a slight dip of the butt just before the pull in the sumo stance. That alone brought my strength up, making the hips do all the initial pushing.
All in all, this is only about a 25 minute workout. Not even a pump so far.
He gives no instructions with this, so don't ask. I'm doing alternate SLDL's and good mornings (real heavy in the smith machine) as supplementary moves, and a leg press, but I'm not sure I'm even supposed to be doing that. I hope Steve chimes in here and gives me some pointers.
Dead program is nearing my old 2rm of 425 - I struggled a bit with 415 yesterday.
Last week saw a 145lb. cambered bar curl, matching my old max.
Today saw a 335lb. bench, 10 lbs. short of my old max.

I dunno what's going on, but I'm gonna keep on doin' it.
I think it's the Wendy's food!

Those face pulls I do at the end of each workout? Started with 10 lbs x 25 for one set, now up to 45 x 25 for two sets. Nice burns, but it's taking some weight to do it.
Shoulder is still messed up, but they're helping a lot. I think I have to thank big Steve for that one.
I've gone back to benching as I said, and now doing a little delt work again. I'm enjoying front laterals with db's up to 65lbs., swinging up and overhead, and it feels very good.
The gym squirrels give me a lot of room -

You look good, the gut will go away, specially if you cut down on calories just a little, the downfall with SD when we carry on eatingt as if we're still in the game, is exactly the building of a little boop.

Don't worry I carry one too, albeit small it is there and I seriously hate it!

But overall you still look good and the gut will go away!
Thanks, ol' bud, I think I could eliminate it if looks were the higher priority, but I do tend to lose a lot of muscle when I cut, and strength is my present hobby, so at 56 I'm allowing my paunch to precede my chest entering a room.
I'm gettin all kinds of pr's now and coming soon and I don't want to botch that. I'm 216lbs today, and despite the squirrels sayin' &quot;no way is he gonna lift that&quot;, I pulled a 355 lb. strict pendlay today, then repped the heck out of 315 for a while.
I wasn't trying to bring up the bench; just getting back into it, so I'm quite surprised at how fast it came up, after just playing with db's. Our gym only has 100's, so that chased me over to the bar.
The 17.5's aren't hurting my feelings either!
So basically, while work is fairly easy and some days are short (and I make the gym quite often) I'm running this out to see where it goes, especially the Deads.
Don't get me wrong, but I hardly see the paunch entering the room first!

Now about the strength and nutrition, there is another avenue, Berardi tried it and succeeded, he went vegetarian for a while and still picked up. On the other hand if you had to drop say 300 calories p/day you wouldn't even noticed 'em!

What do you do for cardio anyway? Most of us, meself included end up forgetting to use this vary valuable tool in our toolbox, and end up getting all caught up in the barbels!

56 or not, I think you can achieve it, just think of how proud you'd be!

I just love getting the mickey out of some youngsters, they just can't believe this &quot;topie&quot; can move some amazing weight for his size!