Well, the O&G routine slowly transformed into more PL type stuff. 3 workouts/wk, one chest, one back, one legs. My strengths are in PR range again, weight down a bit to 210, and I keep feeling like my conditioning really is tanking; I've noticed my breath getting up lately a lot as I've gone from sets of 5 to just sets of 10. (letting joints catch up)
Chest day: Incline Db's 3 working sets
Decline Db's or bar, 3 sets
Flat flyes or pec deck or crossovers, 3 sets
Flat Db presses, 3 sets
Back Day:
Pendlays, 3 sets
Pullups, weighted heavy, 2 sets
Chinups, weighted heavy, 2-3 sets
Shrugs, shitheavy for reps over 6, 4 sets
Leg Day:
Squats, 3 sets
Deads, 3 sets
Extensions, 3 sets
...recently added...
leg press, 2 sets
SLDL's, 3 sets
I got a bit unmotivated in my sunroom gym and wound up joining Bally's (wish I'd spent a bit more and hit Gold's instead) just for a change and some fun. It's great warming up with people's maxes who are your size or larger. The yuppies leave me alone.
...I dread a return to HST: I'll have to get in shape just to do it!