TBH, I thought I was rigidly in form on just about all my exersizes except for depth in bench...but in only two workouts with this many reps at a medial weight, I've noticed that my squat stance is now virtually with all the weight on the heels and something feels different allready. Then I recall that in the few times I've failed squatting, I ALWAYS fell forward. When I first started, I stood only on my toes.
Bench I'm taking advantage of the lighter weights and doing a full second pause on the chest for every rep. If this doesn't build hole strength, I don't know what will.
Deads I couldn't possibly hone any tighter, since that's what I've been doing for the last year. But if I get a surprise with the 3x3, I'll take it. Steve got inches.
I'll take that too!
I expect that this program will be best as is for PL'ing, but to keep the traps, lats, and biceps, I'm thinking of a myo rep set for each on the third w.o. - just before the 2 day rest, you see? But I'm big enough now to leave it as is, as long as I don't lose anything.
Aug 25 - changed my mind and did myorep chins then power shrugs up to 455 for reps. This program really feels like you haven't done anything, and I doubt doing these will hurt, since it's before the "weekend" off.
Aug 28 - Weight increase not noticed on legs; bench comes near fail in the last 2 sets on last reps. Finally.
Aug 30 - used rubber shelf liner on bench and tightened up arch; had to add a bit of weight, got "stronger".
Aug 31 - wt. suddenly hits 221. OOOPTH!