2 month SD and return to BB

Hey Quad,

That's a pretty mean Pendlay Row. How do your weighted chins compare? I think my max chin is comparatively stronger than my max row but I haven't tried for a while. I'd like them to be pretty much on a par with each other. To compare, I take bw+added weight for chins and just the weight on the bar for rows. Not exact, but not a mile out either.
Cardio? What's that?

...ooooohhh, you mean sex. Now and then.

I haven't tried max chins or pullups, but I can do a few reps with a 100lb db behind the knee fairly strict. I usually do them for reps with around 60lbs.
The really fun thing is my alternate rows:
Cable rows with medium grip, up to the whole stack plus all six of their 5lb. helper weights on it. About 315 or 320 for reps. Their beady little eyes really bug out then, because I've always done them totally strict, and these guys usually do that sweeping boat-rowing thing with like 50lbs or so.
I have no idea WHAT it is they're trying to work there.

One thing I hate about this gym is they have NO straight chinning bar...both the crossover and the power rack have 3 sets of odd-angled handles, so if I want to do straight grip (where I'm strongest), I have to do cable pulldowns. Here again, the stack with helper weights. It's hard to get down and under the quad pads, so my trainee pushes down on my shoulders when I dive in.
Unfortunately, I've not seen any more lat growth this year.
I'm not sure what I need to do instead.
Maybe I need to do the boat rows.
Dead program is working: new PB of 430 today; went up like a toy, but I'll wait it out and finish properly. I think Ricky knows what he's talking about here, and I think I'll easily get the 460 I set for a goal. Maybe more.
He also wrote a great bench program, but it has two w/o a week, and I don't know if I can fit that in. It's more like a 5x5 then a 4x4 religion.
I think I'm getting it now. There was a big jump from 325 to 390 that had me worried, the 390 being a hard pull, but 420 next got me an easy 435 top lift.
Every session I could pull more, but he's keeping me below my actual new maxes. It's fun getting a PR EVERY session now! WHOOOPAH!

Then I got crazy and did myoreps for the rest of the session.
Very CAR-DEE-YO man!
Joined the 350 club today, with a gym rat lift - a little unhappy with my depth. Should go deep next week or so. Myo's last week didn't hurt strength at all!
For some reason I'm now doing the stack, some helper weights and 10 rep sets on the pec deck that I could just get the stack x 8 last month. I suspect it's those sneaky Myo's bringing up my conditioning.
Saturday I have to pull 442 for deads. Now how in heck am I gonna find a couple of 1lb. weights?
That's a nice bit of benching Quad. Big congrats. I don't even dare dream about a 350 bench yet. All the best with the deads too. I've still got you there but not for long. Think you'll get the 500 before I do now as it'll be a while before I'm all fixed up and ready to rock again.
Yeah, well you have an excuse; I don't!

Thurs: Tried speed squats today with sets of 225x3, then tried some box squats for the first time. 275 was hard to stand up after the speed stuff, and it will take some practice I think to get technique down. Abs are now delightfully sore from those crunchy machines.
455 went up like a peeenut today...so jumped a week up and pulled 460 and I think I'm gonna just keep on goin'.
I'm sure I haven't hit a plateau yet, but will have to make up my own program from here out - the 16weeks is done. 425 to 460 - not bad gains at all I tink.
Got Myo bench day done and today hit my second squat day in a very long time. It was an ME day and I failed at 365 trying to keep things really deep, so I did some rep-and-a-half squats doubled at the bottom and some 225 box squats.
I expected to be weak after so long off, and it was so. Deadlift strength evidently doesn't carry over to squat, at least not directly.
Did some hyper sets with 130 in my hands, shrugs up to 455, and 10rm machine crunches - then followed Ricky's advice and got out of there. No BB routine here!
I'm enjoying adding in the abwork (so my gut gets bigger...whatever) as the strengths come up. But they need a bigger stack on that machine, I swear!
Curses. VA got me on some antidepressant called Citalopram Hydrobromide and it's built up nausea and fatigue (which is what we're trying to overcome) to the point of my deads failing out badly, possibly squats, SLDL's felt heavy at only 315 and I quit after that, skipping rows.
I'm giving up the pills. Not acceptable.  
I also quit my job. I figure it's less stress looking for work than taking crumbs while doing all the work. Anyone need a remodeler?
Night edit: hit some painkillers and milk, went back to the gym and did pretty well. Pendlays up to 335, chinups with 45, 55, and 60 lb. db's x 10. Full stack pulldowns for dessert and 60 lb. face pulls x 25 for a couple sets.
A big improvement over the way I felt earlier. Oh, and I'd sucked down big gulps of apple cider vinegar before the workout to neutralize acids.
Nasty burps there.
Now studying Korte 3x3 plans and Faleev's simplified lifting system. Might do the Korte soon, as I need a change anyway. That, or I'm still feeling weak from the chemicals.

Aug.21- took a thermo and hit the gym for the first Korte w.o. - That's a lot of reps, no doubt. Wasn't very hard after being used to heavy singles for so long. I'll see as the weight comes up, although it's a lot of the same weight throughout. 3 exersizes, with partner and weight changes for him, one hour.
Aug.22-OUCH! DOMS galore! There's something to all this volume.
Aug.23-Hit it again and removed all DOMS, despite pain. Read Sci's log on the 3x3 with close scrutiny to Steve's run with it, and I'm inspired to complete.
(quadancer @ Aug. 20 2009,8:19)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Now studying Korte 3x3 plans and Faleev's simplified lifting system. Might do the Korte soon, as I need a change anyway.</div>
I very much enjoyed (okay, how about &quot;survived&quot;) my own shot at Korte's 3x3. It might suit you to a T.
TBH, I thought I was rigidly in form on just about all my exersizes except for depth in bench...but in only two workouts with this many reps at a medial weight, I've noticed that my squat stance is now virtually with all the weight on the heels and something feels different allready. Then I recall that in the few times I've failed squatting, I ALWAYS fell forward. When I first started, I stood only on my toes.

Bench I'm taking advantage of the lighter weights and doing a full second pause on the chest for every rep. If this doesn't build hole strength, I don't know what will.
Deads I couldn't possibly hone any tighter, since that's what I've been doing for the last year. But if I get a surprise with the 3x3, I'll take it. Steve got inches.
I'll take that too!  

I expect that this program will be best as is for PL'ing, but to keep the traps, lats, and biceps, I'm thinking of a myo rep set for each on the third w.o. - just before the 2 day rest, you see? But I'm big enough now to leave it as is, as long as I don't lose anything.
Aug 25 - changed my mind and did myorep chins then power shrugs up to 455 for reps. This program really feels like you haven't done anything, and I doubt doing these will hurt, since it's before the &quot;weekend&quot; off.
Aug 28 - Weight increase not noticed on legs; bench comes near fail in the last 2 sets on last reps. Finally.
Aug 30 - used rubber shelf liner on bench and tightened up arch; had to add a bit of weight, got &quot;stronger&quot;.
Aug 31 - wt. suddenly hits 221. OOOPTH!
Half my joints are beginning to hurt; I'm going back on the glucosamine since the elbow is losing it. Trying to get the bar down on the back is killing me, but not as much as the trap pain...which is slightly diminishing, as I practice walkouts.
I'm adding static stretching twice a day too, for the shoulders. I don't think I'll make it through the Korte if I don't.
DAYUM, I'm gettin' fat! Heehee!
OH SHEET! I just noticed I can see through my HAIR in back! NOT GOOD! NOT GOOD!
First bench set today ripped something in the anterior right deltoid. Wasn't unbearable, so I went and did all 8 sets with a longer rest between. Ibuprofin and ice now; I'll know in 2 days wether or not I can continue. Only 245 lbs. bench too. I don't know how I did it.
Wider grip squats helped the trap problem a lot, but hit virgin territory. Deads were stupid easy at 285 again. I can jump in the air with that.
skipped tues. workout and trained today, thurs., allowing the elbow to heal up a bit and get the kitchen done I'm working on.
Bench stunk: had trouble getting reps with only 245 and dropped to 230 for the last set.
Squats went wonderfully! Getting used to the wide grip, and the bar down on the shelf. Guy a sometimes spot with said I' was really low and looking real good, so the retraining is working. Sadly, I'm squatting my bench right now, but as the back toughens up and the hip spread gets in line, they should come on up, but for now I'm just going to 360, same as my bench.
Great thing is, I have almost no pain if I get the bar set right and scrunch the scaps together properly...with the light weights here. Next month will tell if I'm developing scar tissue or not.
Oh, and get your thumbs off from around the bar. That bar isn't going anywhere, and a thumbless grip helps to tighten up your shoulders and makes for a better muscle &quot;shelf&quot; to seat the bar.
Ya know, oddly enough, I haven't even ever thought of it! I guess I just got the habit of thumbing from when I was up on the traps and using the manta ray. I might get lower going thumbless, but I've hit the good spot with the wider grip as it is.

If 315 is your deadlift, it means you'll be squatting it soon!
SUPER workout today after 9 hours forced sleep. The 245 that stalled me last w/o felt like a little stick today, so I paused all 6 reps of all 8 sets on the chest to make it harder.
Before that, I did Tunnel Rat's suggestion of squatting thumbless. I seemed not to get any deeper with the bar, but it re-angled the wrists a bit and took a little strain off the elbow, but it's still in the hurt locker - so much so that walking out 405 felt good. And that's the first time I've EVER been able to stand that much on the back.
I have either pulled a tendon or pinched a nerve in the elbow.
9/13/09 - OF ALL THE STOOPID THINGS...! They say I have a cluster of blisters on my spine - right about where the bar sits! Supposedly an insect bite (I'm in the woods a bit) but I wonder if it's not the bar doing it. I'm thinking of Anbesol or one of the toothache gels for tomorrow's squats. Or bite on a piece of leather or something, I dunno.
9/14 -the walkouts will have to wait, and I'm back to wrapping the bar with a thin shelf liner. What I thought was bugbites, having a cluster of blisters on one side, turns out to be raked skin from the bar!!!
The good news is that the last workout saw no pain in the &quot;shelf&quot; muscles, or I just couldn't tell with the pain from the skin. Once this heals and hardens up, I expect it will be a world of difference. Also there is no abrasion over the spine itself, so it is evidently being protected.
It would be nice to focus on driving a squat rather than how much it's probably gonna hurt!