2 month SD and return to BB

Two things I hadn't thought of much. I'd been taking one cap in the morning and one prior to working out to maximize the strength I was lacking, which finally happened, but as I said, it was probably the 'drol that was causing the weakness at first.
The back cramps also started yesterday along with the strength coming back, so I'm not entirely sure if SD is only an 8 hour run - they may or may not be an indicator of effects, but I'm also needing less sleep and sorta feel like working out daily - good thing I'm splitting.
The other thing is IF. I've been studying so much on the lowcarb issue lately I'd been sidetracked away from the IF idea and haven't looked much into it yet. My first fears of this method is of course catabolism from fasting, having been indoctrinated for so long on the 6-8 meal-a-day regime. My tummy thinks to too! OTOH, I think it would be safer on the body than the Keto diets whilst using SD to keep gains. That might be too much shock and a bit risky on the heart. I thought I'd talk to my doctor about it, but I probably allready know more than him. Nothing new here.
Dan has already posted the info that pretty much blows away fears of muscle loss during a 16 hour fast, but... let's assume you do lose a little bit of muscle mass. You are going to be losing fat during the fast to, remember. Anyway, after training, when you will be taking in all your calories, the PS response will be high enough that you should be able to gain back whatever protein you lost during the 16 hour fast and also gain some extra - assuming adequate protein intake, of course.
Ahhh I'm an idiot: I was redirected back to that very thread from the straddling the fence thread and realized I'd skimmed the thread, saved the websites, and never got back to read them. You're right, Dan DID line me out, but I forgot. I don't believe the part about "not being hungry" though!
At least you and some of the guys I've known for so long have tried it, and it shouldn't be TOO much torture once I get used to it. Simple too.
Wisselj (sp) emailed me an easy way to do the keto, or almost keto deal when I get ready to try that, but I'll probably use that for bulking next time.
Ate a big breakfast I shouldn't have, sat on this computer working all day and hit the gym on a shake, high pro/lowcarb. (malto/dex)
225 WU, 245x5, 265x4, 275x4 (1rep more than last), 305 x 1.5 (gotta count the effort!)
225x5, 245x5, 275x5, 295x4, 315x2...not too sure of the height of last "rep". Felt good, so went and played with some BW chins and 100x10 curl sets, then face pulls.
I doubt strength may come up much again soon so may do alternates next w.o.
I'm just happy I'm in the 300's again. Should be interesting to see how the starvation workouts go. I'm getting my courage up...maybe with some thermo's for IF assist? Dunno. Right now I smell steaks cooking...
I've begun the IF diet. I'll get to hit my breakfast at 2:00PM today...if I make it that long! If I was working a physical day this would make me deathly sick I think. There must be some other way to do it on those days.
Studied a bit on it this morning. Disagree with the concepts of it regarding Paleo and some of Dr. Ean's thoughts. Alan Aragon put up a pretty good and honest pro/con article back in late '07. I trust Dan's research and this is pretty simple (yea, don't EAT! ) and if the catabolic effects are nullified and minimal to begin with as stated, my fears were unfounded.
I swear, lately it appears as though Hell has frozen over and the world has turned upside down! Next week: Pigs Fly!  
(quadancer @ Apr. 02 2008,12:13)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I've begun the IF diet. I'll get to hit my breakfast at 2:00PM today...if I make it that long! If I was working a physical day this would make me deathly sick I think. There must be some other way to do it on those days.
Studied a bit on it this morning. Disagree with the concepts of it regarding Paleo and some of Dr. Ean's thoughts. Alan Aragon put up a pretty good and honest pro/con article back in late '07. I trust Dan's research and this is pretty simple (yea, don't EAT! ) and if the catabolic effects are nullified and minimal to begin with as stated, my fears were unfounded.
I swear, lately it appears as though Hell has frozen over and the world has turned upside down! Next week: Pigs Fly!
It's tough for me at a desk job with my incredible hunger, so I imagine it'll be really tough for you Quad!

Why not ramp yourself into a full IF starting with your normal breakfast at week zero (last week for you), and pushing it back a half hour every week. I've been doing this, albeit inconsistently, and I am fasting 15 hours a day now! Even though I didn't lift for three weeks, I must say the IF is working its magic as my V-taper has all of a sudden come back in full force!
Today wasn't hard. Tomorrow though, I have to go do some work at midday...eat at about 2-3 pm....hopefully home to work out before that, but I doubt it. So I have no idea how I'm going to &quot;time&quot; my workout just before eating.
If I work out in the morning, I have to break the fast.
If I work out in the afternoon, as I may have to, I'll be out of the optimal PS period, but it's the best I'll have to work with.
Further thinking on the matter tells me that for an ordinary day, IF dieting is hard to stick that workout on the end of the fast anyway...unless you're on vacation or something. A perfect day for me would be freedom to work out early afternoon; not gonna happen during the week. Early mornings are out: I can't see going to bed hungry and I'm too old to do that anyway.
Somehow, somewhen, I'm gonna just have to buck up for a little hunger management and deal with it. Sadly, my best workouts are about 10:00 am!
I agree with you that the perfect day would be (no work) to workout in the afternoon upon waking up in the morning. This way, you get to have a full meal before your workout and an even bigger one afterwards. Most of us don't have this luxury. Maybe I should look into being retired by 40?
The way I always did it was I would work all day, get home around 5 or 6, break my fast with a protein shake, go workout and then gorge myself the rest of the night before going to bed. That worked real well for me because being at work would keep me too busy to worry about being hungry, and then I always went to bed with a full stomach which kept me from going insane.

I'm not really sure how regular your work schedule is or how well that would work for you.
My work is usually all mixed up, depending on the needs, distance, how many crews I have and what the job is.
Today I've spent time looking for info on working out while on the fast - haven't found a thing yet. I wonder what would happen if I just work out during the morning hours when I feel like it, do a shake thru the workout, and not eat for the rest of the 16 hour period...like workout at 9am or so, and not eat meals until after 1:00pm. I'd only use about 25g protein and 25 or less maltodex/dex mix. Seems to me that would be similar to the TKD method anyway, but using the technique for the IF.
My regular shake is about 100g of each.
There are people doing fasted workouts and eating later in the day instead of around the workout. I think it would be fine, as protein synthesis peaks at around 24 hours after the bout, so if you make your 8 hour eat fest just somewhere in that window, it should be okay.
sorry guys not posted for a few wks,whats all this fasted stuff
if there is a thread on it can someone point me to it cheers.

when i am on late shift i get up in the AM and train so that would be fasted,then i have a meal afterwards.

i used to worry about losing muscle,but reading some studies about digestion,it can take hours for food to digest properly infact i read a steak can lie on your stomache rotting for up to 72hrs.

plus i think after thousands of years of evolution the body probably holds stuff back just incase it needs it.
Oh, don't get me started on &quot;evolution&quot;. You're not ready for this!

IF I'm actually fatburning enough for energy after 8-10 hours will be found out this morning in my workout. I've always been carb-addicted and use a lot of carbs for a workout, so this will be ... weird at best.
This one I haven't studied yet: http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/
or a direct link: http://low-carb.org/lylemcd/
This I thought incomplete, but he's writing a book: http://www.leangains.com/
More radical and difficult: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/keto2.htm
Knock yerself out.
I'd say taters...I mean potatoes, might be the best complex carb out there.
Tot: I guess I'm gonna be a believer now. This workout matched the previous easily and I went out and moved a boatload of old rotten firewood out to the woods afterward. I guess I'm burning fat because all this energy had to come from SOMEWHERE, and I sure didn't have any carbs to burn!
225x5, 315x5, 365x1, 345x5 - nice to see my PB go up on a FAST!
225x5, 245x5, 265x4 - hit the pin and got out of line: coulda got another, 285x3, 225x10
315x10, 365x10, 405x6, 475x2; one fell short.
Skullcrushers (cambered bar)
100x10, 110x10, 140x2 -not as tuff as I thot, 123x13

I really expected this one to stink, so I'm amazed. We're SO indoctrinated.
Starvation Day 4...breakfast was at 2:00pm of a giant plate of Mongolian Beef, fried rice and veggies...about 4 lbs. that shows on my scale this afternoon. (back to 214)
BWx15, +25x10, +50x7, +50x7
BWx15, 50x10, 85x10, 100x7, 110x5
225x5, 315x5, 365x5, 405x5 - GOT that sucker!
I don't know if I'm still losing weight or not right now...but I look, uh, pumped more.
Superdrol, original formula, 10mg/20mg/eod.  I have to wonder if my numbers would be the same if I wasn't using it. Possibly, since I'm just using it to keep beef on the cut. I'd rather have test, but this was free. Thanx to you-know-who-U-R.
Nekkid weight 210 this morning. Got huge props from guys at church this sunday. One &quot;converted&quot; to IF!!!