2 month SD and return to BB

Colby - that's a very low load, almost. Next workout it would feel like nothing.
JW - no more than one or two reps I think; I'll be doing a lot of this by feel. Don't want to advance too fast and blow out, and don't want to go too slow and lose the progression tears in the muscles. I'm feeling really weak compared to where I was just a while back. Age likes to back you up fast. Flu doesn't help either.
DOMs finally easing off a bit from that first w/o. Had time to do chest and back only, and didn't feel up to doing sore legs anyway.
I only added ONE rep to the five, and could feel a lot of difference by the fourth and fifth sets. The pumps were awesome. Bench felt too easy, but rather than up the weight, I eliminated the stretch reflex using a 1-sec. pause on the chest. By the fifth set, I was barely getting that 225 up keeping my butt on the bench.
Oh, and the new bench is awesome.
Leg day yesterday saw squats again and shrugs.
That one extra rep makes so much difference, I don't see how I'll keep this up for very long before hitting clusters, but I'd rather not cluster 5 rep sets. I may either:
Do sets up to 5 until I can't get all 5 in...and just keep working that rep count until I can, or
Put an ME day in each week. I'm thinking that if I did a strength awakening day, the next w.o. would more easily accomplish the 5 sets.
Either way, I'm sure this plan is going to have a short run; it's just a lot more intense than I thought. I've added some cardio now and hope for assistance from that.
7 rep day. Just beginning to flag a bit allready; I thought this would run up some real reps first.
225 x 7, 7,6,7,5 Still pausing on the chest tho.
Incline DB press ( I've been following with dips)
42 x 7
62 x 10
DB Flyes
72 x 10, 9, 9
225 x 7, 7, 7, 7, 7 - nothing left for an alternate. Long day.
My thoughts of having an M.E. day probably isn't good: a deload day might keep me on this track longer. I'm thinking of a lighter workout for the same muscles using an alternative exersize every third workout. Maybe decline flyes, pullups, deads and good mornings. I was wondering how I was gonna get deads in there.
(quadancer @ Mar. 10 2008,22:05)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I was wondering how I was gonna get deads in there.</div>
I was wondering where your deads were.

If you don't do deads, your testicles will shrivel up and you'll have to wear spandex and eat yogurt...
Not all that excited about sex anymore and I love yogurt...
I can't take much more work...I fell out just as I was getting the groove up on this system, but 11-12 hour days took the toll. I'm finally gonna take a saturday off to rest up a bit and monday will see my last day on the project, so hope to get back at it. Legs haven't been worked in forever it seems.
Okay, hit the bed at 8:00 last nite and slept 13 hours...enough to qualify today as a training day...so here I am returning to the schedules.
Missing dead for so long I just did:
225 wu
315 x 5
315 x 5
365 x 5
365 x 5
365 x 5...instead of the 8 reps I should be on today, but I wasn't doing deads, so no training for them.
Power Shrugs
315 x 6
315 x 10
365 x 10
365 x 10
Funny little DB curls Tunnel posted about, laying facedown on an incline bench:
30 x 10
35 x 10
35 x 10
BB curls
90 x 10
90 x 10
All in all, not too bad whilst starting a cut and weight down to 208 now, after tons of stress and work and the week of the flu. I'll try chest and back tomorrow, probably just repeat the sevens.
Lately it's been stress at work, long hours, and joint problems everywhere; the Cissus isn't holding me up that well. I've been loathe to take too much flax oil or fish since I'm cutting a bit but probably need to for the joints. A funny crick has hit my inner neck area twice now to where I can't even turn my head. Deads did it this time.

I can't see how you guys gain strength on a cut; I'm getting weak as a fluffy kitten compared to where I was and was heading, so I did some tests.
Leg day deads:
225 wu
275 x 5
315 x 3
345 x 3
365 x 3
395 x 3
405 x ....that sucker welded itself to the floor!
315 x 10 so I'd feel like I'd had a workout.

Chest and back day:
225 x 5
225 x 7
245 x 5 gettin' hard?
265 x 5
265 x 7
265 x 5 quit this.

225 x 5
265 x 5
265 x 7
265 x 6 not altogether bad like the bench was.

225 x wu
315 x 7
405 x 7
405 x 10 liveable. Too tired to do anything else.
BW is just down to 207 after a short rise to 209. Need to cut carbs more I guess, but hate losing strength. I'm down to about 88% 1rm in bench. Disappointing because it was FINALLY coming up to almost 350. (345)
I'm not sure what to do here except keep reps down and weights up, skip cardio and hope for the best. At least there's one thing I'm good at: skipping cardio.
Hit the squats today. Went up to the 365 but there was NO way. I stopped short of parallell and got out before getting crushed. On the upside, bw is down to about 204 all of a sudden. Poop fluctuations I reckon.
So I just repped some 335's and then 315's. I hate this.
Focus on getting your overall health back up IMO. No good getting worn out with all the stress. Eat at maint for some days to get all the proper nutrients in place and then see if that strenght is coming back. For BW and bf%, I'd try some IF days once or twice a week (great fat loss during fast, and good nutrition and partitioning effect while overeating after workout). Evidently LBM loss doesn't happen during so short a fast so you wouldn't loose much if you should try it.
Sounds good, but will I get a partitioning effect in just a day of IF? Even I could handle just doing it now and then. I suppose I'll have to look into it.
Wow. I feel very very stoopid today.
First off, the other day my BW was down to 204 rather suddenly, which I attributed to water and crap factors. Oddly enough, my gut hasn't been going down, strength was weak as posted, and today was day 7 on a cut with SuperDrol, 10mg for the first 5 days, 20 after. Today was leg day and still mad at the squats, hit them again.
315 x 5, 335 x 5, and voila! 355 x 4, a very good set. So I decide to get the deads in.
315 WU, 365 x 5, and still mad at the 405 being welded to the floor...got in 3 reps!

So, all excited and proudlike I hit the scale which tells me I'm like 185...WTH! The main slider block has been slowly moving off it's peg to the right. Reset the zero balance and slider to find out why my gut is still so big. I'm 213.
This is what happens when you go to church picnics, home groups and eatouts. They force you to eat too much!
Just checked the arms (usually the first to go)..they're still 16-1/2. Guess I'll go do some curls for fun. Oh well.
edit: oh, I figured out the weakness too. My test is low and the SD probably shut me down at first and lowered it more, making me weak. Now the stuff is kicking in and I'm becoming me again. I may yet beat my 365 squat soon; sure felt like I coulda today.
(quadancer @ Mar. 31 2008,18:30)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">This is what happens when you go to church picnics, home groups and eatouts. They force you to eat too much!</div>
The saints all love you and want to take care of you. You just have to schedule your IF days and your refeeds to fit into the weekly round of love feasts.
Hey that's some great squatting big feller. You'll be hitting 400lb soon enough.

What actually is Superdrol? I did a quick search and it came up as a Gaspari nutrition product with 'amazing' anabolic properties.
Hey quad,

In post #82 you said, &quot;I eliminated the stretch reflex using a 1-sec. pause on the chest.&quot; Can you explain what this means. Thanks...glad to see you're feeling your strength coming back, even if you are fat. Just kidding...that darn scale
Lol &amp; Bax: I have some saved frozen original formula SD. Don't buy the new crap because you'll be disappointed. No one is saying anything good about it and all wish they could remake the old stuff. It's not really for cutting, but was suggested to me to help with my low test and tendency to lose so much mass on a cut. This time I'm working heavy lowrep with the SD cycle, so I should come out better...once I actually start losing some FAT here...
Soflsun: watch a PL video and you'll see the pause...when you don't pause, the muscles retain the loading tension (stretch) from the eccentric and it helps initiate the concentric. With a pause, your lift is pure strength, no help from the stretch.
Med Sci Sports Exerc. 1991 Mar;23(3):364-70

The effect on performance of imposing a delay during a stretch-shorten cycle movement.

Wilson GJ, Elliott BC, Wood GA.
Department of Human Movement and Recreation Studies, University of Western Australia, Nedlands.

Twelve experienced male weight lifters of varying ability completed a series of bench press lifts at 95% of maximum. These lifts included a rebound bench press, which was performed without a delay between the downward and upward components of the lift, a bench press performed without a downward phase, and two bench press movements performed with various pause periods imposed between the downward and upward phases of the lift. Force and cinematographic data were collected during each lift. The augmentation to performance derived from prior stretch was observed to decay as a function of the pause duration. This relationship was accurately described (P less than 0.01) by a negative exponential equation with a half-life of 0.85 s. The nature of this decay is discussed with reference to the implications for stretch-shorten cycle movements that are performed with a period of pause between the eccentric and concentric phases and for stretch-shorten cycle research paradigms.

PMID: 2020276 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]MattW
Resident Scientific Expert
(quadancer @ Mar. 31 2008,22:03)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Lol &amp; Bax: I have some saved frozen original formula SD. Don't buy the new crap because you'll be disappointed. No one is saying anything good about it and all wish they could remake the old stuff.</div>
Thanks for the info Quad!
(quadancer @ Mar. 31 2008,17:30)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Squats 355 x 4
I may yet beat my 365 squat soon; sure felt like I coulda today.</div>
very solid squatting. impressive.
(quadancer @ Mar. 28 2008,19:53)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Sounds good, but will I get a partitioning effect in just a day of IF? Even I could handle just doing it now and then. I suppose I'll have to look into it.</div>
If you were planning to do IF and you still have some of the original Superdrol, what I would recommend is breaking your fast with a preworkout protein shake. Hit the weights good and hard, then with your postworkout shake or meal, take your Superdrol. I don't remember the active life of Superdrol but most orals are around 8 hours, so I'm sure it's in that area somewhere. If you take it right after lifting, you should be able to maximize the PS response to training, which should improve the effects of the IF.

If you don't think you could maintain the IF schedule on a day to day basis, then I would just do it monday through friday.