2 month SD and return to BB

I thought you were heavier than 216 quad. As far as your chest development is concerned, your carpenter abs seem to get in the way.
(scientific muscle @ Jan. 20 2008,23:08)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">There's nothing more hardcore than a home gym!
Most gyms just don't cater to really strong dudes.</div>
? ? ? ? ? ?
your not going the the right &quot;gyms&quot;.
(bluejacket @ Jan. 22 2008,13:06)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(scientific muscle @ Jan. 20 2008,23:08)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Most gyms just don't cater to really strong dudes.</div>
your not going the the right &quot;gyms&quot;.</div>
I dunno, I think Sci may have a point. There's not much of a line for the squat rack at my gym. I usually have it all to myself (except for the occasional guy doing his curls there...).
while thats a good point and may be true ..........im not sure how that speaks to being &quot;hardcore&quot; or &quot;catering to really strong dudes&quot;.
'carpenter abs'...heheheh.

I think many gyms have the equipment as far as getting in shape goes, but often I've had to put db's on stacks or pin a 45 to it; it's just who they're made for - regular guys.
Hardcore? To me, that says squat racks, chalk, multiple benches, tons of weights and trees, all the freeweight goodies, chains and a floor that can handle it. But some gyms have stuff like this now and won't let you 'work it'...and I've been in gyms that didn't have PL stuff, but had the rest, and guys were getting large in there, even using machines.
I feel sorry for anyone who can't really bust it at their local pit. I got admonished by a 'roidmonster once for not putting collars on my bar: an old habit of controlling the weight while having an escape clause. Other than that I've been very picky what gym I joined. Sit and watch in a gym on friday night for a couple hours before you join. If they put on some Pantera and hit the chalk box on the way to the squat rack, you're probably home!
The decision is made not to seek out assistance at this time. Instead I bought Coach Hale's book, &quot;Knowledge and Nonsense&quot; which looks very promising. I intend to see if I've been doing anything wrong or omitting anything first, believing assistance should only come after nothing else works over time.
Oh, and the PH cycle was a bust; the new stuff isn't worth the bottle, but I'm still doing PCT just as if it were viable stuff. Might as well be safe.
Today I tested myself a bit to see if the use of the machine at work was killing my strength. Not really.
225 wu
365x1 PB
315x6 x5
345 failed
335x1-1/2 (f)
315 wu
405x7 x10 x8 haven't done these in a while, was at 445
275x4 and something twinged in my forearm, so I aborted. TOO HIGH a warmup.
Overall I was happy with the workout. Maybe I'll do bench first next time and get that 350. I gotta do what I gotta do...
Great squatting Quad. You'll be ahead of me in no time... but then I'll be getting to my heavy 5s in a month and, just maybe, I'll be increasing my numbers again too.

Hope the forearm twinge heals swiftly. My forearm strain took about 9 months to heal and I'm still careful with it now.
Whereas I've been on the 3's, MS, and some tens on the machine at work...over a month or so now...still kickin' tho. I may just be deloading and trying MS or Korte's 3x3 in a continuation of things if I don't fry first. Either way, I have to knock off a bit of fat and will be lifting what I can heavy as I can until I can eat again. (aka Slapshot's diet help)
The arm was just a scary twinge and I stopped before any damage. TootsieRoll massaged it and it's fine. Plan to hit arms and Pendlays tomorrow. Work is about to get real busy, so I'm kickin' my butt this weekend.
At least I had you on the horizon for a minnit before you sailed away, blast ye! Aaahhhr!
Well I didn't get to the back work until today at work with that infernal machine. I warmed up for bench too fast (I use 225 with a bb but only had 160 on this thing) and with the unnatural planes of motion, something ripped a bit in my right pec...so I couldn't bench but did 50lb. db flyes and pec deck instead - no problem there. I'm glad I aborted when it twinged. I seem to be falling apart lately. Shoulder acting up again too...taking more fish oil; I've been out for a while. Maybe that's it? Not enough fats?
Thurs. saw the machine in action again but TODAY I hit the REAL gym (mine) and saw a fair amount of strength still hanging around, two pounds lost so far, the pec felt fine with a little DOMS, and the forearm was better - not best.
102x8 too much DOMS to bench
Pendlay Rows
225x5 WU
315x3 coulda got one more but forearm warned me off.
BW - 214.5
edit 2/4 - have added Cissus back into diet. Arm feels better allready and arthritis in hands improves. While glucosamine and chondroitin are the best sellers, it's cissus that works for me. And fish oil.
(quadancer @ Feb. 02 2008,18:51)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Deads

Whoa! You big guys impress the hell out of me!
Hit my gym this weekend, and I've lost my bench. Woke with a bad crick in the neck that won't go away and couldn't finish Pendlay's so did T-bars. My dips are down too, not doing much of them lately.
I'm beginning to believe that machines are no match for freeweights even for keeping strength. Of course, I've always believed that, but I was hoping for better since I've been stuck with this machine at work. I need a new plan.
Went to the APA meet here this weekend, I was one of the smallest guys there. You really have to go to a meet to get what U-tube cant give you. Only one guy in the Masters, a year older than me (55) and I can beat one of his lifts, but no way on the others. And he was just chubby, not muscular. But he used a suit too, so I'd stand a chance if it weren't for my neck problem with the squat bars. They don't even allow pads at all, let alone a manta ray. Might just have to stick with BB'ing.
Oh, and no straps. I'm going to the USAPL meet April 5th to see how they rock.
That lousy workout may have been for another reason: the next day I went to work feeling poorly and got worse through the day, until I could barely stand to drive home. Sure enough, 102 degree temperature. And that neck crick is worse for the bug I got, along with every injury plus DOMS from the workout...
I'm actually gonna stay home today.
Get well soon big man.

Thinking about your recent APA meet (kudos for doing that too) and what you mentioned about your neck, are you squatting with the bar across your rear delts or high on the traps?

I'd be interested to hear what you and the other chap in your class actually lifted. I bet you beat his bench. Have you been training bench with a pause at the bottom?
Oooohhh I'd better clarify here. I was a spectator only, just went to see what I thought of it all. I helped the old boy suit up (his wife just wasn't making it) and palled around with him a bit. He's 55, so is in the next class above me (were I competing), although at the same weight class. I bench better and have now integrated pauses just to be official. I've had to drop a bit of weight tho, since coming off the chest (1&quot; lower than usual) and losing the stretch reflex is worth about 25 lbs. My ATG is about 365, his is in the 400's.

I may never compete due to my traps. I have both sensitive traps and with the bar high on the neck, I get unbearable pain on the spine. I could alleviate that by moving the bar lower, but my stoopid ARMS won't bend that far back! I've begun trying stretches for it. With a wide grip (since you were getting ready to advise it...) I lose the tightness of the back muscles, and the bar digs in again. I'm even thinking of spending more money on joint support. I've thought about walking around with a filled heavy pipe over my shoulders, but not much time for that stuff.

IF I can get straightened out, I'd be thinking of the Korte 3x3 program, but it doesn't do any rows, iso's, or hypertrophy exersizes; staying with the big 3 only. I'd feel lost without my Pendlays, but if I dilute the program too much, the gains may not be there, hitting the CNS and all. So I'm kind of in the middle of things, still just thinking it over.
(quadancer @ Feb. 19 2008,11:16)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">IF I can get straightened out, I'd be thinking of the Korte 3x3 program, but it doesn't do any rows, iso's, or hypertrophy exersizes; staying with the big 3 only. I'd feel lost without my Pendlays, but if I dilute the program too much, the gains may not be there, hitting the CNS and all.</div>
The CNS hit from the Korte program is substantial. I had to lie down for an hour after each workout. If you were to add a coupla sets of Pendlays, I doubt it could make things much worse.

Besides, the really high volume phase is only for four weeks. Once you get to the heavy weight section, the volume drops off dramatically. That's when I added rows back in. You could add your Pendlays then with no problem.

I didn't complete Korte's 3x3; I survived it. However, it brought me to an altogether new level, lifting well over twice my bodyweight. You might really enjoy it.
Back from the dead. With a big job closing out, and over a week with the flu, I lost two weeks of training, and ten lbs...not necessarily off the gut. Gained 2 lbs. back from refeeding.
With all I've read lately about high rep work and workload under volume, I'm thinking of staying this way for a while, so I've started up again with a straight 5x5 workout:
275 x 5 x 5
225 x 5 x 5
80 x 5 x 5
225 x 5 x 5
315 x 10 x 3 sets.

Not a difficult workout, but I want to be able to move the next two days. Instead of the Madcow 5x5 I'm thinking of a more linear run with some sort of weekly deload day built in (aka PL techniques) and may possibly increase reps instead of decreasing, then lowering the count at some point, but I'll have to see how I feel and how work goes.
Dang jobs, always getting in the way!!!

Think of it this way: instead of 15's to start, I use 5x5 for the volume, increase the reps instead of weight until this becomes overly difficult. After this massive glycogen refilling and muscle memory (not to mention cardio...) I move into a strength phase.
Let me understand your newly developed routine...

Start with high load 5 x 5 style. Keep load constant and increase reps?
I like the idea quad!  I was thinking of doing something similar a month or two back, but my bum shoulder made me reconsider my plans...

Do you plan on continuing to do 5 sets even when you increase the reps?

WHat do you plan on increasing the reps by? 2-3 reps? 5 reps?

Keep us posted on the outcome!