Oooohhh I'd better clarify here. I was a spectator only, just went to see what I thought of it all. I helped the old boy suit up (his wife just wasn't making it) and palled around with him a bit. He's 55, so is in the next class above me (were I competing), although at the same weight class. I bench better and have now integrated pauses just to be official. I've had to drop a bit of weight tho, since coming off the chest (1" lower than usual) and losing the stretch reflex is worth about 25 lbs. My ATG is about 365, his is in the 400's.
I may never compete due to my traps. I have both sensitive traps and with the bar high on the neck, I get unbearable pain on the spine. I could alleviate that by moving the bar lower, but my stoopid ARMS won't bend that far back! I've begun trying stretches for it. With a wide grip (since you were getting ready to advise it...) I lose the tightness of the back muscles, and the bar digs in again. I'm even thinking of spending more money on joint support. I've thought about walking around with a filled heavy pipe over my shoulders, but not much time for that stuff.
IF I can get straightened out, I'd be thinking of the Korte 3x3 program, but it doesn't do any rows, iso's, or hypertrophy exersizes; staying with the big 3 only. I'd feel lost without my Pendlays, but if I dilute the program too much, the gains may not be there, hitting the CNS and all. So I'm kind of in the middle of things, still just thinking it over.