200, 300, 400, 500 - A quest for greatness

After last week's over-exertion, I decided to call an audible on the play and change my sets/reps a bit to something I've had mentally burning for a while.  The next logical step for this style of training.

Next step = triples instead of 5's, with a focus on RPE/speed.  The goal is to have 3 relatively equal reps, without a grindy rep, with an RPE in the ~8-9 range.  I say 3's because, as per Thibs' latest piece on T-mag (which despite being a little hokey, makes some valid points), it's honestly a lot easier to concentrate on speed in 3's than 5's.

Despite an increase in volume with triples (5 sets of 3 in everything), I actually feel kind of energized at the end of my workout, instead of drained.  By concentrating on speed with medium-heavy weights and NOT over-exerting myself, obviously.

Pause Squats

Bar x warmup
135 x warmup (band)
185 x warmup (band)
225 x 1 (no band)
245 x 3,3,3,3,3

RPE = ~8-9 on these.  Possibly a little more towards 9 at the end, but I wasn't GMing stuff, and the speed for me on these was pretty good.


Me x 3
Me + 45 x 3
Me + 90 x 3,3,3,3,3

RPE = ~8 on these.  I think I had at least 2 reps to spare on any given set.


135 x 3
185 x 3
205 x 1
225 x 3,3,3,3,3

RPE = ~8 on these, too.  Same deal, my third reps were often as fast as my first.

Now, I'm not naive, I realize that any change in programming can result in "ZOMG THIS IS THE BEST PROGRAM EVAR," due to the novel stimulus, so I'm going to have to give this time to work.  But in principle, I'm already liking what I'm seeing.  I don't know if my attention span sucks, but I was able to keep much tighter with a much better focus on speed by simply sticking to 3's.

As to the volume I used, i.e. 5 sets of 3, this is right at the "optimal" range for the ~80-90% range as per Prilepin's guidelines, and based on past experience is probably right-ish.  My thought was to autoregulate volume on the fly - i.e. stick towards the low end of the volume guidelines (~3 sets of 3) on terrible days, and maybe the high end (~7 sets of 3) on awesome days, occasionally going for PR's if I really feel like it.  Fatigue stops will also be in  place - if any one set feels noticeably harder than the previous, regardless of what volume I've achieved, I'll stop that exercise for the day.

The other option is to wave the volume similar to what I've been doing.  Something like 5 sets of 3 --> 7 sets of 3 --> 3 sets of 3 --> peak.  This will obviously be viable, but I also kind of dig the idea of things being a bit more autoregulating.   I.e. if I get "stuck" at a given set/rep scheme without progress for a week or two, simply increase or decrease loading, based on how I'm feeling.

However, I will probably proactively deload once every month or two regardless of how I'm feeling, as this seems to be a recipe for success.
Btw, fun squat cue of the day, courtesy of Rip...

"Stick your dick between your legs."

Produces a similar "feel" as Dan John's cue of pretending you're on the ceiling and "pulling yourself between your legs." My squats definitely feel stronger when I get that "squat between the legs" feeling down proper, as opposed to just "sit back." Also less GM-y.
Are you keeping your rest time between sets of 3 about the same as for 5s? I found during my Smolov cycle that I had to gradually increase rest between sets as they wore on, but that was with a lot of volume (10 x 3).
(Lol @ Dec. 29 2009,1:04)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Are you keeping your rest time between sets of 3 about the same as for 5s? I found during my Smolov cycle that I had to gradually increase rest between sets as they wore on, but that was with a lot of volume (10 x 3).</div>
Rest times were probably a little less since I was never really grinding out reps.
My shoulder is so weird. I convinced a buddy to dig around in there yesterday, and tried some stretches afterwards. The net result? It hurts noticeably worse today than it has lately. So...rehab = pain. Nice.

Pause Squats

Bar x warmup
135 x warmup (band)
185 x warmup (band)
225 x 1
245 x 3,3,3,3,3

RPE = ~8-9. Probably closer to 8, I actually felt strongest at set 3.


Me x 3
Me + 45 x 3
Me + 90 x 3,3,3,3,3

RPE = ~8-9. By the last set or two I'm not sure how many more reps I could crank out, but certainly had at least one to spare on any given set.

Pause Bench

135 x warmup
185 x warmup
205 x 1
225 x 3,3,3,3,3

RPE = ~8-9. Similar to chins.

So, energy levels were interesting. Started off feeling sluggish, squats ended up feeling almost easier than last time, but the upper body stuff might have felt marginally slower. My body simply needs to adapt to the volume/load, methinks, I actually &quot;feel&quot; more strained than I have lately.
After the last session, my shoulder still ******* hurts...

So, I'm coming to a point of frustration in my training.  My strength in the bench is going well, but I have a feeling that benching right now might be aggravating my shoulder.

I've read a lot about Rip's belief in presses actually rehabbing shoulders, particularly in conjunction with the active &quot;shrug&quot; at the top of the movement (similar to what Bill Hartmann suggests in terms of doing overhead shrugs for shoulder p/rehab), so I am considering just switching to presses as my primary push exercise for a while, concentrating on getting those active shoulders and seeing if this does anything for this annoying, persistent problem I've had the past few months.

Either way, it looks like my scheduled programming is going to have to take a detour in one fashion or another, so I may bootleg things for a bit until I get stuff resolved.
I'll report things that are actually interesting.

PR in hook grip deads today (with loose belt), 345 x 5.
(mikeynov @ Jan. 01 2010,10:12)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I'll report things that are actually interesting.

PR in hook grip deads today (with loose belt), 345 x 5.</div>
NICE. I love the triples work you're doing. Big fan.
(_tim @ Jan. 06 2010,9:50)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(mikeynov @ Jan. 01 2010,10:12)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I'll report things that are actually interesting.

PR in hook grip deads today (with loose belt), 345 x 5.</div>
NICE.  I love the triples work you're doing.  Big fan.</div>
Triples are fun, but after a week of them, I think I'm quickly changing my mind, and keeping 5's in my routine.  I've actually defaulted back to the original 40 Day Play until I get my lifts/fatigue sorted out.

5's bleed over into both top end and low end strength like very few rep ranges.  I.e. if I get my 5's up, my 1 RM will benefit, as will my 10 RM.  If I get my 3's up, the higher end does not seem to benefit nearly as much, even if the top end has a comparable gain to 5's.

I am guessing 3's will work as a nice contrast to 5's, or perhaps complementary to, but I'm not comfortable at this point in replacing the 5's completely.
Completely understand that! I like high volume triples - but only if I have a compliment in the 5-6 range in the same workout. Otherwise, to your point, higher volume strength isn't affected.

Regardless of anything else, your program is working Mike. Look at all the damn PR's you hit just in the last 2 months of the year.
Hook Grip Semi-Sumo Deadlift - 345 x 5

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">This is a form of deadlift I've been playing with. In a sense, the mechanics are fundamentally the same as Rippetoe's prescribed conventional form, but with the arms outside of the legs.

The setup:

* Position the bar approximately over midfoot.
* Take your grip, such that your arms are more or less perpendicular to the ground.
* Take your stance RIGHT outside of this grip. This will be narrower than a standard sumo deadlift.
* Otherwise, same as Rippetoe's setup - big breath, squeeze the chest up, take the slack out of the bar, THEN pull.
* Use the lats to keep the bar &quot;towards&quot; yourself on the way up and down.

My experience is that, while the first rep is harder than a conventional pull, it's a little easier to rep out such that strength between the two styles isn't particularly different. The main upside is that it's noticeably easier to keep good back position like this. I.e. when filmed from the side, I'm able to hold my back in extension better than conventional, Rippetoe style pulls. </div>
(mikeynov @ Dec. 31 2009,9:05)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Btw, does anybody know what happen to Casey Butt's site?  It appears to be down at the moment.</div>
If you're referring to www.weightrainer.net it's working for me.
(Lol @ Jan. 10 2010,5:57)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(mikeynov @ Dec. 31 2009,9:05)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Btw, does anybody know what happen to Casey Butt's site?  It appears to be down at the moment.</div>
If you're referring to www.weightrainer.net it's working for me.</div>
That's the one...it's back now. Weird.

Off topic as hell but what kind of shoes / sandals or whatever are you wearing in the squat video?

I saw a guy at the gym with those and they look very comfortable....
(Joe.Muscle @ Jan. 11 2010,5:37)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Mikey,

Off topic as hell but what kind of shoes / sandals or whatever are you wearing in the squat video?

I saw a guy at the gym with those and they look very comfortable....</div>
This came up a few weeks ago:


Have a look here Joe:


I see Vibrams are currently offering a discount if you buy from their UK website. Didn't order a pair before Christmas as they were out of my size. I am glad I waited.
Today's training day.

Rocking out the oly shoes with a musical soundtrack!

Exercises shown...

Pause Squats - 225 x 5, 3rd of 3 sets. Pauses here are a little borderline, and the last rep is a little more segmented than I like. Principle difference in my paused squats now is that I am consistently BELOW parallel, instead of just above.

Pause Bench - 215 x 5, 2nd of 2 sets. A little wobbly, as per usual. Eccentrics a little over-slow, but the weight felt light.

Chins - me + 75 x 5, 3rd of 3 sets. Pretty speedy.

Rehab Press - 105 x 5, 3rd of 3 sets. It's possible I'm being wildly overcautious here, but I'm trying to really, consciously shrug the bar at the top, which seems to be doing good things for my right shoulder.