I read Gary's log right through recently. Wow! That dude has been through some stuff. But now he's going from strength to strength, although he seems a little impatient (to say the least). Once again, consistent lifting and some targeted programming bring in good results.
I definitely get good results following a stint of retardedly high volume, particularly for my squats. Usually takes a back-off week to 'see' the results though. What sort of frequency will you be using?
Frequency would be thrice weekly.
I'm still trying to put together a picture in my head of what optimal strength training "should" look like, and one of the ideas I've discussed in the past are periods of higher volume with a growth emphasis. I've also postulated variations of the basic template I've been using as an SST candidate (I'm testing the viability of such a routine built on singles at the moment), and I suspect there will be a place for both.
But I was looking at Pins into Pillars, one of Gary's favorite programs, and realized it was basically high volume HST.
The routine would look something like this:
Lower Body - 10 sets of 5 in squats
Upper Body - 5 sets of 5 in bench & chins alternated with 5 sets of 5 in press & rows
Sunday - Lower Body + Upper Body I
Monday - Upper Body II
Tuesday - Lower Body
Wednesday - Upper Body I
Thursday - Lower Body
Friday - off
Saturday - off
Sunday - Lower Body + Upper Body II
Monday - Upper Body I
Tuesday - Lower Body
Wednesday - Upper Body II
Thursday - Lower Body
Friday - off
Saturday - off
Sunday - Lower Body + Upper Body I
Monday - Upper Body II
Tuesday - Lower Body
Wednesday - Upper Body I
Thursday - Lower Body
Friday - off
Saturday - off
That would be the compelete, three week cycle. The weights would be cycled up over the course of the cycle just like in HST. I'd probably aim for something I know I can do 5 sets of 5 with even on a not awesome day in squats for the 10 sets of 5, and the 5 sets of 5 for upper body stuff I'd probably aim for something I could comfortably do 3 sets of 5 with. I.e. slightly ambitious weights, but nothing too crazy.
Why do I stick an upper body session on Sundays? One because I have no school on Sundays (Lord's day of rest and all), so I can manage that, and two so I don't have to lift 6 days a week. I find two, full days off to be quite refreshing.
Food intake would be absolutely enormous. I'd be aiming for averaging that 4000 kcals mark, I think. Not entirely sure how soon I'll be doing this, though, as I may attempt to recycle the singles routine to stretch it out to 6 weeks.