200, 300, 400, 500 - A quest for greatness

Nice looking reps, Mike.

I'm not sure what the deal is with Movie Maker - sorry to hear about your issues with it.
Uh oh, I think my lifting is about to get derailed. I woke up with chills and a knot in my stomach, and I'm running a good sized fever. Perhaps I pushed my accumulation week a little too hard?
Any reason for the switch to Vimeo Mike?

So what's your plan post-flu?

I didn't switch per se, I just have both. I was screwing around with vimeo to see if I liked their features any better, to see if there were quality differences vs. youtube etc.

In terms of plans, I've been screwing around with singles, but have an ambitious, 3 week HST cycle in mind to go retarded high volume that I may use after talking to Gary Gibson about the subject over on Rip's board.
I read Gary's log right through recently. Wow! That dude has been through some stuff. But now he's going from strength to strength, although he seems a little impatient (to say the least). Once again, consistent lifting and some targeted programming bring in good results.

I definitely get good results following a stint of retardedly high volume, particularly for my squats. Usually takes a back-off week to 'see' the results though. What sort of frequency will you be using?
I read Gary's log right through recently. Wow! That dude has been through some stuff. But now he's going from strength to strength, although he seems a little impatient (to say the least). Once again, consistent lifting and some targeted programming bring in good results.

I definitely get good results following a stint of retardedly high volume, particularly for my squats. Usually takes a back-off week to 'see' the results though. What sort of frequency will you be using?

Frequency would be thrice weekly.

I'm still trying to put together a picture in my head of what optimal strength training "should" look like, and one of the ideas I've discussed in the past are periods of higher volume with a growth emphasis. I've also postulated variations of the basic template I've been using as an SST candidate (I'm testing the viability of such a routine built on singles at the moment), and I suspect there will be a place for both.

But I was looking at Pins into Pillars, one of Gary's favorite programs, and realized it was basically high volume HST.

The routine would look something like this:

Lower Body - 10 sets of 5 in squats
Upper Body - 5 sets of 5 in bench & chins alternated with 5 sets of 5 in press & rows


Sunday - Lower Body + Upper Body I
Monday - Upper Body II
Tuesday - Lower Body
Wednesday - Upper Body I
Thursday - Lower Body
Friday - off
Saturday - off
Sunday - Lower Body + Upper Body II
Monday - Upper Body I
Tuesday - Lower Body
Wednesday - Upper Body II
Thursday - Lower Body
Friday - off
Saturday - off
Sunday - Lower Body + Upper Body I
Monday - Upper Body II
Tuesday - Lower Body
Wednesday - Upper Body I
Thursday - Lower Body
Friday - off
Saturday - off

That would be the compelete, three week cycle. The weights would be cycled up over the course of the cycle just like in HST. I'd probably aim for something I know I can do 5 sets of 5 with even on a not awesome day in squats for the 10 sets of 5, and the 5 sets of 5 for upper body stuff I'd probably aim for something I could comfortably do 3 sets of 5 with. I.e. slightly ambitious weights, but nothing too crazy.

Why do I stick an upper body session on Sundays? One because I have no school on Sundays (Lord's day of rest and all), so I can manage that, and two so I don't have to lift 6 days a week. I find two, full days off to be quite refreshing.

Food intake would be absolutely enormous. I'd be aiming for averaging that 4000 kcals mark, I think. Not entirely sure how soon I'll be doing this, though, as I may attempt to recycle the singles routine to stretch it out to 6 weeks.
Well that was a minor disaster...

Low Bar Squats

Singled up to 295. Felt harder than it should have, and also uneven (can often be a sign of fatigue with me).

Pause Bench

Singled up to 260. Felt okay-ish.


Singled up to me + 140. I did a single of me + 135, thinking I'd probably do like 145 for a not so hard single afterwards, and I probably should have stopped, as it felt oddly hard. 140 felt like an actual 1 rep max.

In theory I'm "deloading" in this context by only going up to a single JUST above where I left off at 5 RPE-controlled singles last week. I am thinking I am not recovering well from working this high a % of 1 RM this often.

I will do this one more time on Thursday to see if I feel any better recovered (no intentions of going for real 1 RM's), but I will probably start a new cycle of something else next week as this 3 week block is up. Experiment failed, probably, but hey, at least now I know.
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Another peak/deload day. Went surprisingly well for upper body stuff.

Hook Grip Deadlifts

Singled up to 365 in a belt with this. Last pulled for 3 hard sets of 5 only 6 days ago, so no attempt at a PR here. Not so hard, but didn't want to approach grindy weights, so this is fine to keep the groove.

Strict Press

Singled up to 165 in this. Which puts me near my all time best strength in this lift despite lack of practice. Go figure.


Weighted Pullups

This also went bizarrely well. People have asked me what my weighted pullup strength is, given my chin prowess, so I decided to test it out. This was the result:

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BEAUTIFUL, Mike. How are the hams feelin'? Any DOMS yet?

The form was great, my friend. Very symmetrical and complete cntrol throughout, and not even a hint of GMyness. Great stuff.
BEAUTIFUL, Mike. How are the hams feelin'? Any DOMS yet?

The form was great, my friend. Very symmetrical and complete cntrol throughout, and not even a hint of GMyness. Great stuff.

I appreciate the kind words :) Glad you noticed the lack of GMyness, I've worked hard on that. I do really like the feeling of complete mastery of the weight you get with the pauses.

I just did these earlier today, so no DOMS yet, and hope to recover well enough by stuffing myself full of quality food all week.