2016 Log

Hey mate, where abouts is your SI joint pain? Is it sorta the top of the glute near the lower back? Been getting this the last few days, with no possible cause that I can think of haha. Worse first thing in the morning.. Trying to figure out if it's more a glute/hip rotators issue..

Do you do anything that helps, stretches/yoga stuff?
Hey mate, where abouts is your SI joint pain? Is it sorta the top of the glute near the lower back? Been getting this the last few days, with no possible cause that I can think of haha. Worse first thing in the morning.. Trying to figure out if it's more a glute/hip rotators issue..

Do you do anything that helps, stretches/yoga stuff?

It’s been gone for a while.

The best things for me;

Hanging stretch with weights on belt
More walking
Cable rows with full flexion
It’s been gone for a while.

The best things for me;

Hanging stretch with weights on belt
More walking
Cable rows with full flexion

Ah right that's good it's healed up for ya. Awesome, thanks heaps I've heard walking is good for it. Have not done much moving for weeks as I've been unwell so that's probably related actually.. cheers
Ah right that's good it's healed up for ya. Awesome, thanks heaps I've heard walking is good for it. Have not done much moving for weeks as I've been unwell so that's probably related actually.. cheers

I doubt illness is connected.

Walking is essential for managing almost all back health in general, and then pain when it occurs.
I doubt illness is connected.

Walking is essential for managing almost all back health in general, and then pain when it occurs.
Ah yep I meant moreso the sitting on my ass and lying down constantly without much movement hehe... cheers gonna go for a walk now I reckon
DL || stance; 3-200kg, 220kg, 1-240kg, 250kg, 260kg@8, 272.5kg@9-9.5. 280 was probably there @10, but trying to make sure am mostly recovered by Monday from generally high fatigue over past few weeks.

Cable crunches; 2x10-70kg. Might do more later.

Rows; 5x5-150kg, EMOM.
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HBBS, heels; 5-60kg, 3-100kg, 110kg, 120kg@low.

First time in a month (ish?) of being able to squat. I
May potentially make it even more quad focused and add belt. No lofty goals for the moment, just want to keep them consistent if the knee will allow.
DL, || stance; 3-200kg, 220kg, 2-240kg, 1-250kg, 260kg, 272.5kg@9.

SG BB hyper; 5-60kg, 5x3-100kg.

Pivoting to concurrent-conjugate for a little while. Hopefully it’s fun.

DL, V stance; 1-200kg, 220kg, 240kg, 260kg@8.5, 280kg@9.5. Fast but didn’t have extra reps.
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Rows; 5x5–150kg. Too light.

OHP; 8-60kg, 5-70kg, 3-80kg, 1-85kg, 90kg@9-9.5, 95kg@9.5-10. 3x4-80kg.

Cable rows; 3x8-120kg.

Banded triceps pull downs; 3x20.

And. Lots of abs.

Something is up with right delt that does not agree when vertical pulling right now. Literally couldn’t do a rep. Weird.
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DL, V stance, 30lbs band tension; 2-200kg, 9x1-220kg, 4x2-220kg. Consolidate into all doubles next time.

I think SGDL will be my alternate. Deficits never seem to do anything for me.

LBBS; 5-60kg, 6x2-100kg. Have to start somewhere.

Deficit hypers; 3x15-60kg.

Interrupted by early wake up from Soph, and lost some time doing too many singles. Aim will be for 8-10 triples moving forward, short rest intervals. Doing what I can for squats, and then RDL as likely accessory, high reps. Once the reverse hyper arrives sometime in the next couple of months, that will naturally be included per standard programming for that exercise.
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WG OHP; 8x3-70kg. Every 90-120s.

Side lateral; 3x10-20kg.

Seated back raises; 10-150kg, 2x10-200kg.

Considering I had colonoscopy this morning and the no-food prep yesterday, I called it here. Some decent volume and a good sweat.
Rough plan, let’s see if I can stick to it or just want to max out dead’s every day;

Max deadlift variation, rotate after three sessions. 2-3 back off triples;
Max good morning
Reverse hyper; 3x15-20 (once arrived), deficit hypers until then
RDL; 3x15-20 (maybe)

Max OHP, switch between WG and normal
Dips; 5x3
Cable rows; 3x 8-12
Triceps push downs; 3x20
Vertical pulling once shoulder is better

DL; 20-30 reps at 80-85% with bands. Alternate with max variation alternation.
Squat; 2-4x8-12 Knee depending. Maybe box squats.
Probably HBBS.
Reverse hyper; 3x15-20 (once arrived)
Deficit hypers; 3x15-20

Alternate OHP to Tuesday, 8-10x3, plus myoreps to finish.
Rows; 3-5x5-10.
Seated back raises; 3x10.
Side lat raises; 3x10-20.
Vertical pulling once shoulder is better.

Squats may all be deadlift stance to the bench, mimicking a leg press, ala George Leeman style.
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Possible changed timing in the morning may invalidate this and have me go ahead with daily maxes again, possibly using variations
DL; 3-200kg, 2-220kg, 1-240kg, 250kg, 260kg@8.5, 272.5kg@9.5. Still not sure which stance I prefer.

Wouldn’t normally do this in a Sunday, but just sort of felt like it.
Probably the least prepared I’ve been recovery-wise for a workout in at least a year. Coughing all night, minimal sleep, head and neck pain from the coughing action.

DL, hip stance; 3-200kg, 2-220kg, 1-240kg, 250kg, 260kg@9, 272.5kg@9.75. 2x2-240kg@7.5-8.

GM; 5-60kg, 100kg, 140kg@7. Felt great to be doing these again, though am looking forward to SSB.

Had to call it there for late start. Will finish accessories tonight.

RDLs: 3x5-150kg +50lbs bands
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Yates rows; 5-150kg, 4x5-160kg.

OHP; 5-60kg, 70kg, 3-80kg, 1-85kg, 90kg, 95kg@9. Fail - 100kg, 3x4-80kg. Something when snap-crackle-pop in my left shoulder blade during the 85kg rep. Really threw me off and cost about 5-10mins trying to figure WTF happened. Think the noise was cartilage related, because the next two singles weren’t noticeably impacted.

CG lat pulldowns; 10-40kg, 4x10-80kg. This was as far as the right shoulder was willing to be pushed. I *think* it’ll be two steps forward, one step back for a little while yet, but better to do something rather than nothing while it sorts itself out.

Need to find another 10mins or so for the dips.
The conjugate split just isn’t going to work from timing and recovery point of view.

Spoke to a few guys I know online and will be making a few modest changes to high frequency deadlifting and potentially adding squatting at a higher rate.

Deficit DL; 3-200kg, 3-220kg, 1-240kg@8, 250kg@8.5-9, 260kg@9.5.

HBBS; 5-60kg, 3-100kg, 120kg.