An old viking's new HST workout, comments are very welcome

Cardio? So you're trying to lose weight then? I thought you were trying to gain.
Aiai, busted! But in my defense it was very, very light cardio. I merely did it before my core to warm up.

Today's workout (without cardio!):

2xFront squat 85 kg
2xIncline Bench DB 35 kg
2xSeated narrow grip row
2xCalf press 200 kg
1xDips 40 kg
3xLeg curls 45 kg
2xBiceps/Hammer curls 27,5 kg
5 min core

My triceps are fried after last workout's BP, feels like it's time for some SD. Wanted to try 1RM next week before SD but I'm a little afraid I might worsen their state.
Today's workout:
3xBenchpress 110 kg
3xFront squat 85 kg
3xChins BW +20 kg
2xCalf press 200 kg
3xStanding overhead press 72,5 kg

Squat rack was busy when I started so I had to do BP first (I hate deviating from my standard routine), and when I finally could move on to Front squats my trousers ripped from a$$ to friggin' navel. Thankfully I didn't go commando (which I never do) or my junk would be hanging down to the floor in my awesome deep squat :o.
So I had to get a second pair of pants before continuing and ended up skipping core because of time shortage. Good times
Today's workout:
3xBenchpress 110 kg
3xFront squat 85 kg
3xChins BW +20 kg
2xCalf press 200 kg
3xStanding overhead press 72,5 kg

Squat rack was busy when I started so I had to do BP first (I hate deviating from my standard routine), and when I finally could move on to Front squats my trousers ripped from a$$ to friggin' navel. Thankfully I didn't go commando (which I never do) or my junk would be hanging down to the floor in my awesome deep squat :o.
So I had to get a second pair of pants before continuing and ended up skipping core because of time shortage. Good times

Hahahaha! That is hilarious. You need to get some gym shorts.
Seriously. Get some more stretchy pants or just wear shorts, that's what I do, even in the dead of winter. Regular pants are for regular people.
How many reps are you doing this cycle? Are you on your 5´s?
I'm on my 5's and doing the 2 last weeks of (close to) 5RM. I only increase where I need to be about 5RM. And I've done Front squats like 4 times now so I'm extra careful while getting used to the technique. At least my forearms hurts less now than the first try.

Would it be beneficial for HST to go down below 5RM? Like 4's like you or even 3's? I understand for strength but for HST too?

Also could someone explain why I do not need to do 9-12 days of SD but rather jump right back to 15's (or 10's)? I thought SD was a major player in HST...?
Hahahaha! That is hilarious. You need to get some gym shorts.
Seriously. Get some more stretchy pants or just wear shorts, that's what I do, even in the dead of winter. Regular pants are for regular people.
Shorts is actually a great idea. I've always used pants (and I don't favor stretchpants/thights on men) but shorts I could do.
I'll buy a pair or two next week.
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You can SD if you want. But longer cycles are also encouraged, so you could find new maxes and start again at the 10s, and ramp back up and go for new records, and then SD. It's up to you.
Today's workout:

3xFront squat 90 kg
3xIncline Bench DB 37,5+37,5+40 kg (PR)
2xSeated narrow grip row 95 kg
2xCalf press 200 kg
1xDips 40 kg
3xLeg curls 45 kg
2xBiceps/Hammer curls 27,5 kg
5 min core

Good workout today, forarms wouldn't bend to front squat though so I had to do the crosshold which was unfamiliar.
Better shape at Incline DB press though doing 7 reps pr set ending up on a personal record of 40 kg which I've actually never tried to do for even 1RM, never mind 7 reps.
I find the dips extremely taxing on my tris after chest work and stop after 1 set as it feels close to overtraining or something along those lines.
So after a 4 months break, focusing on bicycling, stretches and beer to get my back right - I finally figured it doesn't help eigher way so I'm back to my favorite... HST.

I've actually completed a full cycle now but since I had to "start over" cause of the long break I'm almost embarrassed posting it. Especially looking at gbglifter or Alexaustralia you sickos ;)

So arisen from the mud here are my final 5s (still doing 2 sets with 2 weeks of 15s - 2 weeks of 10s - 4 weeks of 5s)

Legpress 205kg
BP 105 kg
Pullups BW + 25 kg
Military press 65 kg
Calfraises 205 kg
DB Biceps curls 25 kg
DB Shoulder raises 37, 5 kg

Since I have what appears to be excessive Anterior Pelvic Tilt I'm finishing up my workout with a solid focus on abs and glutes + hamstrings

Leg curls 65 kg 2x12 reps
Hip thrusts w/20kg 2x10
One leg lunge w/15kg DBs
Then 10 min abs.

EDIT: Tossing in todays workout here as well, using 2 sets of 5s:

Legpress 205kg
Incline DB chest press 37, 5 and 40kg
Pull ups BW + 25kg
Dips BW + 35kg
Leg raises 205kg
Seated row 75kg
Alternate hammer curls 27, 5kg
Leg curls 65kg
Hip thrusts 25kg
One leg lunges 20kg DBs
Abs 10 min
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I was wondering where you´d got to! Nice to see you´re still around and you seem to be getting on well judging by your lifting there. SD now then?
I was wondering where you´d got to! Nice to see you´re still around and you seem to be getting on well judging by your lifting there. SD now then?
Hey man. Yeah I've dropped by long enough to notice you got some good gains in your bulk, as well as several others around the forum.
I'm not entirely happy about my current performance strengthwise, but truth be told - I expected a bigger setback as i dropped down to 81-82 kg in 4 months. Back on stuffing diet and creatine got me back up to 87 kg again in one HST 8 week cycle though.
I suppose I am lucky as creatine have a very good effect ln me, increasing muscle size and endurance alike.

I'm already past my supposed SD time but my muscles are still not as tired as they usually are after a Hst cycle so I'm pushing myself a little more - trying to finish my cycle at next Monday when I'm going on a typical norwegian 5 day binge with a buddy.

Decent workout today:
Legpress 205
BP 100, 105
Pull ups BW + 25 kg
Military press 65, 70
Calf raises 205
Seated row 75
Alternate hammer curls 27, 5
Leg curls 60, 65
Hip thrusts 20, 25
One legged lunge 15
Abs 5 min

Think i pulled a neck muscle on my military press but its better now when I'm in bed, hopefully tomorrow too
Took a couple of extra days of break to heal my strained neck then a final workout before my SD and I wanted to try something different so I went for 3 sets of 10 as promoted by so many for muscle growth:

Front Squat 60 + 60 + 65
BP 90 + 90 + 90 (only 5 reps for the last set little low on energy today)
Pullups BW + 15kg (again only 5 reps the last set)
Leg curls 60 + 65 + 65
Seated row 70 + 70 + 70

All in all a good workout, felt I was efficient even though I had to go for less weight than I do for my 2 sets of 5 (obviously). Felt happy about only doing 5 exercises, maybe you guys DO know what you're talking about with all that simplify and win ;)
Trying to eat more but darn it's hard with all the daily distractions!
Started up again after 9 days SD today. Changing it from 15 - 10 - 5 - 5 with 2 weeks each and 2 sets for all exercises to 12 - 11 -10 - 9 - 8 - 7 - 6 - 6 one week each rep range and 3 sets each.

Today 3 x 12
Front squats 40 kg
BP 50 kg
Pullups w/light help
Military press 30 kg
Seated row 40 kg
Leg curls 30 kg w/abs in between sets

Easy as always in the start of a HST cycle, took me about 30 min
Looks like I forgot to log Wednesday's workout: 3 x 12

Front squat 45 kg
BP 55 kg
Pullups w/little less help
Leg curls 35 kg
Military press 35 kg
Seated row 40 kg

Todays workout: 3x12
Front squat 50 kg
BP 60 kg
Pullups w/little less help
Leg curls 40kg
Military press 40kg
Seated row 45kg
11reps x 2 from next week? 3 x 11?

Have you decided how may total reps you will be doing once you get heavier? An idea would be to keep total reps to around 24 or 25 until you get past the eights, then perhaps go down to 20 or even 15 when you get down to the 6´s.

Hows the eating going? Put on any weight now? Ive managed to get to 97kg almost. Bulking more than likely until february so hopefully up to 105/110kg :)
11reps x 2 from next week? 3 x 11?

Have you decided how may total reps you will be doing once you get heavier? An idea would be to keep total reps to around 24 or 25 until you get past the eights, then perhaps go down to 20 or even 15 when you get down to the 6´s.

Hows the eating going? Put on any weight now? Ive managed to get to 97kg almost. Bulking more than likely until february so hopefully up to 105/110kg :)
So originally I wanted to go 3x11 but now I'm thinking 3x10 is better. Lowering the set with only 1 rep won't make me able to keep increasing the weights.
And my plan is really to keep doing 3 sets of my target reps so now 12 - 10 - 8 - 6, but this is a trial and error cycle for me really. If it doesn't do anything for me I'll just revert back to what i did earlier.

And as usual I've stagnated around 88 kg. Would love to be able to shoot past 90 for once in my life. Any super shortcuts would be appreciated, though in truth I know what to do... eat before going to bed and more in general

But I must say I'm impressed by your bulk. 105 wuut! I dont think thats possible for me though my wife was about that when she was expecting our second daughter lol
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12-10-8-6 looks better actually. Once it starts getting heavy on the 6´s it could be enough with 2 sets on some exercises then a metabolic/higher rep set afterwards. Thats what Im generally doing at the moment.

If I havent eaten enough one day Ill supplement with chocolate. Marabou is my candy of choice. Try and keep putting on more weight to help muscle growth as much as possible. Eating just before bed will not make you heavier/fatter unless its helping you go into surpluss. I ate just before bed during my entire cut and I got under 10% bf so thats not an issue. Its the total intake/calories expended thats important, nothing else. But if you domt usually eat before bed, then start doing it. Add butter to sauces. I know you norrmän like your sandwiches so pile butter on there.
12-10-8-6 looks better actually. Once it starts getting heavy on the 6´s it could be enough with 2 sets on some exercises then a metabolic/higher rep set afterwards. Thats what Im generally doing at the moment.

If I havent eaten enough one day Ill supplement with chocolate. Marabou is my candy of choice. Try and keep putting on more weight to help muscle growth as much as possible. Eating just before bed will not make you heavier/fatter unless its helping you go into surpluss. I ate just before bed during my entire cut and I got under 10% bf so thats not an issue. Its the total intake/calories expended thats important, nothing else. But if you domt usually eat before bed, then start doing it. Add butter to sauces. I know you norrmän like your sandwiches so pile butter on there.

Thanks for your feedback my swedish friend.
I got the feeling i should reduce number of exercises and increase sets on the compound moves by previous feedback, especially when doing sets of 5-6. To increase the total volume.
Is there some science or articles supporting doing heavy sets first and then lighter weights on a high rep set? I thought that went "against" HST rule of increased resistance or am i mixing it up again? (Wouldn't be the first time)

No i dont think the eat before going to bed makes the difference merely because you're sleeping after, only that this is the time where I usually am to lazy to start cooking and regularly go to bed a little hungry.
I'm not big on chocolate but i rarely turn down cake and I never use butter on bread. I've tried changin in pepsi light with the real deal but i generally don't drink soda either, maybe I should up my beer intake - there's plenty of carbs in beer :D

Edit: Forgot to log my training yesterday.
BP 70
Squats 55
Pullups last time with slight help
Military press 45
Seated row 50
Leg curls 45
+some abs in between
Done in 35 min
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