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Is that Hugh Jackman I'm spying in your shadow ... ?

Impressive mate, v.impressive.

Curious; are you bigger and/or stronger now or in 2011 (July or October) ... ?

EDIT: any assisted cycles in there or not?

I used superdrol for three weeks or so once during a cut back when I was small, I also tried to use winstrol but the joint pain was bad so I had to stop. worth noting that when I did dabble with those things it was when I was tiny, I stayed tiny and since I gave up on it I've made more progress. I might try again someday but the whole being illegal thing is kind of a problem for me.
I will admit that I am very curious as to how I could progress if I did a serious cycle with better compounds, ideally a test/deca/dbol cycle.
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As I understand it, it's v.easy to get a script for testosterone in the States ... ?

Not for this guy... my last doctor already was talking to me about the dangers of steroids when all I did was mention creatine. I'm not even sure how many hoops I would have to jump through to get a legal script. Honestly, I'm not sure I could get away with using at all. People already accuse me of using steroids a lot as it is.

However... if I want to go to the next level, I'm not really sure what else to do.
Quite inspirational to see your progress! Thank you, Totz! One of these days maybe I'll have the guts to post a couple pictures.

You know, posting pictures makes you more accountable for your own progress. I think it's important. It may seem vain but I wish I had taken more pictures when I was starting out and along the way. It is really eye opening when you can look back and see how far you have come. It's easy to get stuck in the rut of always criticizing yourself and seeing what isn't good enough, so if you can, once in a while, compare your present self to your past self and see that you have indeed made progress, it helps keep you motivated and helps you realize that what you are doing is working.
You look really built in the latest photo. Everywhere.
Only weakness seems to be triceps, as you have mentioned before. Lats are probably fine, lats just hide under fat, but I know what you mean by "unrealistic lat spread" of roided Pros. My lats really are small, but I noticed they "stick out" more when I am lean.

Good job, a testimony to consistency.
Yeah, really good job. Testimony to all your hard work and terrific food consumption! :)

Time passes scarily fast when you look back which is why consistent, progressive training and a dialed-in diet reap rewards over the long-term.

Like other muscles, lats seem to vary a lot between individuals. Some folks seem to have higher lats which makes them appear smaller unless they are very well developed. Some folks have a very long torso which also has a tendency to make their lats appear smaller and higher.

All the top bb'ers we get used to seeing tend to have great shaped muscle bellies and great proportions. That's why they are where they are.

As well as pics, a quick vid is a good idea too. If you do a bit of flexing and turn around 360° then you have a record of everything. I wish I'd done that. Somewhere, my folks have a pic of me as a teenager doing a double back biceps! Haha. If I can find it next time I pay them a visit, I'll take a snap of it with my phone. I think I was pretty skinny at the time.
All the top bb'ers we get used to seeing tend to have great shaped muscle bellies and great proportions. That's why they are where they are.

I still chalk this down to chems. Pump enough into someone, in a (semi-) sensible fahsion and almost anyone will have bat wings for lats.
I think its not just aas but insulin... seems like when slin use began is when people started thinking of Arnold as being relatively small.
I was perusing Casey Butt's site and found some equations he posted for figuring out your maximum potential for strength in bench, squats and deads. Pretty interesting... Here is the url:

I got the following:

Dead: 676.67 lbs
Squat: 578.676 lbs
Bench: 483.508 lbs

Granted these are based on simply what the world records would be for naturals. Pretty obvious that I'm a deadlifting specialist. Long ways to go on bench, almost 100 lbs to go on squats and deads are awfully close. So it's likely that I will never be able to bench what that equation predicts. That's ok, bench is for girls anyway.
As well as pics, a quick vid is a good idea too. If you do a bit of flexing and turn around 360° then you have a record of everything. I wish I'd done that. Somewhere, my folks have a pic of me as a teenager doing a double back biceps! Haha. If I can find it next time I pay them a visit, I'll take a snap of it with my phone. I think I was pretty skinny at the time.

I think this vid thing is a good idea and I would encourage others to try it. I might try something like that on my next bulk, at the very least I would like to take similar weekly pictures over the course of several months and make some sort of a slideshow out of it or something so the changes are more apparent.
I think its not just aas but insulin... seems like when slin use began is when people started thinking of Arnold as being relatively small.

Yeh, granted. Either way, there's more than mere genetics at play.

I was perusing Casey Butt's site and found some equations he posted for figuring out your maximum potential for strength in bench, squats and deads. Pretty interesting... Here is the url:

I got the following:

Dead: 676.67 lbs
Squat: 578.676 lbs
Bench: 483.508 lbs

Granted these are based on simply what the world records would be for naturals. Pretty obvious that I'm a deadlifting specialist. Long ways to go on bench, almost 100 lbs to go on squats and deads are awfully close. So it's likely that I will never be able to bench what that equation predicts. That's ok, bench is for girls anyway.

IIRC, you're ballpark 6'1 ... ? Doesn't surprise me that your bench is not great. I wonder how your incline is; better levers at play for long(er) arms. All three of the conventional 'powerlifts' were designed for ppl 5'10 and under.

I have to think your deadlift can hit 700lbs if you've already hit 635, but then 670s is not that different when real measurements are used. Pretty impressive in any case.
I really have to get myself motivated again.

I've realized over the past few months that I basically have achieved everything I originally set out to achieve years ago when I started lifting. I've surpassed everything I thought was possible before but it still doesn't feel like enough. I still look in the mirror and just see "small" but it is hard to get motivated. I think I might need to take some time away from all the plans and all the goals, just go in the gym and lift for fun, eat whatever, and stop trying to be so anal about everything for a while. Maybe a break from all the calorie counting, the spreadsheets, all that, will help me get my mind back where it needs to be.

So, I'm probably going to take a few weeks and continue lifting but just have some fun, try out stuff I haven't before, maybe do some maxing out on some things, just whatever I feel like doing.
I really have to get myself motivated again.

I've realized over the past few months that I basically have achieved everything I originally set out to achieve years ago when I started lifting. I've surpassed everything I thought was possible before but it still doesn't feel like enough. I still look in the mirror and just see "small" but it is hard to get motivated. I think I might need to take some time away from all the plans and all the goals, just go in the gym and lift for fun, eat whatever, and stop trying to be so anal about everything for a while. Maybe a break from all the calorie counting, the spreadsheets, all that, will help me get my mind back where it needs to be.

So, I'm probably going to take a few weeks and continue lifting but just have some fun, try out stuff I haven't before, maybe do some maxing out on some things, just whatever I feel like doing.

I kind of liked DC's suggestions for the cruise phase of his cycles, which is more or less exactly what you're saying, kind of ****ing around in the gym, avoiding doing anything too hard, to test out new stuff and regain the fire. I think one of the dangers with strict, pre-programmed cycles is the boredom factor, though consider your past words about the efficacy of HST in light of this. Sometimes what works is so straightforward that we get bored of it.
You'll already know what I think would be a good idea: add the O-lifts to your repertoire! :)

It seems to me that the power lifts and exercises on machines are all performed relatively slowly (unless they are purposefully trained in a dynamic way, à la Westside). This is, generally speaking, good for increasing strength but not much good for increasing power.

It is true that, for any individual, the heavier a load is, the slower they will be able to move it; but there is a range over which peak power can be maximised if it is trained for. I see performing the O-lifts as a way to catapult a load high enough into the air to be able to get under and catch it; so it can't be done slowly. You have to overcome gravity for a few brief moments and get yourself under a 'weightless' bar before gravity wins and makes it fall again.

A 600lb deadlifter easily has the strength to be able to clean 400lb, but even a 300lb clean will probably be a challenge for until explosive power is developed. Speed getting under the bar, movement technique and flexibility will all be needed and challenging to attain.

So, when you've been in the habit of training to get stronger, it's quite likely that you are nowhere near as powerful as you could (should!) be. I am very aware that the loads I can C&J and snatch are not yet in the same ball-park as my strength/power lifts, so I have a lot of challenging work ahead of me.

There's also the whole 'power-to-weight ratio' thing, but that only matters if you want to compete.

Many strength and conditioning coaches encourage their athletes to do some form of O-lifting for all the above reasons (there's an element of courage too) so it has to be worth a go, especially as you might be getting back into MMA again.

Now that I'm edging ever closer to a half-century, and having trained with weights on-and-off for many years, Oly lifting is the one thing I wish I'd learnt to do years ago.

I challenge you to get a 300lb clean under your belt. :)
That sounds wise. Nothing wrong with just having fun in the gym.

I hope once I start the bulk cycle you programmed, my progress under your coaching will get you motivated again. Maybe I can even return the favor and help you nail down some new goals and a new program later on.

Yes, let's just consider this a cruise between cycles. I like that. I actually like DC a lot and was considering incorporating some of the ideas behind DC into my next HST cycle. I wouldn't probably use his exact split setup, as I don't plan on doing much work for my legs at all next cycle, which would leave one day where I only work biceps and forearms. But I do think I will alternate between a few different lifts each workout. I have been wanting to do rest pause again too but I don't know. Anyway, I have plenty of time to think about that before I get to it.

In the mean time, I think I will try out some olympic lifts. Not sure how well my gym will like it, but I've seen a few crossfitters there doing kipping pullups and pushing the prowler around, so it would seem like they would probably be ok with it. Only issue is that I will have to be coaching myself on form, so probably need to take some videos and etc to scrutinize, since obviously technique is pretty important with these sorts of lifts. A 300 lb clean? Hmm... I'll have to actually get in there and do cleans a few different days to see if how difficult that challenge really is.
I'm just getting caught up here. Bummer to see that you have lost some motivation, Totz. For what it's worth, I wish I could help you the way that you've helped me! Just seeing your numbers and your progress has been incredibly motivating for me. I suppose we are always our own worst enemy, we will always be more critical than anyone else because we have to live with ourselves. Also, there is the very real fact that "the eyes of man are never satisfied"... this pretty much covers everything in life, generally speaking. If you're a car guy: Drive a BMW? You'll want a mercedes... Drive a mercedes? you'll want a Bentley. Drive a Bentley? You'll want a custom-something-or-other that no one else possibly has... The same goes for how we view our physical bodies. You'll ALWAYS see something that could be better, numbers could always be stronger. Everyone struggles with this in one way or another; whether it's your car, house, job, wife, or your own body. I'm sure I'm not telling you anything you don't already know... Anyway, I hope you find that fire again soon! I'm looking forward to reading your posts and being motivated!
Well, went to the gym and decided just to have fun and mess around. It was fairly busy so I had to work around other people.

Seated Rows
70lbs x 10, 150x5, 160x5, 170x5, 190x5, 200x5, 250x3 - last set was the full stack, so I guess I found my 3 RM for seated rows on that particular pulley

80x10, 150x10x3, 170x10, 190x10

Flat Bench - wanted to do incline but it was in use
135x10, 185x10, 205x10 - at this point the incline was freed up so I switched

135x10 225x5, 245x5, 265x5, 285x4 - 285 is my 4 RM

225x5, 295x5, 345x5 - gave up on shrugs at this point as apparently my back was fried from the rows and pulldowns

Thought about doing more at this point but decided not to since I'm probably going to have some pretty good DOMs soon.
Your seated row is way above that.

I used to be doing 150kgs for 3's about 18-24mths ago and even taking the particular configuration of an individual machine into account, you're operating above that.

How far do you bring the bar down for pulldowns?