I definitely want to get a home gym setup but it's looking like it won't be until mid 2017. I've debated renting a storage unit and starting the process of amassing equipment now, but haven't found any deals that would be worth it. Still kicking myself for getting rid of my power rack I used to own.
I'm actually playing it fairly loose with my dieting. When I get sick of eating, I switch to a cut and when I tire of that, I switch back to a bulk. I've been going 2-4 weeks of bulking then 1-2 weeks of cutting. Pretty much just swapping back and forth without any real maintenance phases to break it up. Since I sit at a desk all day at work now, it only takes fairly small changes to my diet in order to switch between the two. Basically, all I do when cutting is eliminate breakfast and only eat a small lunch at work, then eat dinner with the family as I normally would, with just a small protein shake before bed added when I'm cutting.
Then to make it a bulk, I eat breakfast again prior to my workouts, drink a protein shake during both of my breaks at work, as well as eating a larger lunch. I don't take a protein shake before bed during the bulks.
The loads don't move much during the cutting phases and I trim volume back a bit, but then they start climbing again when I increase the calories. The whole thing is unconventional, I know, and I can't say it would work well for anyone else. I have always had a fairly easy time dropping weight without losing much, so I'm sure that is a big part of it. It's worth mentioning that I counted calories for the better part of a decade and though I don't track everything meticulously now, I still have a good idea of where the calorie counts end up each day. Cutting phases end up right around 12 cals per lb of bodyweight and bulks are around 17 cals per lb. Also worth noting that I'm not actually getting leaner over time, I'm just not getting fatter. As bodyfat percentage seems to be holding steady, that would suggest that I'm actually putting on fat just not a whole lot.