Baxmans Trip

Kipping PUs are pretty hard on the old shoulders. Mine took a serious beating when I first got into learning to do them. Since then I've been fairly consistent with my program of dislocates (I do some nearly every day). I think that's why my recent kipping sessions have not caused the same joint soreness as previously.

All the best with your foray into Crossfit WODs. That's a good start with a 165 PJ. Hope you log all your sessions as I'm keen to see how you get on.
1-11-10 CF WOD

The workout called for 3 rounds for time of

Walking Lunge 50 meters

Standing Broad jump 100 meters

Run 200 meters

Warmed up with 2x15x45 Good Mornings

2x15 situps

1x15,11xbw dips

1x10,7xbw pull ups used a shoulder width grip

2x15x bw +stick OHS

Made it through two rounds before I felt like vomiting. Lungs took an awful beating again. The jumps were the a snow covered driveway wasn't the greatest spot either.

My time 22m46s. Horrible, but will get better.

Today my legs are toast. Glutes, hams, quads....serious DOMS. Glad today's WOD is max rep bw bench presses and pull your own pace, phew.
1-13-10 CF WOD

Bench 5x180 11,10,6,7,6

Pull ups 5xbw(178) 10,7,7,6,6 Grip a bit wider than shoulder width Kipping

Chest and Back nice and swollen. Rested 2-5 minutes between sets

Started cleaning up the diet..I think CF will have me leaning out over the next two months.
1-4-10  CF WOD

3 rounds for time

Walking Handstand     100 feet
Handstand                   2 minutes
Handstand Push ups    15

YEAH RIGHT!   I have never even done a handstand.  For a walking handstand I subbed wall runs which are basically leaning against a wall and lifting you hands to your at a time of course.  I should have used a scaled done version of this but I tried.

17min41sec  shoulders fried

Wall Runs                       4,4,6  (only 2 and 3 per arm)
Handstand Hold             30,35,40 seconds
HSPU                              Zeros

Added a few more Handstand Holds for 45 seconds each and I was DONE, CASHED OUT!

I'll be doing some handstands 2 times per week along with some wall runs.  I thought I had some decent shoulder strength, but boy was I wrong.  On a side note, my right shoulder didn't bother me at all benching on Weds. or yesterday.

Did some practice on snatch form with a pvc pipe for a warmup.
I missed two WODs over the weekend because I was out of town , so I started with Sats. WOD on Mon.

1-18-10 CF WOD
With a continuously running clock, squat for 60 seconds. Subtract the number of squats completed from 60, and do that many pull-ups in minute two. In minute three, squat again, subtracting the number completed from 60. Do that number of push-ups in minute four. Minute five is squatting again, and minute six pull-ups.

The pattern is squats, pull-ups, squats, push-ups, squats, pull-ups, etc. The goal is to stay within the workout's formula for as long as possible.

Don't do more than 60 squats in any round.

In any case, stay moving for at least 12 minutes.

My Attempt:     Squats (Bodyweight)        Pullups                 Pushups

                         33                                     11                         32
                         28                                      6                          25
                         20                                      4                          15
                         ---                                     ---                         ---

                         96                                     20                         72

Total time 12 minutes-- totally gassed..can't get no air

1-19-10  CF WOD
"Fight Gone Bad!"

Three rounds of:
Wall-ball, 20 pound ball, 10 ft target (Reps)
Sumo deadlift high-pull, 75 pounds (Reps)
Box Jump, 20" box (Reps)
Push-press, 75 pounds (Reps)
Row (Calories)

In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute.The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. On call of "rotate", the athletes must move to next station immediately for best score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.

Subbed db thrusters with 20# dbs each arm for wall ball and burpees for rowing machine.

DB Thrusters                         25,20,20
Sumo dead high pull 75#       16,15,18
Box Jump 19"                         11,12,12
Push Press   75#                   10,10,10
burpees                                 11,8,6  

Total time 21min 51 sec   Had to take a 5min break between round 1 and 2 and a 6 minute break between 2 and 3.  These things are kicking my arse!  

Also did 2 wall handstands  for 40 and 45 seconds.  Looking forward to 5x3 deadlifts in next WOD.  At least I know I can complete that.

Right now legs are very sore.  Deadlifting is going to be tough.  Sumo Dead high pulls were cool!
1-20-10 CF WOD
Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3 reps

I haven't deadlifted since 1-5-10 so I was curious to see how things panned out. I tested my maxes on 12-24-10 and my 1 rep max was 365.

Warm Up OHS(PVC PIPE) 10,10
situps 15,15
dips(bw) 10,10
Good morns(BAR) 15,15

Deads 1x3x205,255,275,325,355,365

Was pretty happy with that effort considering my entire body is sore. Tomorrow rest day.
Awesome work Bax. Fight Gone Bad is pure evil. Really cool that for deads you got a triple with 365, esp. after a triple with 355.
Thanks Lol. I was glad to see my strength improve while doing CF.

1-22-10  CF WOD

For time:
100 Burpee pull-ups

Ideally, the pull-up bar is one foot above your reach.

Scaled mine down a bit.  My pullup bar is at fingertip reach.  Still tough though.
I was going to do 100 no matter how long it took.

Here's how mine broke down:

20,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10  with rest in between.  I wanted to beat 15 minutes, but came in at 22min 38sec.  Not bad...still breathing mighty heavy.  The treadmill doing intervals is not sounding bad anymore, but this is more fun.  Tomorrow some clean and jerk fun!! I think?
Good work on the WOD's!
I'll be following your progress with interest, especially any strenght gains or losses.

I've been doing exclusively Crossfit for almost in total over half a year. I am still seeing progress but am very curious how you, and Lol, are going to react to it.
1-24-10 CF WOD
3 Rounds for time of:
135 pound Clean and jerk, 10 reps
30 GHD situps

Samson Stretch 30sec,30sec
Pullups 13,8
OHS(PVC) 10,10
Dips(BW) 12,12

Scaled Back

Clean and Jerk 3x10x95
Situps 30,30,30

Time 18min45sec

Didn't care to much for repping on clean and jerks. The weight was light enough, but the gasping for air is what screws with the form. No wrist problems while catching in the front squat.

Yesterday shoveled a boat load of snow that slid of my garage roof from the warm weather over the weekend. I had all intentions of doing the WOD in addition, but came down with that same stomach flu bug that I had a month ago. Sucks, I'm usually never sick and now twice in a month.

I may try for a workout today, but all that puking takes a lot out of you.

CZ thanks for stopping in. I am definitely curious to see how my strength fairs. To early to tell. My main goal right now is to become better physically fit and hopefully stronger in the process.
1-27-10 CF WOD
For time:
For time:
225 pound Deadlift, 15 reps
50 Pull-ups
225 pound Deadift, 12 reps
40 Pull-ups
225 pound Deadlift, 9 reps
30 Pull-ups
225 pound Deadlift, 6 reps
20 Pull-ups
225 pound Deadlift, 3 reps
10 Pull-ups

warm up

Samson stretch   15 sec, 15 sec
OHS(PVC)            15,15
Dips(BW)             15,12
situps                  15,15

Deads 225       1x15,12,9,6,3
Pullups             20,15,10,10,5  

My pullups were horrible.  In the first set I managed only 3pu and 2 chins followed by 15 jumping pullups, 2nd set 2 chins,6jumping,2pu,6 jumping, 3rd set 10 jumping, 4th set 3 chins 7 jumping, 5th set 5 pullups after 3 minute rest.

All deads were DOH grip.   Time:  17:35

When I caught my breath I did 3 sets of wall handstands with 2 minute rests in between.  1:05, :45, :35.  Some improvement there.

I wonder how long it takes for someone to get to a level where you can complete this WOD.  I mean 150 pullups is nuts!
(BAX67 @ Jan. 27 2010,8:07)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I wonder how long it takes for someone to get to a level where you can complete this WOD.  I mean 150 pullups is nuts!
Awesome that you got through it Bax.

Yeah, it is nuts. As well as being screamingly hard on the back (and also very fatiguing because of the hip extension if you do kips), there's the wear and tear on your hands; kipping pull-ups tend to put more strain on your hands than regular pull-ups because of all the lurching about.

I think/hope I could get through this WOD as rx'd but I'm sure it would take me a good while and I would probably tape my hands beforehand. (Might try it next week or over the weekend.)

I noticed that a few folks were getting sub 11 minute times for this WOD as rx'd. Now that is completely bonkers! 195 total reps for this WOD in 11 minutes is about 3.3 sec per rep. Sounds like hell to me.
Bax maybe you should check out the BrandX site.
It has the scalings for the WOD's. For example the pack
scaling for that deadlift drama would be:
For time:
135 - 155 pound Deadlift, 15 reps
35 Pull-ups
135 - 155 pound Deadift, 12 reps
25 Pull-ups
135 - 155 pound Deadlift, 9 reps
15 Pull-ups
135 - 155 pound Deadlift, 6 reps
10 Pull-ups
185 - 205 pound Deadlift, 3 reps
5 Pull-ups


I do most of the workouts at their pack level and some RXed. Also they give great training tips.
Good luck
1-28-10 CF WOD

Five rounds for time of:
Row 500 meters
135 pound thruster, 7 reps

Warmed up
Good Morns(Bar) 15,15
Kipping Pu 15,10,5
Situp 15,15

Subbed Sumo dead High Pulls(BAR) For rowing 50,50,50,50,50 after first round did bouts of 15 at a time

Thruster 115# 7,7,7,7,7 No clustering

Time 26:16

I never figured a 45 # bar could feel so heavy. All the front squatting I did a few months ago with crossed arms was a mistake. Definitely not the same animal when you have front squat to press. Took all day to get the balls to do this. My back was cashed after yesterday. I was happy to make it through the whole WOD even though I scaled back the thruster.

CZ, yes I've checked out Brand X.
Thanks tim,  during every workout I ask myself, Why am I doing this?  Todays WOD much more to my liking.

1-29-10 CF WOD

Clean, 1 rep
Bench press, 1 rep
Overhead squat, 1 rep

Clean is from the ground, power or squat.

Power Clean    1x5x45,1x3x75,1x1x115,135,145,155,160, 165(miss)

Bench              1x3x135,1x1x175,185,215,230(slow going up)

OHS                 1x1x45,65,75,85,95,105(miss)

Total PC 160
        B   230
      OHS 95

I really need to work on my squat cleans and OHS among other things.  My bench is up 15# since I tested my maxes on12-24-09.  Not close to what I used to do but I'll take it.  

My best clean was 175 sometime back and I never really went for a OHS PR before.

Bodyweight down to 174 and I forgot to mention my shoulder didn't hurt at all while benching which hasn't happened in years.
2-2-10  CF WOD

Thursday 100128

Back Squat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

Fell behind a little this weekend.  Was real busy with hockey tournaments and Mon. I just rested.

Warm Up

Samson Stretch   15 sec, 15sec
Situp                    15,15
Dips(BW)             15,15
Pullups                11,9
OHS(PVC)            15

Back Squats        1x1x135,185,200,210,230,240,250

Finished off with another 15 situps, 8 pullups, and 12 dips.

Squat max tested on 12-24=09 was 215.  I remember when I was doing 250 for 5 reps.  

Seem to be improving on everything but pullups.  I just can't get those suckers.  My wind is defintely improving.  Played some hockey with my youngest son last night and could keep up with him much better.  Man those little buggers can skate.
2-3-10 CF WOD

Friday 100129

10 minutes Handstand push-ups
5 minutes Squats
2 minutes Pull-ups
1 minute Push-ups

Russ Greene 359 reps (20lb vest). Josh Everett 357 reps. Post reps to comments.

Handstand PushUps(modified) 71

Squats (BW) 104

Pullups 19

Pushups 32

Total Reps 226

For my Handstand pushups I set the pin in my rack at 42&quot; and rested my shins on it kind of in a pike position. After the regular pushups I had a burning sensation in my shoulders like I've never had before. Had to lay on the couch for 15 minutes afterwards just to get my bearings straight. Whoa!!
2-5-10 CF WOD

Seven rounds for time of:
95 pound Power snatch, 7 reps
95 pound Snatch balance, 7 reps
95 pound Overhead squat, 7 reps

Warm up situps 15,15
dips(bw) 15,15
good morns 15,15
pullups 14,9

Power Snatch 65# /75# 7,7,7,7,7,7,7

Snatch Balance 45# 7,7,7,7,7,7,7

OHS 45# 7,7,7,7,7,7,7

Time: 27:37

First set of power snatch was 65# and the rest 75#. Decided to go safe and did just the bar for the other two exercises.

My goal was to beat 25 minutes and the last three sets I went all out with only changing the plates as down time. Came close and I will tell you I was shaking all over after this one.
I don't doubt for a second that you were shaking - but were you puking too? Holy crap, Bax.