Baxmans Trip


Front squat 1x5x130,145,155,165,175

OHP 5x5x127

Power Clean 5x5x150

early a.m. workout here. Pretty good. My best 5 sets of power cleans ever. I was real happy with that. Off to Duluth, Mn for youth hockey tournament.

8-24-09 Week 5 5x5

Hockey tournament was awesome. My sons team played in the championship game but came up a goal short and lost 2-1. The game they won to get to that game was spectacular. Won it 6-5 in triple overtime. Incredible athletes those 9 year olds are.

Front Squat 5x5x170 Took everything I had

OHP 1x5x110,120,127,135,145 YES

Dips 2x5xbw+15, 1x7xbw+15

I'll do my cleans tomorrow. I ran out of gas. Strong today.

Back Squats 1x5x185,205,225

Deads 4x5x340

Haven't back squatted forever . Felt pretty good, 225 was medium effort. Probally could have thrown 10 more pounds on deads. No time for bench and I never did fit my power cleans in .

Bench 4x5x190
Chins bw+40 3 sets 7,5,5

Bodyweight 182 May have to start some light cardio soon. Crap!!

Front Squat 1x5x140,150,160,170,185 PR

OHP 5x5x135

Power Clean 1x5x135,140,150,160 PR, 175 PR

BB Curl 1x8x85, 2x6x85

Skulls 3x8x95

Super happy with the way week 5 ended. Really strong on fr squats and OHPs and had a couple of reps left in the tank on all sets. Power Cleans were awesome. 160 seemed easy and 175 the first 2 reps were good the last three so so. My cleans have really improved this 5 weeks more so than any other cycle. It always seemed to stop around 150-155. I've never really front sqautted as much either. As my front squat has gone up dramatically my power clean has gone up with it.
Next week is a deload. No signs of CNS strain yet, knock on wood.
9-1-09 Deload

Front Squat 3x3x170

OHP 1x3x116,130,145

Power Cleans 1x3x140,155,175

Dips 1x6,8,10xbw+15

RDL+Shrugs 2x10x210

Shoulders were a little tight to start with on dips but loosened up rather nicely.
(BAX67 @ Sep. 04 2009,4:19)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">9-4-09     Deload Week

Deads              3x3x340  </div>
You &quot;deload&quot; with a 340 lb deadlift...? Where's the icon for [rolls eyes]? That's still a whole lotta iron.
9-7-09 Last day of Deload

Front Squat 1x3x145,165,185

OHP 3x3x135

Power Cleans 3x3x160

BB Curls 3x5x95

Skulls 3x8x100

Front Squats        3x3x175

OHP                     1x3x118,133,148

Power Cleans      1x3x141,160,1x2x176,1x1x176

Dips                     1x6xbw+20,2x8xbw+20

Well I hauled my *** out of bed this morning at 5:30 to lift.  That's a first.  Started my part time work again and can never manage to get motivated when I get home.  This cycle has been going well and I don't want to throw it all away so I'll skip some sleep for awhile and see if that works.  Can't say I enjoyed lifting right after waking up, but the session went well.  Missed my third rep on power cleans, waited one minute and got my last rep.  I'll have to hold at that weight for now.  I have to practice regular cleans...getting under the bar in a front squat should let me pull more.
(BAX67 @ Sep. 09 2009,10:47)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">so I'll skip some sleep for awhile and see if that works.  </div>
Be careful with that. Sleep is an important part of the training cycle.

You might wanna just skip the late night movie instead...

Yeah TR, it's not the late night movie that's the problem. When I get home from the part time work, I have to be available to work down in the bar and restaurant if need be. I hate doing a set of squats and then going and flipping a couple of burgers or making a pizza. Living where you work has its advantages and disadvantages.

Bench 3x3x210

Deads 3x3x350

Chins 1x8,6,5xbw+40 Managed 1 more rep over last week

Deadlifts felt great today!!

Bodyweight 182

Short on time.

Front Squats 1x3x150,170,190 PR Solid

OHP 3x3x138

Cleans and some assistance exercises tomorrow a.m. hopefully.

Had a couple reps left in me for the front squats.

Power Cleans 3x3x168

bb curls 1x5x95

skulls 1x6x105

During my warm ups for power cleans, I hit my chin with the bar and boy did that smart. I now have a big welt and bruise. I should have quit then because things didn't get better. Form sucked on cleans, using to much arm, bb curls felt heavy and right elbow had a bad twinge so I cut the session short.
Ouch! Hitting your chin sux. Hope it heals fast.

Ne'er mind about the bad workout; great that you got a PR front squat triple with 190, and with something left in the tank too. It won't be long before you get a triple with 200.
(Lol @ Sep. 14 2009,8:47)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Ne'er mind about the bad workout; great that you got a PR front squat triple with 190, and with something left in the tank too. It won't be long before you get a triple with 200.  
Very nice!

I suspect your practice with power cleans will be a help for your front squats. My best triple with front squats was at 195 lbs, but because I have to use the Dave Draper crossed-arms method, I struggle more with holding the bar than with lifting the weight.

You'll be breaking 200 with your triples soon, and leaving me in the dust...!
Thanks guys. TR, I have to use the crossed arm method too because of a wrist injury which is really painful when down in the hole. Also the reason why I'm doing power cleans instead of cleans. The wrist doesn't seem to hurt as much while standing up.

9-17-09 Week 8

Front Squats 3x3x185

OHP 1x3x121,136,151

Dips 3x8xbw+20

I'm pretty sure that 151 for 3 is my best OHP effort, I'll have to look back and see. After my last front squat day, I decided to jump ahead one week with the weight. I'm glad I did. Pretty pleased today.

Bench 3x3x215

Deads 1x3x350, 2x3x365

Put the wrong weight on the bar for my first set of deads. Should have been 360, so for a punishment loaded 365. Killer!!

Shoulders held up good while benching.

Fr. Squats 1x3x155,175,200

OHP 3x3x142

Clean Pulls 3x3x165

My wrist has been bothering me a bit, so clean pulls instead of power cleans. Could really feel the heavy set of front squats in the upper back. Intense!
That 200's a PR for 3 reps isn't it, Bax? Great progress anyway. Your OHPs are really coming on too. What's your bw right now? Maintaining or slowly increasing?
Thanks Lol. Bodyweight 179 and holding for the last 4 weeks. I've put on 10# the first five weeks...not all lean unfortunately.

9-24 09

Deads 3x3x380 3X3 PR

OHP 1x3x123, 138 , 155PR

Man, finally broke thru that 155 OHP. Never been able to get past 1 rep. PUMPED!!

Deadlifts rocked too!! Best prior 3x3 was 10-18-08 at 377. I know only 3# more, but it took a long time to get back there.

Today was a good lifting day!!