Baxmans Trip

YeahTR for sure!


Power Cleans 3,3,3,3,3

Not very happy with the effort. No energy today.


Front Squat 2, 2, 2, 2, 2
Box Jump 5x2 (use 90% of 1 RM box jump)

Fr. Squat 1x2x115,135,155,175,190
Box Jumps 5x2x32.5 inch high box

Complete 2 rounds for time:
50 Sledge Hammer Strikes LT
One Arm Farmer Walk 50 yards RT
One Arm Farmer Walk 50 yards LT
50 Sledgehammer Strikes RT
*Rest 2 minutes between rounds
*Use between a 12 -20 lbs sledgehammer.
*Go as heavy as possible for farmer carry.

Time 10:27 thats minus the 2 minute rest between rounds
Used a 13.5 pound sledge and 95# farmer walk

Deadlift 5 RM (add 10 lbs to last workout)
Bench Press 8x3 @ 80% of 1 RM (45 secs rest)
Strict Ring Dips 3 x max reps

Bench 8x3x170
Ring Dips 8,8,6 BW
Dead 1x4x325, 1x1x325 Waited 30 seconds and did the 5th rep

Nice little workout. Did some bodyfat measurements today and came in at 11.5%. Pretty happy about that, but would like to get to 8%. Bodyweight 158

Squat 5x1x210

OHP 1x5x65,95,105,115,125


Squat 10x2 @ 85% of 1 RM (45 seconds rest)
Floor Press 3 RM
Box Jumps 5x3 @ 85% of 1 RM Box Jump

Squats 10x2x195 Brutal
Floor Pr 1x3x195
Box Jump 331/2" 5x3


Complete 5 rounds for time of:
1 Press 90% of 1 RM
1 Strict Pull Up
1 Press 90% of 1 RM
3 Strict Pull Ups
1 Press 90% of 1 RM
5 Strict Pull Ups

Used 130# for the first 3 rounds then lowered in to 125
Last set of pullups clustered 3,1,1

Time 12:18 Not very happy with that.
Hey tim, yep still doing the CF Football, but I'm a couple weeks behind the main page.


Deadlift 5 RM
Full Glute Ham Raises 3 x10

DL 1x5x325 stronger than last weeks attempt. No pause between the 4th and 5th rep.
GL Raises 3x10xbw


Front Squat & Jerk 5 x (3 + 1)
*perform 3 front squats, then jerk the weight on last rep

Fr Squat 1x3+1jerk x135
3 rounds of
1 20 yard Pro Short Shuttle
10 Clapping Push Ups
10 Nine Foot Wall Touches

time:5:34 Couldn't quite get the 9' mark on the jumps
TR, I'm not sure fun is the right word for them. I like the variety.


On the minute
Perform 2 Power Snatches on the minute for 15 minutes.
*use 65%-75% of your 1 RM for workout


Weighted Chins 3xbw+35 7,5,5

Weight still at 158

Complete 4 rounds:
Each round consists of 6 cycles of the following:
DB Hang Power Clean
DB Front Squat
DB Push Press
DB Lunge RT
DB Lunge LT
*Do not set the weight down during the 6 times through the cycle.
*Rest as needed between rounds.
*Go up in weight each round to perform the heaviest round possible.

35# 6cycles
45# 6 cycles
52.5# 6 cycles
65# only managed 3 cycles


Squats 5x1x215
Bench 1x5x135,155,175,185,195(last rep really slow goin up)

Happy with that. Bodyweight down to 155

Complete 3 rounds for time:
1 Box Jump @ 95% of 1 RM Box Jump
1 Pull Up @ 50% of 1 RM Pull Up
1 Box Jump @ 95% of 1 RM Box Jump
3 Pull Ups @ 50% of 1 RM Pull Up
1 Box Jump @ 95% of 1 RM Box Jump
5 Pull Ups @ 50% of 1 RM Pull Up

Time 8:09 which included the time to jog from my box to a pullup bar

331/2 inch box and 25# for pullups
In round 2 of 5 rep pullups clustered 3 and 2 and in round 3 just went bodyweight and clustered 3,2 on 5 rep pullups
I don't necessarily understand all of what you are doing. I was gone while you and Lol were developing your Crossfit stuff. Even so, it looks pretty impressive to me (though _tim has you beat on the DB rows...).
TR, Yeah tim has got me on a lot of lifts and by the way so do you!


Overhead Press 4x1x130, 1x1x135 Felt good all the way through

On the minute
Complete 2 squats on the minute for 12 minutes.
Use 80% of 1 RM Squat.
Complete 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 reps of:
Chin Ups
Push Ups

Squats used 185# left hammie started cramping in 6th minute. Pushed my way through 12 minutes. Legs are gonna hurt tomorrow.

Chins 10/9/4,4/3,2,2/2,2,2/2,2,1/2,2/1,2/2/1 Once again chins or pullups screw up my time
Pushups 10/9/8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1 No Problem

Time 10:39

On my way to Detroit tomorrow for the weekend to watch my oldest boy in the Bantam State Hockey Finals. Going to be AWESOME!
Thanks tim.


Front Squat 1x1x145,165,185,195,215(F), 210 (Took all I had, but got it)

5 x 1 max height box jump with 25 lbs DB's in hands
3 x max reps strict pull ups w/ 50 lbs

Did two sets on a 24" box and 3 sets on a 28 1/2 " box. Pretty scary jumping with 25# plates in your hands onto a box and not knowing if your going to make it.

Pullups 3xbw+50, 3,2,2 reps
Bodyweight still 155
That's a great front squat Bax. A good 35% over bodyweight. You have four plates in your sights. :cool:

Did you make your own boxes for box jumps? I've got to get round to building a couple.
Hey Lol, Yep I built my own out of scrap plywood and 2x6. I stack them on blocks to make them higher.


Deads 1x10x135, 1x1x185, 1x1x255, 1x1x305, 1x5x335(Pretty tough)
GHD situps 3x8 only used half the range of motion

As many rounds as possible in 8 minutes:
3 Power Cleans @ 65% of 1 RM
6 Toes To Bar

7 rounds + 3power cleans and 2 toe to bar
Used 105# for P cleans

Squat 5x1x220

Floor Pr 1x5x135,155,160,165 1x3x195


Power Cleans 4x3x135, 1x3x140
As many rounds as possible in 12 minutes:
7 One Arm Kettlebell Power Snatches - 2 pood
7 Ball Slams 40 lbs
7 GHD Sit Ups

Went 6 rounds +7 snatches and 7 Ball slams Used a 45# dumbbell and a 25# Ball(Need to make a heavier ball). Used 1/2 range of motion on GHD situps