Baxmans Trip

Ah! Not so fast my soon-to-be-svelte friend! How do you know there hasn't been some recomp? You may have lost some fat but gained in all the right places. It's quite likely in your case as you are returning to your former glory.
Indeed, I have had some thoughts along those lines. I seem to "appear" to be more muscular, but the weight stays the same.

I'm surprised how easy it has been. In my weight class I get a free meal and a refeed each week. I have yet to go to bed hungry. Lyle's idea of "diet" is very different from what I grew up with.

Hey TR I'm kinda surprised how easy it has been also. The first day was a little rough but now I don't fell that hungry at all. I am in the same class as you with one refeed per week and one free meal. I am also surprised by my energy levels. Not bad considering only taking in between 1000 and 1200 calories a day. I am going to run with the diet for 4 weeks then do a couple of weeks at maintenance and then go back into it. Went from 173 to 164, but have held steady at 164 for about three days now. Slipped into a pair of 32 pants for the first time in a couple years so I know it must be working.

Power Cleans 15x1 @ 75% of 1 RM (45 sec rest)
Weighted Strict Chin Ups 3 x max reps

Power Cleans 5x1x120, 5x1x125
PC+push press 5x1x125

Chins BW+25 6,5,4 Weak
Great job on dropping the weight. I hope I can do as well when I eventually end up having to cut. I’m getting awfully use to eating much more than usual right now.
grunt11 Thank you


Front Squat 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
Floor Press 1, 1, 1, 1, 1

Front Squat 1x5x95,115,135,155,165

Floor Press 1x1x135,165,185,205,210

Walk 2 miles with a 40-60 lbs weight vest, sand bag or plate.
*You can wear a weight vest, carry a sand bag or plate. You can load up a back pack with 40-60 lbs.
*Remember to walk, not run.

Used a 40# backpack and forgot to time it oops. Shoulders and traps are gonna be sore.
Thanks tim.


Deads 1x5x185,225,255,290 All DOH grip

One arm DB row 1x15x52.5, 1x13x62, 1x5x82

Bodyweight has dropped to 161.

Squats 1x5x95,115,135,165,185

6 rounds for time:
3 Reps Anyway Overhead - 185 lbs
6 Pull Ups (Chest to Bar)
9 Push Ups (Clapping)

Went 4 rounds in 8:26
Used 135# overhead- Push Presses

Since last Weds. this diet has really seemed to kick in. Weight down to 161 from 173 when I started and I can see changes almost on a daily basis. My diet has basically been three meals a day of 6oz. cold skinless rotisserie chicken, cucumbers and red peppers. Boring but effective.

Squats 1x5x95,115,135,165,185

6 rounds for time:
3 Reps Anyway Overhead - 185 lbs
6 Pull Ups (Chest to Bar)
9 Push Ups (Clapping)

Went 4 rounds in 8:26
Used 135# overhead- Push Presses

Since last Weds. this diet has really seemed to kick in. Weight down to 161 from 173 when I started and I can see changes almost on a daily basis. My diet has basically been three meals a day of 6oz. cold skinless rotisserie chicken, cucumbers and red peppers. Boring but effective.

Congrats on the diet progress! I've been eating a lot of the same stuff for about a month now and it has def gotten boring, but I know I'm getting everything I need in the right quantities so I just need to stick with the plan.

Q: When CFF says 'anyway overhead', is that overhead from rack position or from the ground?

Thanks I never really looked into it and just assumed that anyway overhead was your choice of getting there whether it be cleaning and jerking it, push pressing, overhead pressing, overhead squatting or whatever.

Complete 10 rounds of:
One rounds consists of the following:

One Arm DB Power Clean Right
One Arm DB Front Squat Right
One Arm DB Push Press Right
One Arm DB Front Squat Right
One Arm DB Push Press Right
then switch hands....
One Arm DB Power Clean Left
One Arm DB Front Squat Left
One Arm DB Push Press Left
One Arm DB Front Squat Left
One Arm DB Push Press Left

*Do Not Drop The Weight. Do Not Set It Down.

*If weight is dropped, count number of drops and perform an equal amount of burpees as a penalty.
Post number of total drops and weight of dumbbell used to

Did 10 rounds, Used 52.5# dumbbell, no drops in 6:21

CF Football Total
Power Clean 1 Rep
Squat 1 Rep
Bench 1 Rep
Deadlift 1 Rep
*Perform a single max effort for the lifts listed above.
*After warm-ups, 3 attempts are allowed.
*Total must be done in the specified order.
*Combine all 4 lifts to create CF Football Total

Power Clean 165
Squat 230
Bench 210
Dead 355
Total 960

Squat 10x2 @ 75% of 1 RM (45 seconds rest)
Box Jumps 3 x 6 box jumps @ 75% of 1 RM Box Jump
Press 5x1

Squat 10x2x170
3x6 box jumps at 28"
OHP 5x1x125

Deadlift 3 RM
Weighted Pull Ups 3 x max reps

Dead 1x3x315 Should have went more on weight
Pullup 1x6,5,5xbw+25

Death by Power Clean
With a continuously running clock do one power clean the first minute, two power cleans the second minute, three power cleans the third minute...continuing as long as you are able.
*Use 55% - 65% of 1 RM Power Clean
Post loads used and number of minutes completed to comments.

Used 110# and made 8 rounds + 6 in the ninth minute. Gassed!

Bench 8x3 @ 75% of 1 RM (45 seconds rest)
One Arm DB Rows 3 x max reps

Front Squat 3, 3, 3, 3, 3
Full Glute Ham Raises 3x15

Front Squat 1x3x135,145,165,175, Failed at 185
Glute Ham 1x15,12,12
Bench 8x3x160
1arm db row 2x12x82,1x8x82

As many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
7 One Arm DB Snatches RT - 50 lbs
7 One Arm DB Snatches LT - 50 lbs
3 Box Jumps @ 65% of 1 RM Box Jump

Went 7 rounds in 11:50 and used a 35# DB


Squat 5x1
Close Grip Bench 5, 5, 5, 5, 5

Squat 5x1x205
CGB 1x5x135, 145, 150,155,1x4x160
Pushups 5sets 45,15,11,12,11

Tris are FRIED!!

Power Snatch 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 , 1, 1
Weighted Pull Ups 3 x max reps

P Snatch 1x1x75,95,100,105,110,120, 125, 130(F)
Weighted Pull ups bw+25 7,6,5 A couple more reps from the last time

I'm pretty sure the 125 power snatch is the most I've done on this lift. Gotta go and look back. In my 5th week of the RFL diet and I am down to 158#. Looking pretty lean, but still have some stubborn midsection flab to go.(Not much) Pretty pleased with the results. I'm pretty sure I am going to go Paleo with milk after that.
158 pounds? How tall are you, Bax? What's your goal - weight or look (or something else)?

Doing all that volume with such a low body mass makes it all the more impressive. Wow man!

Squat 10x2 @ 80% of 1 RM (45 seconds rest)
Rack Jerk 1, 1, 1, 1, 1

Squat 10x2x185 was real tough from the 6th set on
Rack Jerk 1x1x95,125,135,160,165 Really excited about putting that overhead

Complete for time:
50 Ball Slams - 40 lbs
50 Double Unders
*Every time you break on the double unders count a penalty.
*1 Penalty = 5 Ball Slams assessed after the DUs.

Used a 20# med ball and subbed tuck jumps for the double unders TIME 3:57

Tim, I'm 5'9" and my goal right now is to stay as strong as possible while getting down to about 8% BF. From there I just want to look and feel good, eat healthy and get stronger without all the excess baggage. I'll probably stick with the crossfit football because I like the strength workouts mixed with the metcon. Its a nice variety while still concentrating on the lifts I enjoy doing.