Browners Log

Something I would like to see you work on is pulling the slack out of the bar for the break.

Based on that video, you are breaking with your hips/leg drive, where as pulling the slack out strongly will a) reduce the ROM by about an inch or two, b) flow into a more powerful break, c) let you get full value from your upper back.
Something I would like to see you work on is pulling the slack out of the bar for the break.

Based on that video, you are breaking with your hips/leg drive, where as pulling the slack out strongly will a) reduce the ROM by about an inch or two, b) flow into a more powerful break, c) let you get full value from your upper back.

Thanks for your input Jester. I have been working on trying to get tighter in my set up, I'll work on that next deadlift session. Appreciate your advice. Aiming for a 250 pull next comp which will be about feb/mar time, so hopefully that will help
This mornings session

Squats (Played with a lower bar position)
140kg x 3 @6RPE
150kg x 3 @8RPE
162.5kg x 3 @9RPE
150kg x 3 @8RPE
150kg x 3 @9RPE

Top set of squats here. Would have liked more depth, but it should pass as depth in a meet... just

Bench Press (Touch n Go)
120kg x 4 @7RPE
125kg x 4 @8RPE
130kg x 4 @9RPE
120kg x 4 @7RPE
120kg x 8 @9RPE - Was feeling strong on this set, so wanted to push on with the reps

Pull Ups - 3 sets of 10 @ Bodyweight
The way I cue it is I start the movement by pushing my upper back, backwards, like a bench drive or squat, when the barn ends then push the floor away and lift done.
This mornings training

Rack Rulls (just below knee)

220kg x 3 @ 7RPE
230kg x 3 @8RPE
240kg x 3 @8.5RPE
220kg x 3 @8RPE

Close Grip Bench
100kg x 6 @7RPE
105kg x 6 @8RPE
110kg x 6 @9RPE
100kg x 6 @8RPE

Seated Rows (Machine)
58kg x 12
58kg x 12
58kg x 12

Hack Squat (Machine)

150kg x 12
150kg x 12
150kg x 12
This mornings session

165kg x 3 @8RPE
165kg x 3 @9RPE
170kg x 1 @8RPE
150kg x 3 @7RPE
150kg x 3 @7RPE
150kg x 3 @9RPE

Bench (TnG)
115kg x 7 @7RPE
120kg x 7 @8RPE
125kf x 7 @9RPE
110kg x7 @8RPE

Incline DB Press
40kg DB's x 5 @7RPE
40kg DB's x 5 @7RPE
40kg DB's x 5 @7RPE
Are your post-deads feels most significant in glutes, hamstrings or back?

I used to pull with all low back and would feel it there for days afterwards, but I have worked hard on getting a better set up, getting tighter and bracing. I also do a lot of glute activation work before my deads, and now I feel it predominantly in my glutes.

My main struggle with deads is I fatigue quite quickly so if I do a set of 3 at 9RPE say the next set feels 3 times as heavy, even allowing a good 5 or more minutes to rest between sets. But I put this down to training at 5:30 in the morning as its the only time I can get my training done. After work I want to get home see the wife and kid.
This mornings session;

Comp Bench
120kg x 3 @7RPE
125kg x 3 @8RPE
130kg x 3 @9RPE
120kg x 3 @8RPE
120kg x 3 @9RPE

200kg x 3 @7.5RPE
210kg x 3 @8 RPE
210kg x 3 @9RPE
190kg x 3 @8RPE
190kg x 3 @9RPE

Hack Squat (machine)
185kg x 10
185kg x 10
185kg x 10
185kg x 10
I used to pull with all low back and would feel it there for days afterwards, but I have worked hard on getting a better set up, getting tighter and bracing. I also do a lot of glute activation work before my deads, and now I feel it predominantly in my glutes.

My main struggle with deads is I fatigue quite quickly so if I do a set of 3 at 9RPE say the next set feels 3 times as heavy, even allowing a good 5 or more minutes to rest between sets. But I put this down to training at 5:30 in the morning as its the only time I can get my training done. After work I want to get home see the wife and kid.

Same schedule over here, my friend. It's takes it out of you, no arguments there.

Set of 3 at RPE 9 is probably at 90%-ish, of course it's fatiguing ;).

Glutes is good, it should basically never be lower back after 3-4months into training career.

I would try a session or two beltless and see how your rep fatigue feels. Minor adjustment in belt tightness and placement can have a massive impact on breathing, diaphragm comfort and flowing on; perceived fatigue.
Thanks for your advice @Jester good point on the RPE 9 being fatiguing.:)

Since ive been working on tightness and bracing. Also I start with my hips higher than I used to, I have quite long legs, so found my hips used to shoot up early, then pulled with all low back. These days I start with the hips higher (slightly) and focus on loading the hamstrings, engaging my lats and bracing my core and that has helped massively.
Pulling yourself into position will make all the difference.

I basically pull the first 2-3 inches with pulling out the slack. And from there it's just drive the floor away, hinge once the bar passes knees.
Todays session

2ct Pause Squats
120kg x 4 @7RPE
130kg x 4@7RPE
130kg x 4 @7RPE
130kg x 4 @7.5RPE
130kg x 4 @7.5RPE

Bench low Pin Press
110kg x 4 @6RPE
120kg x 4 @7.5RPE
120kg x 4 @8RPE

Snatch Grip SLDL - Beltless
120kg x 5 @5RPE
130kg x 5 @ 6RPE
140kg x 5 @7RPE
140kg x 5 @7.5RPE
140kg x 5 @8RPE
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This mornings session

150kg x 4 @ 7RPE
155kg x 4 @8RPE
162.5kg x 4 @9RPE
150kg x 4 @8RPE
150kg x 4 @8RPE

Bench (TnG)
120kg x 3 @6.5RPE
130kg x 3 @7.5RPE
120kg x 3 @7RPE

Was supposed to work up to 9 RPE on bench followed by Close Grip Bench, but I was feeling pretty beat up in my bench movement, so decided to take it easy this morning. This program has a lot of heavy pushing and bench type movements, and not sure if my body likes that.

Face Pulls
30kg x 15 @5RPE
40kg x 15 @6RPE
50kg x 15 @6RPE
60kg x 150 @7RPE

Face pulls weren't on the program, but I like light face pulls to balance things out a bit.
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180kg x 4 @ 7RPE
190kg x 4 @ 7.5RPE
205kg x 4 @8.5RPE
180kg x 4 @8.5RPE

Set of 190kg in the video

Bench (comp)
110kg x 4 @6RPE
120kg x 4 @7RPE
127.5kg x 4 @9RPE
115kg x 4 @8RPE
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This mornings session

150kg x 2 @7RPE
160kg x 2 @7.5RPE
170kg x 2 @8RPE

Top set squats;

Hack Squats
175kg - 4 x 10

Barbel Row
80kg - 5 x 6
Push Press
70kg x 6 @7RPE
75kg x 6 @7.5RPE
80kg x 6 @8RPE

Leg Press (machine, not plate loaded)
130kg 5 x 5
A bit of an off the cuff workout today, not on the program, just fancied smashing out some reps;

Sumo deadlift(beltless)

3 sets of 130kg for 15 reps

Bent over rows
40kg - 4 sets of 20 reps

Some bicep curls, and other bodybuilding isolation stuff, no great weights just a load of reps

With the weights so low and reps so high, I'm classing that w/o as cardio
Some very impressive lifts mate (just glossing over your workouts and being nosey)

Hope I can reach that kind of strength over the next couple of years