Browners New Powerlifting Log

Week 6, Day 2

Deadlift w/belt
245kg x1 @9rpe
180kg x5x6 @5-6rpe

2ct Pause Bench
125kg x5x3 @8-9rpe

Lat Pull Down
60kg x12x3

Although I'm only 6 weeks into this program I'm going to take next week as a deload. Yesterday my squat felt terrible, and today my deadlift felt and moved like sh*t. So next week will be at about 50% intensity and about 50% of my usual volume, then I should be well recovered to start a 9 week prep block for my powerlifting meet in October. Set up my peaking block like this;



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Week 6 Day 4

Beltless Pause Deadlifts
190kg x2 @7rpe
180kg x4x3 @8-8.5rpe

Touch 'n' Go Bench
140kg x4x3 @8-8.5rpe

Tomorrow will be a GPP day which will look like;
  • Chin ups or Some sort of Row - AMRAP in 7 minutes done in submaximal sets
  • Isometric Ab work for 7 minutes
  • 20 minutes LISS cardio
  • Might throw in some bro bicep girls and delt raises
Then deload next week which will be

Squat - 60% x3x3
Bench - 60% x3x3
OHP - 70% x4x2

Deadlift - 60% x2x3
Face pulls - x10x3

GPP (similar to what I listed above)

Then fatigue should all be gone and i'll be fresh ready to start 9 week prep for a powerlifting meet.
Sorry I haven't posted anything for a while. Basically my appendix ruptured on Monday so had a emergency appendectomy, then was out of hospital on Wednesday.

Needless to say I will not be competing in October as previously planned.

Gutted is an understatement, as was on course for some big PRs at the meet.

At the moment still feel like I've been hit by a truck! Once I can do body weight squats pain free I'll return to the gym and start VERY light
All the very best for a speedy recovery, mate. Frustrating as anything, I know. A friend of mine nearly popped his clogs when his appendix suddenly ruptured so thank goodness you are still here to fight again another day. You will be back at it before too long.
Back to work today, and I can also manage pain free body weight squats.... so f*ck it.... tomorrow im going to head to the gym.

Depending on how my body feels during the warm up, the plan is
Squat 1 set of 5 @50% 1rm
Bench 1 set of 5 @50% 1rm

If they go ok I may add a set of lat pull downs, but im going to be very cautious with anything I do. Just want to get the body moving again!
Best of luck mate! Sounds like a solid plan, and you'll know if to back off depending on how you feel [emoji106]
Manged to train with some baby weights this morning;

Squat 100kg x5x3
Bench 60kg x5x3 (this felt the worst as I couldn't get into an arch position like I usually do as it pulled on my abdomen to much so worked around it by benching flat back)
Sumo Deadlift 120kg x5x3 (being bent over on a conventional pull caused some pain so pulled sumo instead. Will use this recovery period to work on my sumo technique and mobility.

Felt good to get the body moving, and was pain free though the session.

The plan is to rest tomorrow and train again Thursday. Weekend off and re evaluate how I'm feeling next week.
Wwwwowza, those baby weights are my heavy heavy weights haha XD, I've never even squatted 100kg, so that is super impressive!
Well done mate, feels good to get back into it ay :)
Wwwwowza, those baby weights are my heavy heavy weights haha XD, I've never even squatted 100kg, so that is super impressive!
Well done mate, feels good to get back into it ay :)

Thanks man! yeah the weights were only around 40-50% of my max's before my surgery so taking it real easy. Just felt good to do something remotely physical. Weirdly after my training session is the least pain I have felt since the op. Not going to go mad though, rest again tomorrow, another light session Thursday then rest all weekend.

The plan is from Monday to increase the weights by 2.5 - 5kg each session on each of the lift and train 3 days a week until I'm back up to speed.
This mornings session

3 weeks post surgery, and felt no pain throughout. Bumped up the weights a bit but still kept it pretty light around 50-60% and volume low.

Squats 140kg x5x3
Bench 100kg x5x3
Sumo Deadlift 140x5

Going to try and do 3 days a week following a basic novice linear progression until i'm back up to full speed
No training today, but apart from a bit of DOMs from very little training the last 3-4 weeks I have no pain from where my appendix used to be.
I do still get a bit of pain/discomfort from the area when I stretch myself in certain positions but it is getting so much better day by day.

Still going to keep training minimal and only 3 days a week rather than the 4-5 that I usually do. Going to go right back to basics and follow the Starting Strength Phase 1 Protocol;

Squat x5 reps x3 sets
Bench Press/Press x5 reps x3 sets
Deadlift x5 reps x 1 set

Plan is to linearly progress this until I have made a full recovery and jump back into higher training volumes and frequencies in about 6 weeks time.
Yeah good idea.

Unfortunately the appendix stuff wasn't the only thing going on which is what I suspected... Found out the pelvic muscles (pubo rectalis) are far too tight. Sort of like Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (CPPS), but its early stages, and would have developed into that if I'd have left it. Apparently 2 months is pretty lucky, some people go years without it being figured out, so mine isn't quite chronic level yet haha.

After 5 trips to emergency and multiple scans, two ct scans, xrays and ultrasounds all up in the past 2 months that's what the severe pain was... (and just a note to all, if anyone else is having really bad sharp pelvic pains and surrounding area pains, and the docs don't know even scan after scan, please see a pelvic pain clinic, pelvic tightness can cause lots of issues with bladder, bowel, rectal pain, scrotum pain/sensitivity too, and doctors always have overlooked the pelvic floor, and have a very limited and narrow view of things sometimes... and tend to only look at bloods, scans etc. So a little plug here haha but it's been a horrendous 2 months for me, so thought I'd put that out there for others experiencing this).

So pretty much have to lay off heavy training for the moment.. until the pelvic muscles have been relaxed as training can exacerbate it and the pain...

I'll still try some light stuff, maybe in the 15-30 rep ranges, not sure what progress can occur there haha but it'll be nice staying in that range for a bit.

Thanks for asking :)