Well-Known Member
Week 6, Day 2
Deadlift w/belt
245kg x1 @9rpe
180kg x5x6 @5-6rpe
2ct Pause Bench
125kg x5x3 @8-9rpe
Lat Pull Down
60kg x12x3
Although I'm only 6 weeks into this program I'm going to take next week as a deload. Yesterday my squat felt terrible, and today my deadlift felt and moved like sh*t. So next week will be at about 50% intensity and about 50% of my usual volume, then I should be well recovered to start a 9 week prep block for my powerlifting meet in October. Set up my peaking block like this;

Deadlift w/belt
245kg x1 @9rpe
180kg x5x6 @5-6rpe
2ct Pause Bench
125kg x5x3 @8-9rpe
Lat Pull Down
60kg x12x3
Although I'm only 6 weeks into this program I'm going to take next week as a deload. Yesterday my squat felt terrible, and today my deadlift felt and moved like sh*t. So next week will be at about 50% intensity and about 50% of my usual volume, then I should be well recovered to start a 9 week prep block for my powerlifting meet in October. Set up my peaking block like this;

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