FF's Log .1

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(fearfactory @ Jan. 16 2008,18:22)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I'm back after ~ 33 days. recovered from a strained trap and minor rhomboid (according to the doc). my forearm pain is completely gone too! all systems check.

was a bit worried that I'd lost my taste for lifting, but it came right back.

plan to ease back into things a bit. this semester, I'll have more time to left too...so won't have to hurry thru workouts at all. should give me a chance to focus on my form.

might be a few weeks before I garner the courage to tackle T Bar Rows again...</div>
FF, it is good to see that you are back. I was wondering where you went. When you come back to rows, why don't you try deloading with very light 15's, or something in the rep range of 20's to 30's?
thanks colby! appreciate that !

yeah, I did some Bent BB Rows today that were pretty light. didn't bother me at all.

but that Standing T Bar Row put the fear into me. a couple weeks of walking like Lurch ain't much fun...
(colby2152 @ Jan. 16 2008,19:15)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(Totentanz @ Dec. 16 2007,20:35)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Here is a pretty good example of the bad kind of rows.

Seriously, who starts their rows from the RACK??</div>
Well, it makes the bar easy to load from the rack.  I prefer starting my deads from the rack, but right now I don't even own a rack, so such a possibility is out of my hands!</div>
I don't have a rack too, but I start my rows from 2 chairs (i put the barbell on 2 chairs). It could be used also for deads if you want
caught a flu, first semester in a professional development school, working 2 jobs, moving, marriage, home repairs, gym closed Sat thru Mon for MLK holiday... pick an excuse...

fairly in the dumps about my current strength levels, but I'm sure things will be looking up soon.

Squats 2x15x195
DB Bench 2x15x60
Lat Pulldown 2x15x100
Bent BB Row 2x15x95
OH Press 1x15x95

felt pretty weak today...still not exactly settled into this semester's schedule.
I hear you man... when life gets busy, your training suffers. This is why my road to 10% has been such a long one - getting a new job, buying a house, studying for exams, getting married, preparing for a charity event, getting married, and launching my own business. Keep it up FF!
I second Colby on this, FF.

Don't get down about your strength levels, not after an injury, life obstacles and ~33 days off. Take it slow, my friend - your strength levels will return in kind quickly.

Welcome back.
(fearfactory @ Jan. 22 2008,12:51)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">caught a flu, first semester in a professional development school, working 2 jobs, moving, marriage, home repairs, gym closed Sat thru Mon for MLK holiday... pick an excuse...</div>
&quot;It wasn't my fault. Honest! I ran out of gas. I had a flat tire. I didn't have enough money for cab fare. My tux didn't come back from the cleaners. An old friend came in from out of town. Someone stole my car! There was an earthquake! A terrible flood! Locusts! It wasn't my fault, I swear to God!&quot;
-- Jake Blues
that was a good movie TR. used to be one of my favorites. I might even pop in the DVD after I get off work...wait, nevermind, UFC is showing some free fights!

Deadlifts 1x15x250
OH Press 2x15x95
Dips 1x15x bw

got in quite a bit of cardio @ the gym today. too icy (for me) to run outside here.

bw is at 229.
Front Squats 2x15x95
DB Bench 2x15x60
BB Bent Rows 2x15x115
OH Press 1x15x105

ran a 7 minute mile @ a 3% grade before lifting. got me pretty fatigued, to the point that I forgot to do lat pulldowns...
Squats 2x15x205
OH Press 1x15x105
BB Bent Row 2x15x125
DB Bench 2x15x60

this will be the last week I do cardio before lifting (will put cardio back to end of workout).  my heart rate recovered markedly faster this week as compared to last week:  

HR averaged 93 bpm on arrival to the gym last week (walk ~.5 miles to reach the gym).  HR reached 170 and maintained that HR or above for 15 minutes.  recovery to 120 bpm took an average of ~5 mins while recovery to 95 bpm took an avg of ~14 mins (from end of run).  HR at the immediate end of weightlifting (which succeeded running) averaged ~105 bpm.

anyways...today my HR was 95 bpm on arrival.  after running (maintaining ~170 or above bpm), it took 3 mins to reach 120bpm and 9.5 mins to hit 95 bpm.

&quot;recovery time&quot; was walking at 3 mph at a slight incline.

not totally scientific, but I felt so out of shape that I wanted check for improvement.
Deads 1x15x265 (max stim, m time ~ 5 secs)
OH Press 1x15x105, 1x15x110 (12+3)
Lat Pulldowns 2x15x115
DB Bench 1x15x65
Front Squats 2x15x105
OH Press 1x15x110
Lat Pulldowns 2x15x130
DB Bench 2x15x65
BB Bent Rows 2x15x135

edit: forgot to note rows...
Do I read this correctly, FF, that you did virtually the same workout today as yesterday, just flipping Front Squats for Deads and increasing the loads? Is this a typical HST routine?
well...I've got 4 days to work out during the week. couldn't really figure out how to best handle it.

Mon - Squats, OH Press, Pendlay Rows, DB Bench

Tues - Deads, OH Press, Lat Pulldowns, DB Bench

Weds - Front Squats, OH Press, Lat Pulldowns, DB Bench

Thurs - Squats, DB Bench, OH Press, Lat Pulldowns, Pendlay Rows

Something like that anyway. I'm hoping to manage fatigue w/ alternating the exercises and performing lower volumes where necessary. We'll see...

The main thing is to increase loads over the cycle. I'll follow the standard 15's, 10's, 5's for two weeks per. and hopefully extend the 5's and go for some max efforts.

I'm not doing Pendlay Rows at the moment because my loads are so light...just doing Bent BB Rows for the time being.
Squats 1x15x210, 1x15x215
DB Bench 2x15x70
Lat Pulldowns 1x15x145, 1x15x130
OH Press 1x15x125 (10+5)
Pendlay Rows 2x15x155

I was wondering why the standing militaries felt so heavy...I meant to load 115. doh!
Squats 2x10x225, 1x10x230
DB Bench 3x10x75
Lat Pulldown 3x10x145
OH Press 2x10x125 (2nd set 8+2)
(Lol @ Feb. 04 2008,19:58)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Great OH pressing Fear. What are you aiming for this cycle?</div>
Thanks Lol! I don't really have a goal in mind. My PR is 3 reps w/ 165. If I can improve on that, it'd be great.
Deads 1x10x315 (max stime ~ 10 secs m time)
OH Press 1x10x130
DB Bench 1x10x80
Pendlay 1x10x195

ran short on time today, but between lifting and cardio it was pretty intense (for me).

bw 227 (before workout)