Well, as I expressed in another thread, I've had problems lately with the fact that my fat free mass index is right at about 25. My goal was to cut down the first quarter or so of this year before I begin bulking again. This has been a struggle because my body doesn't seem to want to drop fat without losing more lean mass than I am comfortable with.
I've finally come up with a plan that I've been following for about a month now and it seems to be working. Basically, it is similar to UD2.0 but sort of a bastardized version that does not include depletions. I slip into ketosis easily as it is, and I can't be in that ketosis brain fog for the first half of the week every week, and I can't handle the drowsy feeling I get from the carb load either, due to work. My job demands my mind be sharp all week long, and I have to be very active all day. So... My basic plan has been as such
Mon-Thurs 10 x bodyweight in calories, 2 grams of protein per lb of lean mass, on thursday I increase the carbs slightly in the PM
Fri 15 x bodyweight in calories, 1.5 grams of protein per lb of lean mass with the extra calories in the form of carbs - I take a fair amount of these carbs in the morning for breakfast prior to my workout
Sat 18 x bodyweight in calories, 2 grams of protein per lb of lean mass
Sun 15 x bodyweight in calories, I allow protein to be a it unrestricted on sundays so it ranges from 1 to 2 grams per lb of lean mass
Then the workout...
Mon/Tues 2-3 sets of 10 - 12 reps with a push/pull split
Weds, Thurs cardio
Fri fullbody 3-5 sets of 5-8 reps in the AM
Sat 3 sets of 1-3 reps only squats, deads and bench
Sun cardio
Obviously I am progressing the lifts each week, with the exception of the Saturday workout where I am simply trying to maintain my strength in the core lifts. So far, my strength has been maintaining nicely and I am getting leaner day by day. Weight is dropping very slowly. I know what some of you are thinking... Tot is doing cardio??? I thought his idea of cardio was 15 rep sets of deads. Yes, I am doing cardio. I believe I have a fair amount of visceral adipose tissue for some reason that I am trying to get rid of.
I'm currently down to 230 lbs and I have a somewhat blurry four-pack, so I'm hoping another month or two of this is all that will be necessary before I can start focusing on gaining again.