HST with Clustering Log (goal: 148 to 160lbs)

Week #8, workout #37 (Tuesday, 3/15/11)
Morning weigh-in: 155.2 lbs.

Overhead Press
90lbs x 8+15(10 sec m-time)

One Arm Rows
70 lbs x 11+5+4+4+4


170lbs x 5,5,5

Reverse Grip Bench

115lbs x 10+4+4+3+3


Week #8, workout #38 (Wednesday, 3/16/11)
Morning weigh-in: 155.4 lbs

Barbell curl

62.5lbs x 25 (10 sec m-time)
Week #8, Workout #39 (Thursday, 3/17/2011)
Morning weigh-in: 155.6

172.5lbs x 5,5,5


Unfortunately I had to end this workout early. Pain in the left arm/elbow was just too much. Clearly I've aggravated a reoccurring injury. I'm afraid it might be from the squatting. During the squatting motion I am so focused on staying upright and keeping good form that I end up using my arms too much to support the barbell on my back. So in essence I'm pushing on the bar as if I was doing a behind-the-back overhead press with far too much weight. This is just my assumption though, and it can be fixed with form improvements.

Suffered the same injury during my cycle of Stronglifts 5x5 and I felt it pretty intensely during squats. I believe it has happened before this as well, but my memory is shaky. Over the past year I've dealt with all sorts of aches and pains, and each was diagnosed and solved. This just keeps coming back.

This is particularly demoralizing because my body is totally equipped to continue. I've gained a lot of strength this cycle - the deadlifts and squats are progressing so fluidly, added bodyweight, improving aesthetic appearance, heck even my arms have gained this time around.

Going to take a full week off and resume something on Monday, 3/28...just have to figure out what that something is going to be. At this point, I'm not certain I can do the increasing weights every single workout. May have to try something that mixes low, medium, and high weight days during the week. We'll see I guess...feeling let down by my body right now.
First thing I would do is check your form. There are multiple different links to different aspects of form.



When I squat I barely have my hands touching the bar all. The weight is on my Traps for High Bar and between my Traps and Delts for Low Bar so that even standing straight up the bar just sits there without needing to use my hands to keep it from rolling off. The only time I really even need my hands on the bar is stepping back so the momentum of the weight doesn’t roll the bar off my back.

Another likely issue is Shoulder/Arm flexibility but not have had problems with it I’m not the one to advise you on how to deal with it if that’s also contributing to the problem.
Hey guys, been awhile. In my last post I mentioned that I was taking a break before starting something back on March 28th. I did my research, thought long and hard about the problems I've been having, and decided on Lyle McDonald's Ultimate Diet 2.0. It's a CKD that is supposed to shred fat while maintaining or possibly gaining muscle. Strange choice perhaps for a 155lb guy, but here's why:

1) Nutrient partitioning - I've always felt better on a low-carb diet, and UD2.0 is low-carb for 4 days of the week. Was also always curious how my body would react to a carb refeed.

2) Improve workout capacity - My gym sessions had been 35-40 minutes. And honestly that was exhausting to me. I was gaining, don't get me wrong, but there was still more fat piling on than muscle. My choice was to either increase the workout time or decrease the calories. I decided to go with a more packaged approach.

3) Desire to follow a system focused on lean gains - I love structure, and this is the most structured thing I've done up to this point.

In a nutshell, this plan has you at about 50% maintenance calories Monday through Thursday evening with a carb-load starting Thursday evening through Friday, then maintenance eating Saturday and Sunday.

Monday and Tuesday have depletion workouts. These take me 2 hours each day - brutal. About 10 exercises, 6x15 each day. So, 12x15 over 2 days, 8 exercises = 96 sets, 1440 reps. Sounds worse than it is, I guess. On Thursday evening before the carb load starts, there is an hour long hypertrophy set/rep range workout. This consists of about 10 exercises, 2x6-12. Saturday is a strength workout - 8 exercises, I do 3x5 each. This takes me another 2 hours. It's very tough, but after ingesting 1000g carbs over 30 hours, it feels great.

Overall, that's 7 hours of gym time every week. Much much more than I was doing previously. My calories breakdown was 1200 M/T/W, 900 Th during the day, 5200 Th-Fri, 2200 Sat/Sun.

Results over 5 weeks have been very impressive. I dropped about 5 pounds of fat and my lifts have increased. My waist has come down nearly 2 inches, and my arms have maintained size, maybe some slight growth. Chest measurement has remained the same. Some notable lifts from my strength workout this morning:

Deadlift - 215lbs 3x5 (this is most impressive to me)
One-arm row - 82.5 lbs 3x5
Steep Inc. Bench - 52lb dumbbells 3x5
Slight incline bench - 55lbs dumbbells 3x5

I've given up on barbell benching right now. Just doesn't work for me. With dumbbells I find that I can muscle through reps after fatigue sets in. When using barbells as soon as I struggle with one rep, that's it - bar isn't going up again.

I've worked in Romanian deadlifts during the M/T/Th workout and this has helped condition my lower back such that I have absolutely no tightness, discomfort, pain, etc., during the heavy deadlifts on Saturday. I've also incorporated split squats to accomplish both hip flexor stretching and leg strength - this has helped my squat tremendously. I have not heavy squatted during these 5 weeks, but I was able to do 150x9,8,6 with great form, speed, and comfort on Thursday.

My left bicep issue seems to be addressing itself. The pain has decreased week over week.

My goal was 5 weeks and I got through it. I have bachelor parties the next 2 weekends so my Fridays through Sundays will be shot. Going to go off this diet and eat maintenance this week with some hour-long hypertrophy set/rep range full-body workouts. The following week I will not workout and eat maintenance. Then starting May 16th, I will do an 6-week cycle of Ultimate Diet 2.0 mass-gain variety and see how that works out.

I will log that here.
Please update your progress. I for one am interested in how people are doing on their cuts since eventually I’m going to have to do a real one.
I did my research, thought long and hard about the problems I've been having, and decided on Lyle McDonald's Ultimate Diet 2.0. It's a CKD that is supposed to shred fat while maintaining or possibly gaining muscle.

I think Lol did the UD 2.0 last year with a certain amount of success.
I really enjoyed it. The refeed was particularly satisfying and my body seemed to adjust very well to the switches back to low-carb dieting. Over the 7-day "cycles' it looks I averaged 2000 calories/daily. But my calorie consumption on Saturday/Sunday was difficult to measure. I would eat out a couple times those days.

2000/daily is probably a slight deficit for me. Not 100% sure what my maintenance level is. But the gains in strength and muscle are noticeable. Fat loss is also noticeable. Pretty comfortable saying I progressed more in these 5 weeks than I have on any plan up to this point.

I'm confident that I can up the calorie intake farther and use the diet/workouts to do some solid lean bulking.

Hey all, wanted to start logging again...keeps me disciplined. Just moved to Tampa, FL and after a month-long hiatus from lifting anything besides food to my mouth I'm trying to get started again.

Going to go back to my original set/rep scheme - 20 reps total for each exercise, full body workouts. Start light, increase the weight each workout. When I can't do 20 reps in the first set, I'll pause for 30 seconds and continue rest-pause style.

Also going to mix in some Kelly Baggett-style diet manipulation. The diet will run on a 14-day cycle.

Mon Day 1 - high calorie, workout
Tue Day 2 - high calorie, off
Wed Day 3 - high calorie, workout
Thu Day 4 - high calorie, off
Fri Day 5 - high calorie, workout
Sat Day 6 - high calorie, off
Sun Day 7 - high calorie, off
Mon Day 8 - high calorie, workout
Tue Day 9 - high calorie, off
Wed Day 10 - high calorie, workout
Thu Day 11 - high calorie, off
Fri Day 12 - low calorie, interval cardio
Sat Day 13 - low calorie, interval cardio
Sun Day 14 - low calorie, low intensity cardio
start over

Five full body workouts every 2 weeks, increasing the weight each workout. When the weights get very heavy I'll break it down into an AM/PM split if necessary. Eventually I'll get to the point where I'm only doing 5-6 reps in that first set which results in crap like 5+2+2+2+2+1+1+1+1+1+1+1 which I doubt accomplishes much besides CNS destruction, so when I get closer to that I'll reevaluate my situation and adapt if necessary.

Did my first workout today with the following exercises and weights:

Bench - 95x20
Pullups - BW-52lbs x 18+2
Press - 55 x 20
Dips - BW-22lbs x 20
DB Row - 40 x 20
Side lateral - 12.5 x 12+4+4
Deadlift - 135 x 10+5+5 (going to stop at 10 in that first set and use longer breaks between mini-sets)
BB curl - 45 x 14+6

Next workout I'll switch out squat for deadlift and continue alternating.

Weighed in at 152 lbs or so this morning, I'll start keeping a daily weight/caliper measurements. Goal remains the same as it always was - get stronger, get bigger, hit 160 lbs, no fatty.
im on pg 5 now... i couldnt continue reading much more after seeing THIS:

once I tighten up my midsection a bit through ab work.

What is this? Not sure if serious.com
im on pg 5 now... i couldnt continue reading much more after seeing THIS:

once I tighten up my midsection a bit through ab work.

What is this? Not sure if serious.com

I said I had abs when I flexed my midsection, I implied that I didn't really see much in the way of abs when I was loose.

I'd never really worked abs, therefore to see abs considering my already low bodyfat, it made sense that you'd see them if they grew a bit which is what ab work would do.

That said, the page 5 entry was from July, 2010.
Abs. OK IW - there are a ton of ways that you can abjectly and completely slay your midsection. I'm gonna list my favorites, if in fact you want a few new ideas.

1) What I call "Bench Abs": Lay on a bench with a loaded bar. Press the bar to what would be the start of a bench press. Straighten your knees such that you are in about a 25 degree angle or so; dip your feet down straight, then back up and to the left, and then to the right. That's one rep. Do 10, repeat 3 times. Use a spotter until you feel good about the lift, or do these laying flat on the floor. As an added oomph - stay in the plank position as you re-rack.
2) Pushup to Plank. EXACTLY as it sounds. Start in a pushup position, and one arm at a time lower to your forearms keeping a strict plank form. One rep is down and up (both arms). Do 12-15, take 10 breaths, 12-15 more, 5 breaths, as many more as you can maintaining good form, lowering to a firm plank and HOLDING IT until you can't anymore.
3) Hanging Leg Raise. Two flavors to choose from - straight leg or knees to chest. Straight leg entails taking your feet to the bar you're hanging from in one fluid motion. Do 3 sets of 12. Knees to chest works too - but the one mistake I see folks make is rushing the movement. Explode up, slow down. Try not to vomit. 3 sets of 15.
4) Swiss ball compounds. There are tons - TONS of ways to do this. One that is particularly evil goes like this... I think the movement is called a Superman - lay on the ball and walk your hands out until you feet are on the ball. Go out and back for a rep, and do 10. IMMEDIATELY flip to your back and put the ball in your hands. Keeping your body tight, pike up and pass the ball to your feet and lower without touching the ball to the ground. One rep is one exchange.
Do 3 sets of 15.

After ANY OF THESE, STRETCH. Cramping will happen, and seized abs don't feel great. Good luck.
Abs. OK IW - there are a ton of ways that you can abjectly and completely slay your midsection. I'm gonna list my favorites, if in fact you want a few new ideas.

1) What I call "Bench Abs": Lay on a bench with a loaded bar. Press the bar to what would be the start of a bench press. Straighten your knees such that you are in about a 25 degree angle or so; dip your feet down straight, then back up and to the left, and then to the right. That's one rep. Do 10, repeat 3 times. Use a spotter until you feel good about the lift, or do these laying flat on the floor. As an added oomph - stay in the plank position as you re-rack.
2) Pushup to Plank. EXACTLY as it sounds. Start in a pushup position, and one arm at a time lower to your forearms keeping a strict plank form. One rep is down and up (both arms). Do 12-15, take 10 breaths, 12-15 more, 5 breaths, as many more as you can maintaining good form, lowering to a firm plank and HOLDING IT until you can't anymore.
3) Hanging Leg Raise. Two flavors to choose from - straight leg or knees to chest. Straight leg entails taking your feet to the bar you're hanging from in one fluid motion. Do 3 sets of 12. Knees to chest works too - but the one mistake I see folks make is rushing the movement. Explode up, slow down. Try not to vomit. 3 sets of 15.
4) Swiss ball compounds. There are tons - TONS of ways to do this. One that is particularly evil goes like this... I think the movement is called a Superman - lay on the ball and walk your hands out until you feet are on the ball. Go out and back for a rep, and do 10. IMMEDIATELY flip to your back and put the ball in your hands. Keeping your body tight, pike up and pass the ball to your feet and lower without touching the ball to the ground. One rep is one exchange.
Do 3 sets of 15.

After ANY OF THESE, STRETCH. Cramping will happen, and seized abs don't feel great. Good luck.

Thanks Tim, but no I'm not focusing on abs at all right now. That quote about abs posted above was from July 2010.

Full body growth is the goal. That said, I appreciate the advice - hanging leg raises are brutal.
9/14/11 - BW 152 lbs

Bench - 100x20
Pullups - BW-46lbs x 20
Press - 60 x 14+6
Dips - BW-16lbs x 17+3
DB Row - 45 x 20
Side lateral - 15 x 12+6+2
Squat - 115 x 7+7+6
BB curl - 50 x 13+7


I did a few rounds of 5/3/1 (boring but big variety) before I moved and my best bench was 150x5, best deadlift 210x10, and best squat 175x7.

When I started all of this I was struggling to deadlift 135 for any reps and got to 210x10 and I didn't gain a pound of bodyweight in the process. Really hoping I can change this...and yes I do believe I have my diet in check.
9/15/11 - BW 153.8 lbs

Reverse Grip Bench - 95 x 13+7
Atrainer flyes - 10 x 13+7
Pullups - BW-40lbs x 14+6
Press - 65 x 12+5+3
Dips - BW x 11+9
DB Row - 50 x 12+8
Side lateral - 17.5 x 12+5+3
Shrugs - 40 x 20
BB curl - 55 x 11+5+4

Made a few adjustments.

1) Got rid of flat bench and replaced with reverse grip bench and atrainer flyes (http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=624814&page=1). Atrainer flyes because I wanted to incorporate some sort of flye movement into the workout and these seem to have worked for a lot of people.

2) I stopped going so close to failure on any sets. Science says it shouldn't matter as long as I get my volume in, right? Maybe it'll prevent me from frying my CNS.

3) Decided to limit deadlifting and squatting to once per week. But in exchange I will be able to increase the weights by a larger amount from week to week throughout the cycle.

4) Added shrugs for Friday workouts since there's no squat/deadlift.

Going forward I'm going to remove side laterals and replace with barbell upright rows.
Lol didnt mean to offend you mate, just making a harmless joke. I think we can all agree, that you know ab work doesn't reduce bodyfat.