Johnston Rep Method

[b said:
Quote[/b] (xtreme @ Dec. 31 2005,8:48)]Aaron_F... JReps works the muscle more uniformally along its entire length so it stands to reason filling in areas that are overlooked via normal sets would change a muscle's shape. For example, the inner bottom aspect of my bicep is now prominant, giving the bicep more of a baseball look. Likewise, when my arm is straight my biceps look longer though I possess average biceps void of a long muscle belly.
so in no shape or form did your muscle actually get longer

they just got bigger
Okay, I did a search on "Jreps," and I found out 3 things:

1) Johnston's followers are doing the same secretive selling technique on boards all over the world--I saw threads like this on boards in France and Germany, and in Asia boards, too. Seems that everyone that buys this guy's book joins into some sort of secret HIT-society. Absolutely amazing!!!

2) You can find a little better information about Jreps-type training at Dr. Darden's High-Intensity Training site.

3) These guys are using a specific selling technique that is backfiring on ever page where I found the word "Jreps."

xtreme, have you tried HST? Because the results I've gotten from HST make yours look like nothing. Just curious, since you've said you've tried a lot of different training styles.
Will somone just let me know what the plan of attack is, and when we will be sending in the Infantry....I will be on the front line!!!

Strange how individuals who post on a number of message boards, promoting products, never ever have anything to do with those products.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (xtreme @ Jan. 01 2006,1:29)]Man oh man, some of you just don't get it! I have NOTHING to do with "secretive selling" of JReps, I'm just telling it like it is. As I have stated before, we are all in this together, I like to think you would do likewise and share with me something that delivers well. I wouldn't look too deeply into my posts or you will come up empty handed. We are hardly the Free Masons but alas I know you will chose to see it for what you want to see in it.
Well, for one you guys haven't shared anything. Dan brought upa few basic questions, no one answered them. We've heard repeated claims about muscle lengthening, which so far as we know can't happen. All we have are testimonials about how one or more people tried everything else and then they tried (insert whatever you want) and presto, muscle growth.

Sounds like an infomercial. Bottom line is until someone comes up and state a basic mechanism for how J Reps are supposedly superior to other rep forms and workouts, no one's going to take this seriously. I'm sure J Reps will end upon the net sometime soon, and people will be able to judge for themselves whether it's a method worth trying.
I will give them credit, they have "antagonistic marketing" down to a science.
BDJ on the IART roundtable wrote something I figured I'd share. But I'm going to edit it now, because Brian Johnston is such a big blubbering vagina that he's actually threatening legal action because I'm quoting him on something he actually said.

So here's a paraphrase, which he can't censor (btw, did I mention you're a giant blubbering vagina, BDJ?)

"People are mean. People don't understand Jreps, like how to apply them to different exercises, different ROM in those exercises, and stuff like that. What they got is mainly from this shitty ebook I pawned off on the sycophants on my board. But they're not seeing the big picture, which is wonderful and unique

That's why people will never progress beyond the way they are.

And how dare people question how I look. I've gained 8 lbs of muscle or whatever using this and hope to reach 200 lbs with 8% bodyfat by the time I'm 41. I'm a giant, blubbering vagina who will immediately resort to legal action instead of actually addressing people's concerns or engaging in any form of debate. Because I'm too busy. Unless you're dead."
P.S. BDJ just banned me on his forum (despite the fact that I caused no problems, simply reposted what he himself said on a couple of forums). loool
[b said:
Quote[/b] (xtreme @ Jan. 01 2006,1:22)]Yes, a few times and while I loved it and believed in the theory I must admit I gained nothing.
Obviously you weren't eating enough then. If you had said "all that happened was I got fat" then I might believe you. But if you "gained nothing" then you have some severe issues with your diet plan and will fail on any training program, even Jreps.
Just shows what a pathetic individual he is, absolutely unwilling to counter any criticism of his works.

But absolutely similar to most Hittards
[b said:
Quote[/b] (mikeynov @ Jan. 02 2006,9:23)]BDJ on the IART roundtable wrote something I figured I'd share. But I'm going to edit it now, because Brian Johnston is such a big blubbering vagina that he's actually threatening legal action because I'm quoting him on something he actually said.
So here's a paraphrase, which he can't censor (btw, did I mention you're a giant blubbering vagina, BDJ?)
No I was wrong, this type of action shows what a pathetic pile of garbage both IART and BJ is.

Obviously seeing as he is utterly unable to stand behind his own comments he would rather threaten legal action (do you understand FAIR USE BJ?).

What type of individual is so afraid of people reading what they have actually written? Well, actually, the same sort of person who avoids all questions about their program. Pathetic
I updated my previous post. I hope BDJ appreciates the change, and will no longer threaten legal action to this board (you know, quoting people on what they actually say is pretty offensive).
[b said:
Quote[/b] (mikeynov @ Jan. 01 2006,5:40)]I updated my previous post. I hope BDJ appreciates the change, and will no longer threaten legal action to this board (you know, quoting people on what they actually say is pretty offensive).
I seriously doubt there is a lawyer in the US that would be corrupt and/or retarded enough to join him in such a lawsuit. And that's saying a lot.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (xtreme @ Jan. 01 2006,6:01)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Totentanz @ Jan. 01 2006,4:12)]Obviously you weren't eating enough then. If you had said "all that happened was I got fat" then I might believe you. But if you "gained nothing" then you have some severe issues with your diet plan and will fail on any training program, even Jreps.
I wish that were true but eating has never been an issue for me and I was well-nourished, of that I am sure. I have records that show my HST cycles and I finished each one the same size and weight as when I started.
For the record, I have no beef with anything you've said, have no idea if Jreps are the best thing since sliced bread, and don't think you're trying to "sell" anything.

That said, the "point" the other dude was making is this:

* If, in some period of time, you neither gain nor lose any weight, you are simply not eating enough. Period. No amount of training is going to significantly alter body composition if you are not in a situation, energetically speaking, to induce that change.

* If you do gain weight and too much of it is fat, your diet or training probably sucks. If your diet is good, we'd probably agree that your training is garbage.

* If you gain weight and an acceptable amount is muscle tissue, you are eating well and probably training well in respect to your goals.

That's the "point." You can gain muscle in isoenergetic situations sometimes (probably a redistribution of body tissue you already have, lose some fat, partition that towards new muscle or something), but in any APPRECIABLE change in body composition, to gain mass, you MUST be hypercaloric, which is definitionally gaining weight over time.

That you gained no weight indicates you simply did not eat enough relative to your training.

If you switched training, ate the same, and DID gain muscle, that DOESN'T necessarily mean that the former training system "didnt' work" and the latter "did." Because your "maintenance" level of calories is an interaction between your daily activities, exercise, and food intake.

So, some people find going to a HIT style routine worked better than HST. Maybe it did - and maybe they were expending signficantly fewer calories in the HIT routine. So they were actually hypercaloric with the new routine, whereas with the HST routine, they were not.

That's the "point." If you gain NO weight with a particular routine, no matter the routine, you are NOT eating enough relative to what training you are doing.
