Lol's New HST Log

Tues 18/03/08

My whole body is pretty much toasted after yesterday's front squats but wanted to do some shoulder work.

Press: 10 x 40kg, 5 x 50kg, 5 x 60kg (132lb),

Push Press: 5 x 3 x 70kg (154lb)

As soon as I started pressing tonight I felt they were going to be hard so I switched to push press for my work sets and focussed on the negatives. I tried to use as little a push as possible to get the job done.
Wed 19/03/08

Only time for a quick workout this evening. Life in general is getting in the way at the moment.

Bench: 10 x 60kg, 5 x 80kg, 5 x 90kg, 5 x 100kg, 5 x 3 x 110kg (242lb), 8 x 90kg (198lb)

Bit disappointed with my bench effort. It may be that my front delts were a bit more fatigued from yesterday's presses than they felt. Hope so.

Parallel-grip Chins: 2 x 10 x bw - good form throughout

Lateral Raises: 2 x 10 x 16kg (35lb) - Darn, these were hard. I thought they'd be easy.

Going out for a meal to make sure I get some decent calories and nutrients; my eating is all to pot recently.
(BAX67 @ Mar. 19 2008,22:57)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">How are your oly shoes working out?</div>
Really well thanks Bax. They are starting to fit a little better now but they are still pretty snug so I'm glad I opted for the size 10.5s. Because I am noticeably up on my toes more when wearing them I am finding that a bit more load is thrown onto my quads when front squatting and so the movement has altered slightly. Same must be true for back squats. When RDLing I find that I keep the load right back on my heels rather than mid-foot.

I don't think I'll be wearing them for regular deads as I think that a flatter foot position is better in this case. I do find them comfortable for cleans though so maybe I'll give some heavier deads a try with them and see how I get on.
Thurs 20/03/08

RDLs: 10 x 110kg (242lb), 5 x 140kg (308lb), 3 x 5 x 150kg (330lb) - double overhand hook grip for all but last two sets when I used straps; my thumbs were begging for mercy!

Power Shrugs: 15 x 150kg (330lb), 15 x 160kg (352lb), 15 x 170kg (374lb) - with straps.

Last set of shrugs was a killer after rep 10.

Oh, forgot to add that I did a few curls with 60kg (132lb) on my Oly bar just to see if I could do them without my left arm bugging me. Seems to be OK.
(Lol @ Mar. 20 2008,20:06)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Power Shrugs: 15 x 150kg (330lb), 15 x 160kg (352lb), 15 x 170kg (374lb) - with straps.

Last set of shrugs was a killer after rep 10.</div>
Wow, I'll bet that last set was a killer! I'm just learning about P-shrugs. You can move a whole lot of iron that way...!
For 15 reps too, that's quite a feat with 374 lbs.

Curls with the olympic bar didn't bother your wrists at all? I've never actually tried them, but it seems like it could be bothersome compared to an ez-curl bar.
I wouldn't normally choose to use a straight bar for curls for the very reason you state, but the load was there to be lifted so...  A single set didn't seem too uncomfortable. I have to use quite a wide grip though.

I definitely find the EZ-curl bar to be kinder on my wrists and forearms.

Traps are already sore!
Fri 29/02/08

ATG Squats: 10 x 60kg, 5 x 110kg (242lb)

Bench Squats: 10 x 140kg (308lb), 10 x 150kg (330lb), 3 x 5 x 160kg (352lb), 4 x 170kg (374lb) - flunked the 5th rep @ 170kg so didn't move up to 180kg this time. Thankfully, I set up my rack bars at just the right height so I could do a Good Morning and dump the weight safely. Learnt my lesson last week!

Bench height is close to 16.5&quot; when the padding is compressed.

ATG Squats: 10 x 110kg (242lb) - nice and deep to finish up.

I have never tried bench squats before so I'm not sure if i was doing them 100% correctly. I actually sit on the bench for a brief pause and then drive back up rather than do a touch and go. I found them harder than I expected but I think it's because you lose the stretch reflex when you sit on the bench. Still, it's good to get used to carrying the load.

Overhead Tri-Extensions: 15 x 31kg, 15 x 41kg (90lb), 10, 7, 5 x 51kg (112lb)
I am sorry to ask such a dumb question.

But can someone explain this to me? 3 x 5 x 150kg (330lb)

Is that 3 sets of 5 reps with 150kg?


Also Lol...I shot you a PM.
Hi Joe,

Yup 3 x 5 x 150kg is 3 sets of 5 with 150kg. I probably should put the load first and type 150kg x 3 x 5 but I might as well carry on the way I started.

OK re the PM. I'll check it out.
Just wanted to let you know that i liked your log so much that i coppied your workout.
Started yesterday with another HST cycle after blowing out my elbow with Rippetoe deads. Just went up to heavy in weight to quickly for my joints to handle.
Also severly bruised my foot so after almost two months of picking my nose as best excercise and doing 2 weeks op a split and 2 weeks of 5X5 i'm back on HST.

So keep it up, good luck on your recoveries.
BTW i dislocated my right shoulder twice. Second time it was out for 4 hours.
After fysiotheraphy i decided never again so i started doing a split with focus on my rear shoulder muscles.
Every time i do shoulders i do a couple of sets specificly for my rear shoulder muscles.
This helped so much that my shoulders are now my best muscle group. Also helped doing squats, deads and bench as they feel tighter so i don't fear going all out.

Thanks again for the inspiration!
Hey CZ that's great to hear. It's a pretty basic routine but there's enough variety to keep boredom from setting in (for me anyway). It's working well so I'll be sticking with it for the foreseeable future. Recently I have been pushed for time and have only managed one or two exercises a session but I've been hitting the weights almost daily so overall I'm not missing out on too much work.

I think for most of us, working around and with injuries of one kind or another is par for the course. Shoulders seem to be prime candidates for injury because we use them in so many exercises and they can be put through pretty extreme ranges of motion. It's great that you have worked on yours and made them a strong point.
Week 11

Mon 24/03/08

Front Squats: 10 x 60kg, 5 x 90kg (198lb), 5 x 110kg (242lb), 2 x 120kg (264lb), 1 x 130kg (286lb), 1, 1 x 140kg (308lb) PB, 3 x 130kg (286lb)

Got it!
 Second single @ 140kg was about twice as hard as the first! 22lb improvement on last cycle. Got a triple with last cycle's 1RM too.

Bench: 10 x 60kg, 10 x 80kg, 5 x 90kg, 5 x 110kg (242lb), 1 x 120kg (264lb), 0 x 130kg (286lb), 1 x 125kg (275lb) New 1RM, 5 x 3 x 110kg (242lb)

I was so close to getting 286lb that I might have another go on Friday.
Wow. That is an awesome front squat. Over 300 lbs. Dang. You are front squatting what I back squat. Not only a good show of strength, but you've really got the technique nailed down too in order to be able to move that much.

Very impressive.

That bench PR isn't anything to shake a stick at either. I bet you'll get 125 when you try again.

Good lifting.
(Totentanz @ Mar. 24 2008,18:50)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">You are front squatting what I back squat.</div>
Hell, that's as much as I can deadlift...!

Great work.
Don't fear the Power Shrugz. I tested myself a while back with regular shrugs at 80% of my PS - no problem whatsoever. Do the math and that's a great shrug set, brought up by the PS's.
Cold Zero: Welcome to HST (and lol's highjacked log)

Lol: you getting any growth from the fronts? I'd wondered about that since the weights are lower, but the focus more on the quads.
(quadancer @ Mar. 25 2008,07:50)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Don't fear the Power Shrugz. I tested myself a while back with regular shrugs at 80% of my PS - no problem whatsoever. Do the math and that's a great shrug set, brought up by the PS's.
Cold Zero: Welcome to HST (and lol's highjacked log)  

Lol: you getting any growth from the fronts? I'd wondered about that since the weights are lower, but the focus more on the quads.</div>
Thanks a lot, i have been reading here for a while and really like it here.
Power shrugs i'll try in my workout today.
I love shrugs so this looks fun.
Just hope i can finish a cycle for once......

Great lifts LOL! Congrats!

Quick question: with chins do you mean palms forward or towards the body pull ups?
Wed 26/03/08

I am still aching all over from Monday's front squats and bench.  

Clean &amp; Jerk: 10 x 40kg, 5 x 60 kg, 2 x 70kg, 2 x 80kg, 1 x 90 kg, 1 x 100kg (220lb) PB, 2 x 90kg (198lb)

Parallel-grip Chins: 2 x 10 x bw, 5(MS) x bw+25kg (55lb), 5(MS) x bw+20kg (44lb), 5 x bw

Upright Rows: 15 x 51kg, 5 x 61kg, 5 x 71kg, 5 x 76kg, 2 x 81kg (178lb) New 2RM

Not a great deal of work tonight but I am pretty pleased. I am not so worried about work sets at this point because I'm just pushing for some new maxes where possible. I am away for just over a week from next Tuesday so I'll start over after that.

Almost psyched myself out of the 100kg clean &amp; jerk as I messed up the previous 90kg clean and racked it on my sternum (ouch!) which means I am not lifting my elbows high enough, quickly enough.

Been trying to get into more of a front squat after the jump and managed it with the lighter loads, but once I got up to the heavier stuff I seemed to forget what to do. I didn't even get into a squat at all for the 100kg lift so basically it was a power clean with a jerk to finish. The jerk seemed relatively easy compared to the clean. I really needed to practice getting into the squat position after the jump but, annoyingly, my left arm started playing up after the 100kg lift so I only did two more reps at 90kg and decided to stop before it got any worse.

Thought I would only get one rep with 81kg for upright rows but almost managed three – didn't quite lift the bar high enough on the third rep. Next time...

CZ: I do all types of chins but right now I'm sticking to parallel (neutral, hammer, whatever you want to call them) grip as they are kinder on my forearm issue. I think I usually say which (hope so anyway) but if I've just written chins then I am using a supinated grip on a straight bar.