Well, that's another SD over and it's time for a new cycle again.
After my week-and-a-half off I feel weak and flabby and now wake up with more aches and pains than when I am training! I have been off creatine the whole time too so that's probably part of it and I haven't been getting enough protein (or total cals for that matter). Never mind, I can address that now that I am back home.
I have been wrestling with the 'to cut or not-to-cut?' question and have decided to just keep on bulking for a few months - thanks to several suggestions to do so here. I may not spend so long in the 5s if I can hit some new PRs early on, in which case I'll start a cut for a few months and try to shed about 10lb of (mainly) fat.
Week 1
Thurs 10/04/08
Front Squat: 15 x 65kg (143lb), 15 x 70kg (154lb) - real drive for speed on the way up. Pretty easy so probably should have started heavier on these but it was heavier than what I started with last cycle, so... No rest between any reps. Good pump.
Bench Press: 15, 20 x 70kg (154lb) - last 5 reps were hard for second set.
Pendlay Row: 2 x 15 x 80kg (176lb) - first set pronated grip, second set supinated grip
Standing Press: 2 x 15 x 45kg (99lb)
All reps performed in a pretty speedy but strict fashion.
Felt a bit queasy after that; I've lost my high rep conditioning a bit after so many weeks of 5s last cycle.
It feels good to be back.