Lol's New HST Log

(fearfactory @ Mar. 31 2008,20:04)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I've decided to secretly hope for a cut; in order to make inroads on your domination.</div>
Yes, I'm hoping for the same thing. I need time to catch up on squats, front squats, bench, press, RDLs... Dang, that's going to take a while.

Good work with that pressing Lol and have fun in the Scottish Highlands. That sounds like a blast.
(quadancer @ Apr. 01 2008,10:05)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">He'll come back fat, lazy and hung over and want to catch up to us!</div>
If he really manages to locate any haggis, he may not come back at all...
(TunnelRat @ Apr. 01 2008,10:17)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(quadancer @ Apr. 01 2008,10:05)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">He'll come back fat, lazy and hung over and want to catch up to us!</div>
If he really manages to locate any haggis, he may not come back at all...

Well, we can hope. I don't know though, unless he gets injured or something, I don't think there is a real good chance. Not for me anyway. All I've got on him are deadlifts and (I think) rows. He's a squatting machine, so I'll be surprised if I ever catch up on those, and I know I won't catch up on pressing.

Maybe we could conspire to get someone close to him to start injecting cortisol into his quads while he is sleeping.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Maybe we could conspire to get someone close to him to start injecting cortisol into his quads while he is sleeping. </div>

Now that's just darn rude!
(soflsun @ Mar. 31 2008,19:47)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">What's squatter's butt and how do I get one?</div>
Say over maybe five weeks..... Do a whole bunch of heavy squats, eat slightly above maintenance and take a look at your aft end in the mirror. Voila! Squatter's butt!

INCREDIBLE CYCLE, Lol! I'm so glad that the medical stuff is relatively at bay for the summer.

Were I to vote on the cut/no cut thing, I'd say no cut. Go for the 500 pound deadlift.

Great PR on your benching efforts! You are amazing!
He, he. I'll be watching out for the Phantom Cortisol Injector!

Managed to get 15 mins in for some deads before the off.

Deads: A bunch of warmup stuff and then 210kg (462lb) PB

I was actually surprised that I lifted this considering the warmups felt quite hard. Anyway, had to post the result. I think I will try for the big 500 before I cut.

Actually, after typing that I just had to go out and try a bit more:

Deads: 215kg (473lb) PB!! - Woohoo! I am ecstatic!  

So only 27lb to go for the BIG one.

I will be back...

Here she is in all her glory:

Uh oh. I don't think I'll be ahead on deads for long...

Nice double PR. Time to update the sig!

Like tim, I also think you should at least try for the 500 before going on your cut. You could probably break 400 on the squats too. In fact, I'd keep going for a while, as long as you can do so without getting injured or way too fat. You are getting very close to a 300/400/500 on bench, squats and deads. That's a big deal if you can get it, and it is very close.
I wouldn't be surprised if you come back from your vacation feeling reinvigorated and are able to set more records once you get back into it.
That's what I'm talkin' about.

Great lift, Lol. You'll probably hit something more like 508-512 before you're done (if I have my conversions correct). Regardless, for now - congrats on the PB, and I very much look forward to seeing the 500+ pound (~230 kg) lift!
(Lol @ Apr. 01 2008,13:12)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Deads: A bunch of warmup stuff and then 210kg (462lb) PB

Deads: 215kg (473lb) PB!! - Woohoo! I am ecstatic!</div>
Hooooooooooooooooo hah!

Most excellent!
Well, that's another SD over and it's time for a new cycle again.

After my week-and-a-half off I feel weak and flabby and now wake up with more aches and pains than when I am training! I have been off creatine the whole time too so that's probably part of it and I haven't been getting enough protein (or total cals for that matter). Never mind, I can address that now that I am back home.

I have been wrestling with the 'to cut or not-to-cut?' question and have decided to just keep on bulking for a few months - thanks to several suggestions to do so here. I may not spend so long in the 5s if I can hit some new PRs early on, in which case I'll start a cut for a few months and try to shed about 10lb of (mainly) fat.

Week 1

Thurs 10/04/08

Front Squat: 15 x 65kg (143lb), 15 x 70kg (154lb) - real drive for speed on the way up. Pretty easy so probably should have started heavier on these but it was heavier than what I started with last cycle, so... No rest between any reps. Good pump.

Bench Press: 15, 20 x 70kg (154lb) - last 5 reps were hard for second set.

Pendlay Row: 2 x 15 x 80kg (176lb) - first set pronated grip, second set supinated grip

Standing Press: 2 x 15 x 45kg (99lb)

All reps performed in a pretty speedy but strict fashion.

Felt a bit queasy after that; I've lost my high rep conditioning a bit after so many weeks of 5s last cycle.

It feels good to be back.  
We all blew on by you while you were in Scotland, so you might as well just quit and go join a cardio box dancing class.

Welcome back man!
Sat 12/04/08

Thanks for the welcome back folks. Hope I can keep the progress up this cycle.

Still pretty sore from Thursday's session. Decided some light cleans will be just the job to get the blood whamming round again.

Power Cleans: plenty of warmups with 40kg, 2 x 5 x 60kg (132lb), 4 x 10 x 60kg (132lb)

A speedy but great full-body workout; I feel pumped all over! I wouldn't normally go over 5 reps for cleans but as this was a light workout it made it a bit more fun.
Week 2

Mon 14/04/08

Late training tonight and feeling pretty tired.

Front Squat: 2 x 15 x 80kg (176lb) - second set was pretty hard; took one second rest at 10 reps to catch my breath. Mega quad pump.  

Dips: 13, 10, 7 x 40kg (88lb) - thought I might get 15 reps for my first set but it got hard at 10! I might get 15 next time for a new 15RM.

That's all I felt like doing.

Shouldn't really have gone so heavy on the dips so soon. Oh so what. It doesn't seem that long ago that getting one rep with 88lb was a PB and like it was going to rip me in half. Doesn't really feel heavy now at the start; my tendon insertions and connective tissues have evidently toughened up a lot.