Lol's New HST Log

only for those 2 months after I almost broke them when I didn't catch a 110k clean properly.

Is the bar resting on the top of your fingers or are you trying to grip the bar?
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Anyone else suffer with wrist pain from cleans and front squatting in the racked position?
Lol, I too have recently added front squats and cleans to my repertoire. I found that supporting the bar with finger tips in the squat alleviates a lot of wrist pain, as Liege suggests.

Bad technique on cleans is responsible for a bit of wrist pain that I'm currently experiencing. I hit a PB of 95kg last Thursday. Went for the big 100 and missed about half way up my torso. I know I have the power but the form is poor.

Not wanting to hijack the thread, but Liege, you have any tips to improve technique? Also interested in where exactly your hands are positioned on bar.
Thanks for your comments guys.

I have tried slacking off my grip and it helps but then I find it really hard to re-grip the bar so I can put it down. Also, if I'm going to be doing cleans and presses I need to retain my grip.

I think it's probably a breaking in phase while my wrists get used to the awkward position with a not-insignificant load. Just hope it gradually improves or I'll have to stop for a while and resume once they've healed.

I think my forearm is bugging me the most as I injured it on 12th March this year so it's been over three months now. It definitely seems to be a tendon insertion related injury which I know can take a long time to heal.
Wednesday 20/6/07

Friends visiting this eve so only time for a brief workout. Managed to persuade my mate to have a go and so did some deadlift coaching as well.

Aside from the coaching session I managed the following:

Front squats: 5 x 90kg (198lbs) - Wrists still sore.

Deads: 5 x 70kg, 5 x 90kg, 5 x 120kg, 3 x 140kg, 2 x 160kgs, 1 x 180kgs, 2 x 190kgs (418lbs) (PB!).

Although I didn't try for as many regular reps with my top load, getting 190kg was a great achievement for me. 190kg went up quite quickly the first time so I'm hoping to be able to push it a little further before the end of my cycle. 200kg might still be on the cards.
Thursday 21/6/07

Continuation of yesterday's workout.

Push Press:

Decided to start with these and do a lot of warmups to help my forearm and left shoulder.

5 x 40kg, 5 x 50kg, 5 x 60kg, 5 x 70kg

3 x 75kg, 3 x 75kg, 5 x 75kg (165lbs), 3 x 77.5kg (171lbs), 2 x 80kg (176lb)

Chins: 1 x 10 x bw, 1 x 5 x bw+20kg, 2 x 5 x bw+30kg, 2 x 4 x bw+30kg (66lbs)

Flyes: 2 x 15 x 21kg (46lbs) - mainly as a bit more rehab for my shoulders and forearm.

One-handed bar hangs:

Bodyweight (currently around 200 in gym gear) plus 10kgs: RH 27 secs, LH 15 secs - just as a bit of a test. My left arm really suffered and it shows.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">My left arm really suffered and it shows. </div>

Well you did test after chins...

P.S. How did you colorize an enlarge your Simplify and Win link? HTML code doesn't seem to work when I hit the &quot;code&quot; button.
Here's what you need:

iB Code help

Code button is just so you can post visible code examples of HTML without the tags being stripped out.
(rpopple @ Jun. 20 2007,03:43)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Not wanting to hijack the thread, but Liege, you have any tips to improve technique? Also interested in where exactly your hands are positioned on bar.</div>
Make sure you snap your elbows up fast when you catch the bar, practice with just a bar to help with flexibility. I have only 2 hand positions. When I am doing a full C&amp;J, I use a clean grip, the pinky is on the thin smooth part between the knurls. If I'm just cleaning, I go in about 2 inches narrower with each hand.

Also, get a coach or someone who knows the lift to watch you. You can also video tape your self and post in on youtube. I've been lucky to have access to great coaches and a national level lifter to help. Coach really helped with my cleans today.
Monday 25/6/07

Seeing that I have pain in just about every part of my upper body, particularly my wrists and left forearm, I decided to just do some back squats. I haven't done them this whole cycle as I had no way to do them but I've now made some temporary supports to make it possible (2 piles of building blocks!).

After 4 warmup sets

Squats: 3 x 5 x 120kgs

Felt pretty good but I definitely feel weaker from not doing them for so long. I'll be able to do front squats with some more weight now as well. I'd love to keep on cleaning but I need to let my wrists heal up a bit more first; I could barely bend them after last weeks session.
I'm hoping that by Wednesday my body will be a little less battered.

It just dawned on me today that I have been neglecting to take my Omega 3/6/9 oil blend. I haven't taken it for over a month now. I'm wondering if this might be why my joints are giving me so much bother this cycle?
Anyway, I'll start taking it again as of today.
Haven't worked out since Monday. Legs have been sore as hell after Monday's ATG squat session. If I ever wondered how much my legs were missing from not squatting I found out this week! Everything including my calves got sore.

However, I've mainly been suffering with a really painful left shoulder to go with my forearm and wrists, so this week has sucked.

It seems to be a nerve related issue. Not exactly sure what I did to cause it. Probably a combination of overhead squats, push presses etc; trying to do a left arm lateral raises is impossibly painful in the shoulder joint so there seems to be some nerve impingement going on; it's definitely non-muscular and I get pain running along my arm down to my hand (it seems to be the median nerve rather than the ulnar nerve as my first finger and thumb get affected most). I need to let it heal as I'm pretty much useless without it.

What I am thinking of doing is continuing my squats and deads for a few weeks but stopping everything else that involves my shoulders directly. Then I'll SD for a week or so and start over.

This is the first cycle in over a year and a half that I have sustained so many minor injuries. As it has turned out, my surgery has been the least of my problems.

I think I have to put it down to starting on some new lifts, specifically the Oly ones. As these involve speed, power and flexibility more than any lifts I have performed before I just think that my body (at 42) wasn't able to keep up with the necessary repairs! I most probably should have eased into it more gradually but that's not my style and now I'm suffering because of it.

So, although I love the Oly lifts that I have begun learning, I'm going to leave them for a while and then try to be a bit more careful when I start them up again. At the end of the day, I have to face the fact that I ain't no spring chicken any more and that I need to hold back a bit on new lifts. Better to do things gradually than to get injured. It's hard though.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">However, I've mainly been suffering with a really painful left shoulder to go with my forearm and wrists, so this week has sucked.

It seems to be a nerve related issue.</div>

If it is very isolated and it is burning, then it is a pinched nerve. I have that on the upper right hand corner of my back. If it is more of a shooting dull pain, then it's probably just plain nerve pain. Stretching will help a lot.
Friday 29/6/07

Just squats again tonight.

Squats: After 3 warmup sets then 2 x 5 x 110kg, 2 x 5 x 120kg 2 x 3 x 130kg (286lb).

Decided not to push it too hard after having sore legs all week. 130kg felt pretty good. Should be able to up the load next week.
(Lol @ Jun. 29 2007,08:48)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Haven't worked out since Monday. Legs have been sore as hell after Monday's ATG squat session. If I ever wondered how much my legs were missing from not squatting I found out this week! Everything including my calves got sore.

However, I've mainly been suffering with a really painful left shoulder to go with my forearm and wrists, so this week has sucked.

It seems to be a nerve related issue. Not exactly sure what I did to cause it. Probably a combination of overhead squats, push presses etc; trying to do a left arm lateral raises is impossibly painful in the shoulder joint so there seems to be some nerve impingement going on; it's definitely non-muscular and I get pain running along my arm down to my hand (it seems to be the median nerve rather than the ulnar nerve as my first finger and thumb get affected most). I need to let it heal as I'm pretty much useless without it.

What I am thinking of doing is continuing my squats and deads for a few weeks but stopping everything else that involves my shoulders directly. Then I'll SD for a week or so and start over.

This is the first cycle in over a year and a half that I have sustained so many minor injuries. As it has turned out, my surgery has been the least of my problems.

I think I have to put it down to starting on some new lifts, specifically the Oly ones. As these involve speed, power and flexibility more than any lifts I have performed before I just think that my body (at 42) wasn't able to keep up with the necessary repairs! I most probably should have eased into it more gradually but that's not my style and now I'm suffering because of it.

So, although I love the Oly lifts that I have begun learning, I'm going to leave them for a while and then try to be a bit more careful when I start them up again. At the end of the day, I have to face the fact that I ain't no spring chicken any more and that I need to hold back a bit on new lifts. Better to do things gradually than to get injured. It's hard though.  
What's the point of messing around with all of those olympic lifts, unless you're going to compete?
(colby2152 @ Jun. 29 2007,14:09)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">If it is very isolated and it is burning, then it is a pinched nerve.  I have that on the upper right hand corner of my back.  If it is more of a shooting dull pain, then it's probably just plain nerve pain.  Stretching will help a lot.</div>
The pain is only there when I move my upper arm in a lateral raise type motion (it's a shooting pain but it left me feeling really weak; I was barely being able to lift a cup of coffee from a table without shaking). If I just hang my arm by my side there is no pain, just a dull ache.

Colby, thanks for the tip. I did a fair amount of stretching today and something definitely 'clicked' back into place. I have more mobility and the pain has lessened but the joint is much more 'clicky' than it was. It's not cured but it's a great improvement.

As soon as the old shoulder is feeling up to it, I'll start some rotator cuff work again.
(stevejones @ Jun. 30 2007,02:30)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">What's the point of messing around with all of those olympic lifts, unless you're going to compete?</div>
Aha! Well, three-fold really:

1) I get to try some new lifts that I've always wanted to have a go at. (You mean to tell me that you've never wanted to see how much you could lift over your head?) I like the fact that Oly lifts require a great deal of speed, power and technique to get them right. I just need to slow down a bit and let my joints get a bit more accustomed to the new demands being placed on them. There's no way I would have attempted a 100kg clean a year ago but now I'm a little too eager because it feels so light compared to a deadlift.

2) I have a young lad that might get into Oly lifting. He is lucky because there is an Olympic gold medalist who coaches at a local college but I am trying to learn as much as I can so I can be of some help too. It may come to nothing but if he enjoys it, well, you never know...

3) I have to say that of all the exercises that I have done to date, overhead squats and power cleans are pretty great.
With my right wrist hurting from any pressure on it, my right shoulder impingement, (I too need to get back to the rotation exersizes) I totally feel ya. But like Steve, I don't have enough motivation to do stuff that an empty bar hurts to use.
Was the Udo oil working for you? I'm thinking of getting some instead of taking dubious amounts of fish oil and flax. Which I usually forget to take anyway.
Sat 30/6/07

Tried a few EZ-bar curls to see whether my left forearm was up to some work. Tomorrow I will find out whether it is any worse or not.

EZ-bar curls: 1 x 10 x 56kg (124lb), 1 x 5 x 56kg, 2 x 3 x 61kg (135lb)

Also did some gripper work; the CoC No2 felt much easier with my right hand today. The No3 did not!

Wrists are less sore but still painful to flex. Hopefully, one more week of rest from cleans will be enough.
Quad: I'm just taking flax oil (well, it's a blend with Omega 3,6 &amp; 9) and cod liver oil too. Think I forgot the flax oil today. Darn! I like to have it with a meal so I'm not going to take it now just before I hit the hay. Time for zzzzzz
(stevejones @ Jun. 29 2007,21:30)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">What's the point of messing around with all of those olympic lifts, unless you're going to compete?</div>
Aside from the fact the leg, upper back and shoulder development is unmatched, they are fun to do. At least for me, a big push-press is more impressive than a big bench.