I went out to the garage after reading a few logs on here, inspired to do some more lifting. I wanted to see what I can do that doesn't bother my forearm. Overhead pressing is out for now.
Here is what I ended up doing.
45x3 (arm wasn't liking it, even with just the bar)
135 x 10 (felt fine)
185 x 3
205 x 1
215 x 1
225 x 1
235 x 1 (235 was hard but I felt I could probably get a double with it. However, I decided not to push it)
205 x 5 + 4 + 3 (rest pause)
315 x 8
385 x 3
455 x 1
485 x 1
505 x 0 (I don't think I rested enough after the 485 before attempting this)
500 x 1 (HARD but I think could have had that 505)
Unfortunately, I didn't have the camcorder ready because I really wasn't expecting to do this yet. However, after that benching, I wanted to see how deads felt... then just kept going. I haven't done a max single for a while now, at least not when I was still reasonably fresh. Last time I attempted one was after having done very heavy rowing the day before, so... probably not the best example, that one.
I have been doing worksets with deads that have gotten reasonably heavy and going by the RM calculators, my 1 RM should be 485, so that's why I was confident I could get that. But though 485 felt real heavy, it didn't feel like it was an all out effort, so... I just went for it.
Needless to say, I am very happy. Also, obviously I do not have to stop bulking yet. I will just have to avoid anything that makes my arm hurt until it feels better. So... no overhead pressing. I suppose upright rows might bother it too, but I won't know until I try.
I'm sitting down now catching my breath, but I think I might go out there and try for that 505 again in a minute. I still feel like I could lift more. Usually a max dead leaves me totally drained.
Regardless, I'm going to see about getting a video of it soon. Even if I go out and do more today, I won't bother bringing the camera because the chance of hitting 500 again today is probably not too great. So in another two weeks, once I'm good and rested up again, I'll go push for another single and bring the camera this time.