Pictures everyone?

Fausto, looking good, my friend!!

I'll be posting some myself when my cut is done
You look good. Arms are a little lacking, but so are mine. You and I like the same exercises, heavy compounds. I am hoping that by doing chins and dips 3/week and not alternating them I will build my arms up more. I don't want to do curls and stuff, because I am interested in functional hypertrophy and compounds are the best for that.
My biceps are small, but then again my chin-up is very weak, so I think the two coincide.
Next cycle, you might want to try keeping chins/dips in every workout. Just a thought.

Sincerelly, I'm flattered, maybe I'm just being a perfectionist as i am only partially happy.

But this is definitelly wind beneath my wings.

I had better goals in mind buit this last cycle i did really helped me out to get some form, my weight has not increasedbut then again I am not eating all that much.

And I have been lazy wiyth my HIIT or Tabata, thus the trailing 16,83% BF, by now it should have been in the 10's, but hey...what am I complaining about, for 40 its not that bad, and if you guys can compliment then it must be worth something!

Thanks a mil!
i wouldnt worry too much about that bf #.
it can be hard to tell from pics (lighting, pose, pumped etc etc) but i would guess more in the 12-14% range myself. it really doesnt matter, its mostly about how you feel you look.

good job.
As far as look great, no need for anymore cutting in my opinion. How many 40 year olds have definition like that? Not many!

Again, great job.
Good job Fausto! I'd say your bodyfat is low enough, back looks great, legs are awesome! You could use (and I don't usually recommend iso's so, whatever...) traps, lats and triceps...and that would make you look YUGE, what with that big chest and all.
BTW man, you don't have love handles. You're ready for a good BULK BABY!!!
Great job fausto.

No way are you 16% bodyfat...I would say around 13 ish at are lookin awesome!

Hey how do I post my picture directly in a thread...I always have to link?
Thanks guys, feels awsome all those compliments.

Sci...I guess I'll have to start working on the arm isos, I think the supoerset I normally recommend should work, Dips + Pushdowns and Weighted Chins + Inclined curls.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">You weren't lying about the hairy back.</div>

I told you so! Man...its a bitch, I have to get my kids to shave iot for me they have great fun doing it, maybe I should try a wax next time, yooohoo I'm feeling gayish
Looking good! Upper back , shoulders and traps really shine in the back shot. Impressive definition...Thanks for sharing your pics.

I agree with others about your bodyfat% being closer to 12%. Then again, as long as you measure it consistently, you'll be able to keep track of your results.

As far as iso's go, I stopped doing them a year ago after my 2nd Faustonian cycle (remember that?) Since then, my arms have grown quicker than ever before. Chins, Dips, Bench, Deads, Rows, and Shoulder Presses all hit your bi's, tri's, and forearms.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Chins, Dips, Bench, Deads, Rows, and Shoulder Presses all hit your bi's, tri's, and forearms.</div>

That is all I am doing but my arms are lagging, perhaps it has something to do with individuality, something one needs to consider when using a labcoat like I often do.
I think Iso are great...its genetics for some that why they don't need isos...its genetics for others that why they need isos.

Anyway can someone answer my question above.

How do you post a pic directly into the thread?

Some of the forum sections don't allow pictures to be uploaded directly into the thread postings. But I believe if the &quot;File Attachment&quot; option is available (as it is in this thread) then you just attach the image and it will automatically insert it into the post.
So you're not a swimsuit model. You're not cut up, but most of your mass is in your chest (lucky dog). I still think you could add bulk at this point.
Depends on your goals. Whichever, do some heavy shrugs. Traps will make your neck look thicker. Lats will make your gut look smaller. You allready have a great chest.
Fausto, I would not call you fat, not by a longshot....I wouldn't even call you husky, for that matter.  You're pretty lean and well defined, and I'm sure you're in the upper echelon for your age when it comes to stats such as lbm and body fat percentages.

At the risk of taking a beating (again), I think if you shave your arms &amp; chest, add a little tan, you'll see the muscular development &amp; definition that's there much more clearly.