Pictures everyone?

yeah this is a real problem i go on another board regularly and many of these kids come on and after 3-6 months training wanna jump on gear,i have spent 6 months debating this myself as ive always been fully against gear but after learning the "real" facts ive decided its worth it,not to get huge but to get to exactly where i wanna be,as it would take me atleast another 3-4 years minimum to get there,and im no spring chicken,also im getting close to my genetic max(i think),i weighed 160lbs before i started training and even after training for so long im not there yet at 220(ish)14%bf.

to be honest its not something i have taken lightly and not something i believe belongs on a board like this,as i feel this board is a tribute to "many" natural trainers.
My avatar speaks for itself, but hides a lot. I don't like my skinny legs, so I'm going to try O&G's method of highrep work next. Maybe that's the holy grail for us 'elders'. Funny how doggone strong they get, though!
I say again, Icars, you're a bit of a monster man.
I'm pretty much a newbie around here, and I hate to follow Icars, who is very impressive.

But I'm game, and this can be my "before" picture someday.
i think its important to establish a goal(it works for me)as that can point you in the right direction,its having that focus thats helped me.i think its important to note that not everyone wants to be a mass monster,thats why i like the other thread "the look" because you can acertain peoples goals,and judge how far they want to go.

and this thread lets you know how far theyve got to achieving that doesnt matter how small you are,we all know how hard it is and the work thats involved to achieve our goals.we all need some inspiration and this thread may help with motivation,inspiration and perhaps with some good advice,help towards focusing individuals.

i have to say that hst has not only educated me in some areas it has given me the physical means by which to get closer to my target,if i hadnt found it i think i may have lost interest in my old routine by now,so cudos to hst.
Hmmm, my last post didn't post: I'll try again...
I need to copy Icars arm routine! I wonder what the stats are?

Me: 5'11", 197 lbs., 44-1/2" chest, 16-1/2+ arms, 37" gut, and skinny-ish legs. But an 18-1/2" neck. Go figure.
(Lifting N Tx @ Sep. 02 2006,03:07)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I'm pretty much a newbie around here, and I hate to follow Icars, who is very impressive.

But I'm game, and this can be my &quot;before&quot; picture someday.</div>
just wondered about stats and training experience.looks like the hard works paying off!
(lcars @ Sep. 02 2006,06:33)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">just wondered about stats and training experience.looks like the hard works paying off!</div>
Thanks, lcars (think I had misread it, that's an &quot;ell&quot; not an &quot;i&quot;?).

I've lifted on/off for years, more at a fitness level than training to get real big. So I've had a base level of training. For the last year and a half or so I've kicked up the intensity for upper body, more on bench/arms. Hit a sticking point at 275 1RM on bench, started looking for better info than a lot of the crap out there.

About two months ago, found HST and Dan Moore's Max-Stim (MST), which is based on similar principles. I'm a few weeks into my first cycle of MST, going for a solid all-round routine. I'm now tracking my calorie intake to insure enough for a bulk for the first time (always did get high protein intake), and expect I'll keep using one or more of MST, HST, and 5x5 style now.

Right now, I'm about 200lbs at 6'0&quot;, arms a shade under 15, chest at nipples is 43, thighs 25. Too much body fat %, waist is over 38, but for now am accepting that to grow I'll have to accept some fat until I'm ready to cut.
(quadancer @ Sep. 02 2006,06:57)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Hmmm, my last post didn't post: I'll try again...
I need to copy Icars arm routine! I wonder what the stats are?

Me: 5'11&quot;, 197 lbs., 44-1/2&quot; chest, 16-1/2+ arms, 37&quot; gut, and skinny-ish legs. But an 18-1/2&quot; neck. Go figure.</div>
my stats?

well ive just checked as ive never measured my chest only the arms.well im 33yr 6ft 224lbs@13-14% chest 46&quot; arms 17&quot; thigh 26&quot; calves 17&quot;.waist is 32&quot;-33&quot;

i was cutting this year but ditched it as im not quite ready.need more on the legs and other areas,so its bulk over winter and re-evaluate next year.
(lcars @ Sep. 02 2006,07:31)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">lookin real thick there bro.what are your specific goals.anything in mind?</div>
Well, I guess when I grow up, I wanna be built just like YOU man! Heheh, I could DO it if 'life' would just stop getting in the way.

There's always been a formula for me: when working, my wallet grows and I shrink.
When we're looking for work, the bod grows and the wallet shrinks.

This month, it's been my back out then moving my new wife's stuff into the house. Missed a lot of workouts and just got fatter, but I'm back in game now.
I thought I would throw my hat in the ring. 49 yrs old. 5'9 215 (need to cut) chest around 48 arms 17 on a good day cold more often 16.6 big legs. When I started hst I was 210 and over weight. With HST and running got to 180lbs, then bulked back up to 210 -- this time with muscle. (and some fat) one thing I like about sports ---- you can't lie -- you are what you are -- just the facts jack.

cheers Bob
Oh..almost forgot...don't cut too much...that seems to be my problem...when I bulk I look very similar to you.

So every year when I cut..I end up looking lean...but I think I always cut to much and lose muscle in the process.