Sci, I have to agree with Liege and Quad. Right now would be a really good time to blast those squats even if you don't feel that you are going to be able to load up as much as you would like. Surely, you'll still be able to use more weight than in nearly any other movement apart from deads?
Recent lesson for me: During my SD this week I took delivery of my new Oly plates and bar. Couldn't resist doing some deads at home (tsk, tsk,I know!). Put 160kgs on the bar and did 12 reps MS style. Didn't seem too bad but thought that was plenty. Anyway, 2 days later I am still suffering the consequences in nearly every area of my body, save for my quads. My lats are sorer than they have been in ages. My lower back, hams and glutes took a bashing. Forearms, bis, tris, traps, abs and shoulders sore too. The only areas that didn't get hammered seem to be my pecs, quads, thigh abductors and adductors and calves (difficult not to keep a good deal of conditioning in calves during SD).
Even during my last few wokouts prior to SD my squat sessions made my quads, abductors and adductors sore the following day even though I was using less weight (around 140kgs) for squats.
Come on Sci, it has to be worth giving Oly squats a go this cycle. I bet you'd make some great progress. Entirely up to you of course but I reckon in later years you will really regret not having worked on them sooner esp. if you have a little bit of help right now.
</end of rant>
Recent lesson for me: During my SD this week I took delivery of my new Oly plates and bar. Couldn't resist doing some deads at home (tsk, tsk,I know!). Put 160kgs on the bar and did 12 reps MS style. Didn't seem too bad but thought that was plenty. Anyway, 2 days later I am still suffering the consequences in nearly every area of my body, save for my quads. My lats are sorer than they have been in ages. My lower back, hams and glutes took a bashing. Forearms, bis, tris, traps, abs and shoulders sore too. The only areas that didn't get hammered seem to be my pecs, quads, thigh abductors and adductors and calves (difficult not to keep a good deal of conditioning in calves during SD).
Even during my last few wokouts prior to SD my squat sessions made my quads, abductors and adductors sore the following day even though I was using less weight (around 140kgs) for squats.
Come on Sci, it has to be worth giving Oly squats a go this cycle. I bet you'd make some great progress. Entirely up to you of course but I reckon in later years you will really regret not having worked on them sooner esp. if you have a little bit of help right now.