I woke up this morning feeling well rested... and a bit depressed about the rib injury. 4-6 weeks is nothing though in the grand scheme, and the fact that it will heal on its own, and I can still work and lift, is really, really awesome, and I thank God for that. I threw the depression in the garbage straightaway, and decided not to let an injury get me down. I can nurse it both at work and in the gym, as long as I am careful. Actually I am really psyched that I can do all the exercises I like, with the one exception of Leg Press, which is a bummer, but I can work around the problem with deep hip flexion for a weeks. No biggie.
I just went to the gym and did a bunch of lifts, all for 3 sets of 5 reps. I just feel like my training frequency has sucked lately with work and the baby and stuff. And Saturday's workout felt great, so i want to get back to 48 hour breaks as much as possible. I have always, always responded better to higher frequency. As soon as I let frequency drop, strength gains and hypertrophy gains both slow way down for me.
Hack Squat Sled: 360(8 plates+sled) I really don't like this exercise, but because of my rib, its about the only hip movement I can do besides deadlifts that doesn't hurt my rib. At least they hammer the hell out of the quadriceps, which is good, but I like the Leg Press Sled far better because of the deep hip flexion and the natural gluteus and quadriceps working together as in a good squat. But this is better than nothing.
DeadLift: 275 I only did 295 for 2x3 Saturday, and I knew I needed to get more volume in than that, since this is now my primary leg exercise for a few weeks. So I got 275 for 3x5, which I am cool with. I will try to stick with that strength while I am cutting.
Weighted Dips: 235 (bodyweight+35)
Pulldowns: 190 (a bit of pain as the abdominals contracted against the lats, but bearable.)
Incline Press(45 degrees): 165 (a bit more pain in the rib, as the abdominals also have to contract hard for overhead pressing, plus the ribs are being pushed into a bench, I may have to do a substitute for this or just drop it completely.)
DB Upright Rows: 50s (I went up in weight after reading Totentanz's thread, but I just don't have that kind of shoulder strength yet, I ended up kind of cheating with the 50s compared to my usual strict form. I think I will drop the weight back down a little, to focus on form.)
Single Leg Calf Raise: 160
Wow, I never knew how hard chinups, pulldowns and such work the abdominals! Very hard. And also overhead pressing. Those seem to be the peak of abdominal tension during my workout. Surprisingly deadlifts were fine, which I guess makes sense, since most of the tension is on the erector spinae, and not so much the opposing abdominal muscles. I never have felt abs work much during a deadlift. Obviously squats and leg presses work the abs pretty hard, but I couldn't do those today without re-cracking a rib!