Slapshotz' SST journal

(RUSS @ Oct. 12 2007,17:57)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">The creatine experience is certainly a shocker , what brand were you taking? I've read some studies that found impurities of some sort in some creatines (brands) that morph to a type of cyanide in the body but never took them too seriously (before now anyway) , glad to see you made it through OK.
I was taking the Vitamine Shoppe brand....maybe that was my problem!  Either way, I don't plan on supplementing again, no matter what the brand

Oh, and colby, I'll do a cut &amp; paste of my creatine story.

MS Overload, Workout 40

Flat Bench: 265 - 1
Deadlifts: 425 - 1
One-armed pullups: 4 right arm, 3 left arm
Weighted chins: BW+45 - 10

Notes: Finally, I felt like &quot;me&quot; in the gym today. I'll bet 280 was in the cards on bench had I went for it, but I really wanted the 425 dead, so I saved some juice for that, and it worked out for the best.

I have a new dead goal...460. I'm hoping to hit it by the end of the winter. I think next &quot;big&quot; workout, though, I may do some squats to change things up.
Quick update: 20 mins. cardio

1 set of 20 rep squats...priming the legs for an all out assault this Saturday or Sunday. If all goes well, will be going for a new PB of 355. Get ready, legs!
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Oh, and colby, I'll do a cut &amp; paste of my creatine story.</div>

Thank you
(colby2152 @ Oct. 16 2007,19:47)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"> <div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Oh, and colby, I'll do a cut &amp; paste of my creatine story.</div>

Thank you</div>
quite welcome
MS Overload, Workout 41

Flat Bench: 280 - Missed (but, oh-so-frigging time it's mine!
Barbbell squat: 355 - 1 ***NEW PB @ 355
One-armed pullups: 5 right arm, 5 left arm ***NEW PB@5 REPS
One set of pulley rows @250 for a burn

NOTES: Finally, finally, finally some new all time PBs.
It's been several months, but when you're near your genetic limit, new records become increasingly difficult to break. I now believe a 400 pound squat is possible.

I think from now on, I'll do my one-armed pullups on non-deadlift days. Trying one-armers after deads, the grip strength just isn't there.

I'm also tinkering with the idea of doing a squat/dead alternate type of week, heavy squats, next week, heavy deads. It *should* prevent any type of burnout.

As an aside, this week my lifting will be of the light variety, as I'm going away for the weekend. I may attempt a heavy day on Friday, but having recently nailed my goals, I may take a two week sudo-SD and just lift light weights to prep the joints for the next assault.
&quot;I now believe a 400 pound squat is possible.&quot;

Go for it...!

&quot;I'm also tinkering with the idea of doing a squat/dead alternate type of week, heavy squats, next week, heavy deads. It *should* prevent any type of burnout.&quot;

Or you might try Korte's technique of doing only a few light sets of the alternate exercise even on the days you're doing your heavy ones (e.g. three sets of three light squats on the day you're knocking yourself on deads, and vice versa).
MS Overload, Workout 42

Flat Bench: 280 - Missed (again!)
Deadlift: 435 - 1 (woo-hoo!)

NOTES: A little miffed at missing the bench, but all was forgotten when I nailed the dead. My whole body shook for a good 30 seconds afterwards. It was a solid effort, but still, it took a good 5 seconds at about 3/4 of the way there before I willed it up the rest of the way.

Last week I didn't bother recording anything b/c I just did a couple light 12-15ish rep sessions just to give the CNS a break between all this heavy lifting. I'm now 10 pounds away from my alltime high of 435 on deads...........a record that will hopefully be shattered b/4 the end of this year
(Slapshotz @ Nov. 03 2007,15:39)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Deadlift: 435 - 1 (woo-hoo!)

NOTES: A little miffed at missing the bench, but all was forgotten when I nailed the dead. My whole body shook for a good 30 seconds afterwards. It was a solid effort, but still, it took a good 5 seconds at about 3/4 of the way there before I willed it up the rest of the way.</div>
MS Overload, Workout 43

Deadlift:  440 - 1 (woo-hoo!)
Weighted Chins:  BW+45 (8), 2 sets
Pulley Rows:  230 (8), 2 sets

NOTES:Maybe I should start training chest/back on different days.

EDIT:  Turns out, I nailed a 455 dead, as a good friend was kind enough to point out in another board I participate on...for some reason, 435 stuck in my head as the number to beat, but in reality, I needed to beat 455.

It's a tall order (plus, now I'm completely bummed, but I'll get over it
).  I guess it's 460 or bust......
MS Overload, Workout 44

Barbbell Shrug: 485 - 5
Dumbbell Shoulder Press: 70s - 6
Chins: B/W + 45 (10)

NOTES: Didn't go for any PRs today, as I felt &quot;strong&quot;, but not in that special zone that a PR attempt would require. I think my all time high on shrugs was 500 or 505, so given that 485 felt *light*, that may be in the cards. This was my first time going heavy on shrugs in at least a few months, and the rest obviously did me some good.

If all goes well, next weekend will see me try an new PR attempt of 460 on deads.
All the best with the 460 attempt and congrats on your recent top deadlifts. I have set my sights on 475 now. I managed 440 last cycle for 3 singles but will be happy if I get 450 this cycle. I agree about feeling in the zone for a PR attempt although I also know that sometimes when I don't even feel like training I have surprised myself with a good lift. So much of a PR attempt is to do with one's mental state.

Positive thinking can really help. Watch this vid and see if it doesn't help to get that sucker off the ground.  

Dimas 213kg C&amp;J
(Lol @ Nov. 25 2007,08:58)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">All the best with the 460 attempt and congrats on your recent top deadlifts. I have set my sights on 475 now. I managed 440 last cycle for 3 singles but will be happy if I get 450 this cycle. I agree about feeling in the zone for a PR attempt although I also know that sometimes when I don't even feel like training I have surprised myself with a good lift. So much of a PR attempt is to do with one's mental state.

Positive thinking can really help. Watch this vid and see if it doesn't help to get that sucker off the ground.  

Dimas 213kg C&amp;J</div>
Lol, as far as that vid, all I can say! How much is 213 kg, anyway? Is that like 500 pounds? I can't even imagine hoisting something like that straight up.

Having done strength training consistently for over 10 months now, I completely agree that PR attempts are just as much a mental thing as they are physical. Getting all the ducks to line up just right is not an easy thing to do. I can usually tell by my warmup sets if an attempt is even in the cards.

Good luck with your deadlift goals, as well
MS Overload, Workout 45

***Last official MS Overload workout

Deadlifts:  460 - missed
Pullups:  Wide grip, BWx10, 4 sets

NOTES:  Had a couple of tough things happen today.  Obviously, missing my 460 attempt was bad enough (I really thought I had it when I walked into the gym this morning), but about 3/4 of the way up I felt a twinge in my low back.  If I had any brains, I would have just dropped the weight then and there, but instead I lowered it down slowly.

The net result:  some type of pull in my low back that is REALLY painful right now.  I'm sure it will improve, but not having had this type of injury before, I'm not sure what kind of ride I'm in for.  I've pulled muscles in my upper back plenty of times, and it's a three or four day affair for things to return to normal.  I'll be thankful if that's the case, here.

I've decided to switch things up and do standard MS workouts (single reps, 10 to 20) for awhile...lay off on the overload ME attempts.  I've been lifting ME style since March, and I think it's time for a break with *lighter* loads.  When lifting MS style, it's still heavy, but nowhere near what my ME attempts are.  It's winter here now, muscles are a bit tighter all around, and I really don't want to risk further injury.

Since I'll be going lighter, I may be able to add an extra lifting day, as well.  Time will tell.
Really sorry to hear about the back injury Slapz. Pushing things to the limit is bound to result in this kind of thing from time to time though. Almost making a 460lb lift is none-the-less a fantastic achievement.

All the best with your new MS schedule.
Wow Mike, sorry to hear about that, but at least you got your 'wound' in the heat of a real battle. Not like you were just getting out of the tub or something.
I'm not gonna give advice you allready know. This was just a getwell card bro!
Few on this planet have acheived what you have.
(quadancer @ Dec. 02 2007,15:44)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Few on this planet have acheived what you have.</div>
Quad's point is well taken. There aren't many men who can say they missed a 460 lb deadlift.

It's an honor even to be nominated for an Oscar.
Hope you heal up soon Slapz!

My lower back has been really stiff lately, and I couldn't figure out why since I haven't been squatting or pulling due to an ankle injury. But I have been doing power shrugs 3x/week! DUH! That obviously has been beating my lower back to crap as well as my traps...I will start wearing a belt when I do shrugs and maybe even drop the frequency.
First of all, thanks to all for the well wishes! They really and truly meant a lot. We all work so hard in here, and we all have had injuries at some point or another.

I'm happy to say that my back injury has pretty much healed and I'm back to normal. Those first 12 hours were very scary, but by the next morning, the condition was about 50% improved, and then got better ever since.

That said, I guess I need to revisit what &quot;normal&quot; will be for me. Powerlifting has been &quot;who I am&quot; when it comes to training for the last nine months. It's been an identity I can relate to. Moreover, it's provided me a constant challenge every training day, which led to some of the best training sessions I've ever had in my life.

My powerlifting program enabled me to attain levels of strength I had never achieved, and along with a strict diet, put me in the 7% range of bodyfat for the first time ever this past summer.

But now, my attitude has to least somewhat. This injury made me realize that I'm not willing to take the ultimate risk for ultimate strength, and that is the risk of devastating injury. I have a wife, a 2-year old son, and a career that involves the utmost in mental concentration &amp; physical dexterity, at least in my hands. A severe lifting injury would, undoubtedly, have an adverse impact on both my work and my family.

The question I've been pondering the last few days is: so, what do I do now?

Well, I have decided to return to traditional MS training, which is basically 10-20 reps of the majors performed as singles. That way, I can still lift heavier than I would be able to otherwise, but the loads will be such that the risk for injury is greatly reduced.

I plan on increasing volume, as well. Because there are no more ME days involved, per se, it is my hope that I'll be able to train more frequently. I'm curious to see how my body responds to more frequent training after nearly nine months of, in effect, one super-insane workout per week when I went for my maxes.

Diet won't really change. I'm still low carbing it, and plan on keeping myself 2 to 4 weeks away from &quot;beach&quot; shape....(although, the holidays are rapidly approaching!)
Sci: the only thing I wear my belt for these days is Power Shrugs!

Glad you're back Slapper! You young bucks heal quick. Sad to say, but PL'ing is as injury prone as skateboarding.