Slapshotz' SST journal


On the heels of my bf analysis last week, today was my fitness test with my trainer.  I was actually quite pleased with my efforts, especially since I've never done any "timed" running work in my whole life.   These are baseline numbers from which I hope to improve in the next couple of months b/4 my retest.

1.  40-Meter dash:  5.9 Seconds  (goal:  under 5)

2.  1-Mile run:  6 minutes, 40 seconds  (goal:  6m, 20s)

3.  Bench press: 225 - 4 reps (6 reps)

That was it for the test.  It was hard as hell going for bench presses after an allout effort on the mile, let me tell you, but this test is a measure of cumulative fatigue.  My 40 is okay, but I was really happy with my mile.  The goal is to get the 40 under 5 by the time I start playing.


Instructional portion of the session:

Jerk movements:
After the fit test, we spent extensive time on the mechanics of push presses, hang cleans, and the clean & jerk.  There's nothing like having a former champion p-lifter critiquing your form.  Needless to say, my form needed work on all three movements, but now that I've been set straight on the mechanics, I'm looking forward to implementing the movements.  I'll start off with push presses, then over the next couple months move to hang cleans, then the full monte clean & jerk.

I learned 6 new ab exercises yesterday, all of which are designed to put my body in unusual positons to strengthen the core, including pikes, ball crunches, medicine ball rotations, hanging twisting leg raises, and medicine ball toss & twists.



My trainer had this to say, in a nutshell.  Aesthetics?  Good.  Strength?  Very good.  Funcionality?  Horrible.

In a nutshell, he said that were I to participate in an athletic event today, I'd be an injury waiting to happen (I'm not talking golf & the like, but intense sports like football, hockey, etc.)

The reason why I'm so rigid is that I've spent a lifetime doing rigid weight movements, and have ill prepared my body to react athletically.  Even my running was rigid!  My only saving grace is my sports experience from the past.  I should be able to re-develop these skills very quickly.

The bottom line is, I need better funcionality, and at this point, the benefits will go way beyond my playing football.  I managed to overlook the athleticism part of training for far too long, and now I'm paying the consequences, but it is a situation I shall reverse.
I am afraid a lot of us would have the athletic results that you have, but we would be conditioned even less! Keep up the good work... a sub 6:20 minute mile at your bf% should not take too long to train for!
(Slapshotz @ Mar. 16 2008,09:34)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">2. 1-Mile run: 6 minutes, 40 seconds (goal: 6m, 20s)</div>
Back when I was young and skinny and good looking, I used to run a 6:30 mile, wearing combat boots. Alas, that was 40 years ago...
Colby wrote:
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I am afraid a lot of us would have the athletic results that you have, but we would be conditioned even less!  Keep up the good work... a sub 6:20 minute mile at your bf% should not take too long to train for!</div>

Colby, I'm still amazed that I can be so good aesthetically and yet so dismal when it comes to functionality.   I think the road to &quot;functionality&quot; will be a whole lot tougher than my road to leanness, but hopefully just as rewarding.

TR wrote:
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Back when I was young and skinny and good looking, I used to run a 6:30 mile, wearing combat boots. Alas, that was 40 years ago...</div>  

What branch were you in?  Hey, if you had it once, it never really &quot;leaves&quot; you...the skill would just have to be redeveloped

Upper body day:

Bench - 185 x 4 sets x 4-6 reps
Weighted dips - BW+50 x 3 sets x 4-6 reps
Bent-over rows (uh grip) - 155 x 3 sets x 4-6 reps
Push press - 3 sets x 95 x 4-6 reps
Dumbbell curls (standing on 1 leg)
Good mornings - 115 x 3 sets x 8-10 reps
Balance / Ankle work
Rest between sets - 30 to 45 seconds

Lower body day (2 days ago):

Squat - 205 x 3 sets x 4-6 reps
Single leg xtensions x 90 x 3 sets x 8-10 reps
*** Deadlifts - 185 x 3 sets x 4-6 reps
Stiff leg deads - 155 x 3 sets x 8-10 reps
Single leg calf raises
Balance ankle work

***deads are now performed using only overhand grip (yuk!) and continuous movement, no pause in between reps (double yuk!!)

NOTES:  For all exercises, the movements must be explosive, and very UN-bodybuilding like.  In other words, there must be no break in the tension from start to finish, and each rep must be completed as fast as possible while still maintaining good form.  Because of this, poundages are down, but the constant tension and low rest times is kicking my butt.
Overhand grip on both hands is the better way to go for your grip strength. I must do the cross-grip as it feels so much more natural to me believe it or not!
have a great week, all...i'll be in the bahamas on a sinful vacation with the missus!

I'll try not to over do it...but man...all inclusive food &amp; booze. NOT a good combo!
(Slapshotz @ Mar. 23 2008,20:55)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">have a great week, all...i'll be in the bahamas on a sinful vacation with the missus!

I'll try not to over do it...but man...all inclusive food &amp; booze. NOT a good combo!</div>
You are right. It is not a good combo. It is an excellent combo!

Man, there's just no time to update my journal as consistently as I have in the past, but the workout regimen is still alive and kicking. Been dealing with some Achilles tendidnitis in my left ankle (the one that DIDN'T rupture already), so I'm approaching things just a bit more cautiously.

A lifetime of wearing orthodic supports for my flat feet has caused the Achilles on both sides to shrink, and with that shrinkage comes increased risk of tear or rupture upon exertion. It happened on the right side in 2000, and I must be careful that it doesn't happen on the left side. I can ill afford to miss 6 months of work if I blow out another one.

Anyhoo, here's the breakdown for the past week since I've been back from vacation.

Upper body day:

Bench press: 205 x 4 x 4-6
Deadlift: 225 x 4 x 4-6
Weighted dips: BW+50 x 4 x 4-6
Good mornings: 135 x 3 x 8-10
Push Press: 95 x 3 x 4-6
Shrugs: 315 x 2 x 20

Lower Body day:

Squats: 225 x 4 x 4-6
Single-leg Xtnsions: 80 x 3 x 8-10
Stiff legged deads: 155 x 4 x 8-10
Step-up Lunges: 25s x 2 x 8-10
Calf raises


1 day 15 minutes HIIT
1 day 40 minutes static cardio plus wind sprints

Notes &amp; Tidbits:

-Still dealing psychologically with the big drop in weight in deadlifts. Using an overhand plus barehand grip is WAY harder than the overhand/underhand that I used to use...but I must keep the eye on the prize, and that is to improve grip strength in order to do full clean &amp; jerk movements in the next couple months

-I finally feel comfortable doing squats with the bar resting practically halfway down my back. This has enabled me to get a full ATG motion w/out feeling strain in my shoulders, a true powerlifting form. The weight will probably jump quickly now, I would guess. And the rumors are true...going beyond 90 degrees really IS easier on the knees than going parallel or above (the way most do).

-Vacation was a BLAST...well worth the money. I ate a lot, but aside from my customary pound of bacon with every breakfast, I managed to eat pretty well (filet mignon 4 of the 6 nights
) Dinners were surprisingly low in carbs. The meals were naturally protein intensive, which I was very surprised at. The meat portions were always double or even triple the carb portions. Of course, those tropical island drinks I sucked down for 6 straight days at poolside negated my carbless dinners

I also managed to work out four days in a row while there, both cardio &amp; addition, I played 2 on 2 volleyball 4 days as well, so at least I was &quot;active&quot; during my &quot;sloth&quot;!! It's good 2 be back to my routine, though. I can see why people put on 10 pounds plus on these trips.
Quick update

Quick Leg / Chest workout from Wednesday:

ATG Squats - 235 x 4 x 4
Incline Bench - 135 x 4 x 4
Walking Lunges - 25s x 10 x 2

Cardio and abs from Thrusday:

15 minutes run @6 on 2 incline
15 minutes wind sprints
Incline medicine ball abs

I'm in one of those funks where the energy hasn't been primo since b/4 vacation. The only way to circumvent this is to split my workout up and not do squats and deads on the same day. Tomorrow, I'll focus on deads and other assorted upper body exercises. Hopefully the energy returns soon.
It's great that you are still finding some time to post Slapz.

Quick question: with the present loads you are doing for deads (from your log: Deadlift: 225 x 4 x 4-6) would it not be better to do all the reps in one blaster of a single set (or perhaps two) rather than do multiple sets? From memory I would have thought 20 reps with 225 would be doable for you especially as you are doing deads in a continuous fashion now (which I take to mean that you are not resetting between reps). That way you'd be training your metabolic system pretty hard which I would have thought would be good for ball playing activities.
(Lol @ Apr. 11 2008,09:27)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">It's great that you are still finding some time to post Slapz.

Quick question: with the present loads you are doing for deads (from your log: Deadlift:  225 x 4 x 4-6) would it not be better to do all the reps in one blaster of a single set (or perhaps two) rather than do multiple sets? From memory I would have thought 20 reps with 225 would be doable for you especially as you are doing deads in a continuous fashion now (which I take to mean that you are not resetting between reps). That way you'd be training your metabolic system pretty hard which I would have thought would be good for ball playing activities.  

Arrrrrggghhh!!!! I wish I could do more on the deads, Lol!   I also wish I could post more, though I should have some extra time in the next couple weeks.

See, now that I've switched my grip to a strapless overhand-only on the deads (in preparation for doing full clean &amp; jerks in another month), my dead strength has just plummetted, and it's all b/c my grip isn't good enough.

I know my grip strength is decent...hell, I can do one-armed pullups...but not having ever done deads with a pure overhand grip, there's an &quot;adaptability&quot; curve that I have to settle into, much like when I started resting the bar almost on my mid-back for squats so I could get a full ATG motion w/out pain in my shoulders.


It seems I'm taking a lot of two steps backwards to take three steps forward lately, but hopefully it will all be worth it!

I'm going to do deads first tomorrow, though, so maybe I can up the ante a bit.  Usually deads is third in the progression of exercises, so that may help.
Saturday workout

Deadlifts - (overhand/underhand grip) 275 x 6 x 2
Deadlifts - (overhand grip) 245 x 4 x 2
Weighted dips - BW+60 x 6 x 4
Clean press - 135 x 3 x 2
Bent over rows - 185 x 5 x 4
Balance work

NOTES: Used a little Jedi mind trick on doing the overhand/underhand grip for a couple sets with the heavier weight first, the 245 didn't feel so bad with a pure overhand grip, and I got to feed my bruised ego a little bit.

Also, I need to do bench, squats &amp; deads on separate days. Between work and family, I just don't have enough gas in the tank to do multiple major compounds like bench, deads &amp; squats on the same day, at least not if I want to operate at levels even remotely close to my old strength level. Besides, I'm still in the midst of phase 1 of my 3-phase program, which is strength/mass buildup. Once phase 2 begins, the rep range will go down and the cardio will go up, so I won't have to worry about it as much.
Monday Workout

BP Machine - Entire stack less 3 plates (whatever it is, I have no idea) x 4 x 8
Weighted Dips - BW+60 x 4 x 4
Assorted bicep curls

Tuesday workout

ATG Squats - 245 x 4 x 4
Lunges - 25s x 2 x 10

NOTES:  The bench workout was a lot of fun, doing 8 sets of 4 reps. I had to use the machines cuz both benches at the gym were taken.

As far as legs, I know it sounds crazy, but I can see myself someday surpassing my old 360 parallel squat with a tru oly squat that I most likely could place in a competition with.  

I've really gotten the feel for the proper form, and my legs always feel like overinflated balloons after a few sets.  Trouble is, after squats or deads...I'm DONE.  There's just nothing left in the tank, which is why I cut down the number of compound lifts per session.

Anyhoo, I'm taking a couple days off, hopefully, and will hit the cardio hard on Friday.
(Slapshotz @ Apr. 12 2008,1:42)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">NOTES:  Used a little Jedi mind trick on doing the overhand/underhand grip for a couple sets with the heavier weight first, the 245 didn't feel so bad with a pure overhand grip, and I got to feed my bruised ego a little bit.</div>
&quot;These aren't the deads you're looking for. Move along!&quot;
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">NOTES: Used a little Jedi mind trick on doing the overhand/underhand grip for a couple sets with the heavier weight first, the 245 didn't feel so bad with a pure overhand grip, and I got to feed my bruised ego a little bit.</div>

This a trick I may have to utilize as well. I feel so much more comfortable with the cross grip!

BTW, I love your goals. Effective as soon as I hit 10%, my goals will start to match yours - strength, endurance and speed.
TR wrote:
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">&quot;These aren't the deads you're looking for. Move along!&quot;</div>
Lol...true dat, TR

Colby wrote:
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">BTW, I love your goals. Effective as soon as I hit 10%, my goals will start to match yours - strength, endurance and speed.</div>
Thanks, Colby. I dunno how old/young you are, but I can tell you the opinion as someone who will be pushing 40 in a couple years, there's something to be said for retaining athletic ability along with aesthetic appearance. The neglect of one for the sake of the other is really not wise.

Don't get me wrong...I've had a blast training for purely aesthetic reasons, but I've become rigid and immobile in the process, and that, in a nutshell, is an injury waiting to happen. I want my body primed to handle whatever comes my way, whether it be football, surfing, volleybal, or chasing around my 2-year-old

Also, the fact that you've been cutting for awhile tells me that you'll be totally ready 4 something new when the time comes. Variety is key.
Rigid and immobile. I think I've worn out that T-shirt! It's an ordeal just getting out of bed...thinking about doing a straight HST cycle again just for the reps.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Don't get me wrong...I've had a blast training for purely aesthetic reasons, but I've become rigid and immobile in the process, and that, in a nutshell, is an injury waiting to happen. I want my body primed to handle whatever comes my way, whether it be football, surfing, volleybal, or chasing around my 2-year-old

That is a very wise notion. Slapz, I am younger, attained age 23 years old, and I want to put myself in the best shape of my life not only aesthetically but athletically as well! Thanks for the motivation.
(quadancer @ Apr. 16 2008,8:05)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Rigid and immobile. I think I've worn out that T-shirt! It's an ordeal just getting out of bed...thinking about doing a straight HST cycle again just for the reps.</div>
me thinks that's a great idear, q!