Slapshotz' SST journal

MaxStim - Workout 15

Barbbell Squats: 235 - 20 (Previous 225-20)
Standing EZ Bar Curls
15 Mins. Cardio

Notes: Legs are like rubber. Really focussed on laying the bar almost on my mid back, which I couldn't do at the heavier weight b/c it pained my wrists. Was able to go below parallel quite easily that way, but the last 5 reps were still tough. Overall, a solid effort.
...30 more minutes of cardio today, and now I'm good & hungry tonight

time for an appetite killer pretty soon.
Hey Mike, or should I say "Slim"? Did you see the latest regarding fasted-state cardio? Seems that they are finding out it's just not necessary to suffer that way. Maybe things could be a little more comfortable for ya if you're trying to burn off that Wendy's Triple with Cheeeeeze?
(Slapshotz @ Jan. 28 2008,22:10)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">time for an appetite killer pretty soon.</div>
Coffee? Tea? Brushing your teeth?
(quadancer @ Jan. 29 2008,05:37)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Hey Mike, or should I say &quot;Slim&quot;? Did you see the latest regarding fasted-state cardio? Seems that they are finding out it's just not necessary to suffer that way. Maybe things could be a little more comfortable for ya if you're trying to burn off that Wendy's Triple with Cheeeeeze?  
ya, I heard that, too. But I did my cardio mid-afternoon, and was starving at 8:30, which is usually when I have my late-night snack...which I am skipping for the next couple months

Wendy Triple Cheez? What's a Wendy? Never heard of it!

And Colby, I may end up eating the toothpaste very soon!
MaxStim - Workout 16

Barbbell Bench Press: 215 - 20 (Previous 210-20)
Weighted Dips - BW+60 - 12, 10
15 Mins. Cardio

Notes:  225 for 20 is definitely in the cards.  It may take me another month to get there, but doing the singles has really improved my form, and my overall benching movement is much more explosive than it used to be.  Increasing's what it's all about in the end, right?

Anyhoo, for the next three days I will be away on business, and I know there's no gym where I'm going.  BUMMER.  It's really two strikes, b/c my diet is impossible to follow when I'm not at home.  I'm bringing some snacks and protein bars and so forth, but I'm probably gonna double my usual daily carb intake during this time.  Good thing my Bahamas trip isn't for another two months!
MaxStim - Workout 17

Weighted Chins: BW+76.25 - 20 (Previous BW+75)
Good mornings - 135 - 10, 2 sets
Standing EZ bar curls
15 Mins. Cardio

Notes: Well, made 1st use of my &quot;mini magnetic&quot; weights, and they delivered. No way I could have done 80 for 20, it would have been too big a jump, but 76.25 was just right.

Had bukko strength today, and energy to spare, and this after being away for 3 days eating less than stellar foods (although I did manage to have filet mignon two of those 3 nights

Okay, maybe not changes, but we'll call them...additions.

I was with the wife last night, hanging out with some friends, and one of my friends was telling me about this 2-hand touch football league he plays in.  Now, this guy is a physical specimen.  Despite the fact that he eats at Wendy's 5 times a week, he's probably 7% BF on a bad day and incredibly athletic.  Working on a UPS truck doesn't hurt, I guess, with all the lifting, lugging &amp; moving around that job gives you every day.

So, the conversation turns to this football league, and he asked me if I wanted to play on his team, starting next fall.  Although I spent a good 10 years in my youth playing both football &amp; wrestling, as the old saying goes, I haven't ridden that horse in two decades!

But then I thought to myself, how long has it been since I've had any real non-aesthetic training goal?  I love training for strength and dieting for overall leanness &amp; health, but the thought of having a new goal to shoot for (being field ready to play football next fall) was just completely invigorating.

So, today in the gym, after my standard issue 30 minutes treadmill work, I went over to the indoor track, and broke out some of my old football fitness drills.  I did better than I thought, but after 10 minutes, I was ready for th O2 mask.  Clearly, I'm not in game shape.  I'm going to enlist the help of my trainer on this one, as well, when he's got some availability, but in the mean time, I'm going to work on getting my athleticism up along with my aesthetics.

Slapshotz, back on the gridiron, 9/08.....I'm stoked!
(quadancer @ Feb. 03 2008,20:08)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Just don't let them step on you.  
they've got to catch me first!
(Slapshotz @ Feb. 03 2008,14:50)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">So, the conversation turns to this football league...</div>
And to knees that bend four ways...?
MaxStim - Workout 18

Barbbell Military Press: 151.25 - 20 (Previous 150 - 20)
Shrugs - 425 - 12
15 Mins. Cardio
20 Mins. Football training

Notes: Lots to report!

Firstly, my micro-weights really came in handy today. I plastered a 1.25 to the middle of the bar, and voila! 151.25. I was able to do 20. I'm pretty sure that even if I tried 155, I would not have made it. I'm getting pretty close to my BW now in terms of shoulder press, and the weight increases will have to be minute.

Secondly, I managed to snag my trainer in between clients, and though we will talk in detail next month, he projected a basic path to follow to be gridiron-ready in the fall of '08, and there's good and bad news to go along with it.

The good news is, by the time I take the field next fall, I'll probably be in the best shape of my life, at least in terms of functionality.

The bad news is, come May, my strength training will have to be abandoned. I asked him if I could still lift weights the same way I do now, and just add my football training at the end, and sadly, the answer was no. I'll need to train lighter, with more reps, using exercises that up until now I haven't done b/4 (single leg squats, balance squats &amp; so forth).

If I wanna play, I have to guard against what will be devastating injury (blown hammy, calf, achilles), and the only way to do that will be with the exercises he prescribes for me.

That said, I think I'm going to embrace the new regimen. After all, by the time May rolls around, that will be nearly 1.5 years straight of strength training, and switching things up might not be such a bad idea. In the meantime, I'll enjoy it while it lasts
MaxStim - Workout 19

Barbbell Bench Press: 217.5 - 20 (Previous 215 - 20)
Weighted Dips - BW+75 - 12
15 Mins. Cardio
20 Mins. Football training

Notes: Solid.
MaxStim - Workout 20

Barbbell Squat: 240 - 20 (Previous 235 - 20)
15 Mins. Cardio
20 Mins. Football training

Previous day: 40 minutes cardio

Notes: Barely broke a sweat after squats...the football training is definitely helping my overall conditioning. Weight was just a tad heavy at the end, so it tells me the jump in weight was appropriate.
Man, I know you and I know your strengths. Seems like you're sandbagging on the MS here. Surely your 10rm is higher since you're on the 20th workout. What is your M-time spread on the MS? Maybe that's why you're not sweating, or you're just in such good condition that ...oh, waitaminnit, you live in Jersey; you're probably freezin' your butt off.
Oh, BTW, I had another idea for microweights. Just get lengths of chain from the Depot and cut lengths to the weight you want. A spring clip on the end and you can use them for weights or extenders. How's that for &quot;where the hell were you when I bought these...&quot;
(quadancer @ Feb. 17 2008,14:07)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Man, I know you and I know your strengths. Seems like you're sandbagging on the MS here. Surely your 10rm is higher since you're on the 20th workout. What is your M-time spread on the MS? Maybe that's why you're not sweating, or you're just in such good condition that ...oh, waitaminnit, you live in Jersey; you're probably freezin' your butt off.
Oh, BTW, I had another idea for microweights. Just get lengths of chain from the Depot and cut lengths to the weight you want. A spring clip on the end and you can use them for weights or extenders. How's that for &quot;where the hell were you when I bought these...&quot;</div>
It might appear that I'm sandbagging, but I'm really not, Q.  My squats now are ATG versus parallel, and my M time is ranging about 45 seconds or so, which it has ever since I started MS.

I must be a-doin' it right, cuz the weights by the 18th, 19th &amp; 20th rep are heeavvyy!  And that goes for squats, bench, pullups, military, whatever.

Is it anywhere near my 1-rep ME maxes?  Hell, no!  But I don't know anyone who can lift their 1RM 20 times, even if they take 10 minutes in between reps.

And yeah, I'm freezing my ass off over it summer yet?
 Great idear about the spring clip...though it's too late for me now.  Dang, I sure do pi$$ away my money sometimes