...A new direction.
Well, I'm sorry to say, that 'injury' I have above my right butt cheek has become more than a nuisance. There's clearly something wrong, much more serious than of the simple muscle pull variety, I think.
I tried to do some deads for fun in my home gym yesterday, and after a rep or two, the pain was unbearable. It's been "nagging" at me for quite awhile, now, but the pain has never been this acute or this sharp.
So, on my rather lengthy drive to my work assignment today, I racked my brain in trying to come up with an interim w/o plan, one that would allow me to progress on some type of scale, but without taxing my injury. Not an easy thing to do, but I have come up with a plan.
I'm going to spend a month with the focus on the upper body, and do 20 MS-style reps per day, 5 days per week, split over four exercises. I will focus on 5 second concentric/eccentric movements, so the loads will be much lighter. The idea is to work myself up to a slightly overtrained status by the end of 5 days, then rest over the weekend.
I will do some lower body work in the form of squats, but it will be minimal if my injury is really bothering me. I anticipate the first few weeks, there will be very little if any lower body work done. The main thing is to let my injury heal before it gets worse.
I got this idea from a semi-recent T-mag article that I read a month or two ago. I used high frequency training with great success last year prior to going on my cut. I added some size, and did it fairly quickly. Of course, right now it's just a matter of doing something while my injury heals, so we'll see how things work out.
Loads will be much lighter than they've been. A solid year of strength training has left me creaking & squeaking in many places, and it's time to de-load from all the heavy stuff. I'll keep cardio moderate to avoid any fat accumulation, and return to eating at maintenance.
I love strength training, and it will be depressing to say goodbye to it for the next little while, but if I hope to compete in November, I need to get myself injury free sooner rather than later so I can re-vamp it back up when the time comes.