Thanks guys, I appreciate it. Slapz, keep in mind a lot of my strength gains right now on the olympic lifts are neural, I'm getting my form down. The increased form and speed is helping, especially since I'm cutting.
slapz, you asked about keeping the reps low. I am cutting and want to keep the loads high and fatigue low. I am going to bump the weights up and max-stim again next week.
I didn't sleep Wed. night so I had no business going to the gym last night, especially at 9:00.
push-press: 205x3
pendlay row: 245x10
dips: bw+75x5
Tonight was good, the strength coach was there so he worked with me on form, so the weight was lighter.
hang clean & jerk: 70k 3x5
hang clean pulls: 294 (133.6k) x6,
304 (138k) 2x6 PR
BTN press snatch grip + OH squat: 98 (44.5k) 12+6x2
static holds: 440 (200k) 2x10 seconds
Then about 10 minutes HIIT. The clean pulls were not hard and I think my strength from deadlifting is starting to help since I have the form down pretty good now. After the first set I bumped it up 10 more pounds and could have went another 10. Next time.