Slow bulk

(liegelord @ Jun. 19 2007,00:26)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I'll post the new routine and goals when I'm back home.

I'd like to push-press 250 in a couple of months though.</div>
Looking forward to seeing the new routine, and I'm sure a 250 push press is in your future, at the very least!
I did mostly olympic lifting this week, I was out of town and couldn't lift Mon. and Tues. Did pretty good and hit some PR's, working form has really helped, should start lifting some respectable numbers soon. Diet and sleep were WAY off this week, I some how lost 3 pounds.

hang power snatch+drop snatch: 69k 3x3 PR
hang snatch pulls: 90k 3x5
hang snatch: 50k a whole bunch

hang squat clean: 215 (97k) 3x3 PR a few jerks
hang C&amp;J: 70k at least 20

The 69k snatches flew up, I'm a kilo off my PR for floor snatches and those 3 sets were done with a drop snatch after each rep.

I'm glad I hit a PR for hang cleans, but my shoulders took a beating this week, so I just did C&amp;J with only 70k to work form. The strength coach was there and scolded me for getting sloppy with cleans: &quot;Quality over quantity!&quot; He worked with me on improving the second pull for a while, so I did lots of C&amp;J's. It really helps to have a coach or someone who knows the lifts help you.
thanks slapz. The coach said once I get the form down I should be cleaning 80% of my back squat soon. That's pretty much what my goal was for by the end of the year, to clean 315.

I'm still trying to workout a good routine focused on the snatch and C&amp;J and still do the other lifts. I found out the hard way this week not to do back squats after snatches.
Coach about killed me today, I've never done so many snatches (there's a hell of joke there).
All those years of deadlifting is making it hard to get the start of the second pull, that's really what the coach had me working tonight. It's really paying off too, but man was I wiped out, as you'll see by what I used for olympic squats.

A little explanation. The coach saw me warming up with 40k and came over and started instructing me. I was still starting the 2nd pull too soon: knees bent a little too much and not bent over enough, my shoulders not over the bar. So he had me deadlift, then lower slowly into position for the second pull and hold it, then do a hang power snatch. I did every snatch this way.

hang power snatch: 40k x ?? at least 10
hang power snatch: 50k x about 10
hang power snatch: 60k x about 5-6
hang power snatch: 65k x 3-4
hang power snatch: 70k x 4 PR
hang snatch pulls: 90k 2x5
olympic squats: 315x5 slow down, with a 2 second pause in the hole

The 70k flew up easier than the 69k last week, though I was getting fatigued when I started. My previous PR with snatches from the floor was 70k.

My new routine is going to be basically an olympic lifting routine to continue improving form and bringing both lifts to a respectable level. I'm still working on where to stick in the dips, chins, rows, bench and OH press though. Here's what I'll be doing for about 12 weeks, with variations as I go:

Monday: snatch + drop snatch, snatch pulls, olympic squats
Tues: squat cleans, clean pulls, push-jerk, BTN press snatch grip
Wed: snatch, OH squat, front squat, good mornings
Thurs: C&amp;J, clean pull, BTN press snatch grip + OH squat
Frid: push press, dips, chins, drop snatch

I like this routine, at least on paper so far, because there are lots of pulls and good mornings are included. I'm putting Bill Starr's theory to the test, I'm working on increasing my deadlift by not deadlifting for a couple of months.
Wow, you're very fortunate to have day-to-day help from someone who really knows what he's talking about. With the right form under your belt, I have no doubt your lifts are just gonna explode! As I said in my journal, having the right form on bench press makes a difference, narrower grip, elbows in. I found my bench dropped about 50 pounds when I first started hitting it that way, but once my body adapted to the correct form, my bench shot up.

The same can be said with just about any lift. Having the right form will always produce better results in the long run.

That M-F schedule is pretty aggressive there, Liege. You're a much tougher man than I! Of course, your diet is probably loaded with carbs (mmmmmmmmmm.......carrrrrbbbbbsss), with which I cannot partake. That schedule would probably put me into a coma!

Your deadlift will surely go way up when u return!
Thanks guys. Olympic lifting is so much more fun than the usual workouts. Yeah slapz, it's great to just be able to use the weightroom, but to have the strength and football coaches willing to help is even better. The strength coach is training a nationally racked lifter who has also helped. Neither were there tonight though, I was on my own. Good workout, but I am not conditioned enough yet to these types of workouts, they're a killer.

Like last night, each clean and clean pull is from a hang, I deadlift the weight, then slowly lower to the start of the 2nd pull, pause, then explode. For the 1st time my hamstrings are sore.

hang squat cleans: 220 (100k) 3x3 PR
hang clean pulls: 264 (120k) 3x6
push-jerk: 90k 3x3 PR (first time)

BTN press snatch grip: 40k 2x12, 1x9

I've never done push-jerks or BTN presses with a snatch grip before. I've got to get used to push-jerks and get the form down. I can BTN push-press more than 70k with a snatch grip, but strict, I'm really weak. I should be hang cleaning what I was cleaning from the floor soon, only 10k to go. The 100k flew up, I can power clean it now from a hang.
Good workout tonight, though my lack of conditioning for this type of training is becoming obvious. This workout kicked my butt tonight.

hang power snatch: 154 (70k) 4x3 PR
OH squat: 154 (70k) x6, 2, 2, 3
front squat: 264 (120k) 2x6
good mornings: 198 (90k) x5
pendlay rows: 245(111k) 2x5
dips: bw+105 2x3 (hour later at another gym)

Easily hit 4x3 with hang snatches, more than I was floor snatching a few weeks ago. I've never done OH squats for sets of more than 3, 6 was real tough. I thought I could do rows between sets of OH squats, BAD idea, really messed me up. All the snatch work and OH squats worked my shoulders so hard I didn't have the strength for rows, had to really lower the weight. Front squats for sets of more than 3 reps really suck.

It's going to take a week or so to figure out where to put dips, chins, rows and bench so I can at least use close to what I can normally lift. I'd hate to only do them once a week.
Yea, quad, I feel like that on some sets. Especially the last few tonight.

Made it through the first week of olympic lifting. I was off today, I'm just not conditioned to this type of training yet. I didn't have the speed tonight. I wasn't supposed to go heavy on cleans anyway because I was supposed to do full C&amp;J.

hang squat clean: 225 (102k) x1 (still a PR) 208x3+1 jerk,
hang C&amp;J: 198 (90k) 3x3
hang clean pulls: 122k 3x6
BTN press snatch grip+OH squat: 93 (42k) 2x12+6, 1x10+6

Holy crap the last 3 sets were tough.
Anyone who really wants a serious shoulder workout should try this. You first do 12 reps of BTN presses (should be about your 14RM) then, you stay locked out and do 6 OH squats.

I don't think I'll be able to do push or bench presses tomorrow.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I don't think I'll be able to do push or bench presses tomorrow.</div>

Serious burn = awesome workout. Your workouts are nuts Liege; every time I look at your log, I have to research some new exercise.
To do that kind of lifting with that kind of volume is amazing. You're also listening to what your body is telling you, which is smart. You'll avoid a lot of injuries that way

I wonder, though, if you keep up with that pace in volume, will your strength dip from the cumulative fatigue?
I didn't think the volume was high slapz, I'll keep on eye on it. I was doing mostly 3x5 before and doing well and there are no negatives with most lifts I'm doing now. I'm doing max-stim on some exercises to keep the fatigue down.

Diet was way off today and I didn't get to the gym until real late, couldn't finish even if I wanted too.

push-press: 225x3 max-stim
bench: 250x3 max-stim
chins: 50x5 max-stim (3-5 sec m-tim)

Not a good idea to do bench and push-press in the same workout, I do good doing dips when push-pressing.
Day 1, week 2. I've decided to slowly cut about 10 pounds by the end of the year, shouldn't affect strength gains doing it that slow. That said, bw is up from last week from 216.4 to 216.8.

Pretty good workout tonight, I can tell my conditioning is improving to this type of lifting already.

hang power snatch: 72k 4x3 PR
hang snatch pulls: 92k 3x5
olympic squats: 320x6 (slow down, pause, explode out of the hole)
dips: bw+110 2x3
10 min. HIIT

It was weird lifting tonight, I don't know how, but I cut my thumb right at the end of the nail during a snatch. I could feel it bleed a little with each rep. The squats were pretty easy compared to last week, I added 5 pounds and did another rep, could have done 10, but I want to take it slow. I'm getting used to squatting after snatches and pulls.

I should be able to hit a 90k snatch from the floor at this point.
Great work, Liege. No doubt, you'll be in fantastic caridiovascular shape, too, with a routine like this.

Best of luck with the diet, too....slow &amp; steady, right?
Yeah slapz, slow and steady should do it. Good workout tonight, form was good.

hang squat cleans: 225 (102k) 3x3 PR
hang clean pulls: 274 (124.5k) 3x6
push-jerk: 198 (90k) 3x3
BTN press snatch grip: 98 (44.5k) 2x12, 1x10

Considering I'm not supposed to be deadlifting I'm doing a lot of deadlifts.
Cleans flew up, had lot's of speed tonight. Still getting the form down on push-jerks and man I hate those BTN presses. I should be able to hit a 120k clean from the floor now. My goal is to clean 143k before the end of the year.
Some great lifting as always Liege. Looking forward to hearing about the 120kg clean. Respect for that in advance. I can't wait for my forearm and wrists to heal a bit more so I can work on nailing a 100kg clean.