Coach about killed me today, I've never done so many snatches (there's a hell of joke there).
All those years of deadlifting is making it hard to get the start of the second pull, that's really what the coach had me working tonight. It's really paying off too, but man was I wiped out, as you'll see by what I used for olympic squats.
A little explanation. The coach saw me warming up with 40k and came over and started instructing me. I was still starting the 2nd pull too soon: knees bent a little too much and not bent over enough, my shoulders not over the bar. So he had me deadlift, then lower slowly into position for the second pull and hold it, then do a hang power snatch. I did every snatch this way.
hang power snatch: 40k x ?? at least 10
hang power snatch: 50k x about 10
hang power snatch: 60k x about 5-6
hang power snatch: 65k x 3-4
hang power snatch: 70k x 4 PR
hang snatch pulls: 90k 2x5
olympic squats: 315x5 slow down, with a 2 second pause in the hole
The 70k flew up easier than the 69k last week, though I was getting fatigued when I started. My previous PR with snatches from the floor was 70k.
My new routine is going to be basically an olympic lifting routine to continue improving form and bringing both lifts to a respectable level. I'm still working on where to stick in the dips, chins, rows, bench and OH press though. Here's what I'll be doing for about 12 weeks, with variations as I go:
Monday: snatch + drop snatch, snatch pulls, olympic squats
Tues: squat cleans, clean pulls, push-jerk, BTN press snatch grip
Wed: snatch, OH squat, front squat, good mornings
Thurs: C&J, clean pull, BTN press snatch grip + OH squat
Frid: push press, dips, chins, drop snatch
I like this routine, at least on paper so far, because there are lots of pulls and good mornings are included. I'm putting Bill Starr's theory to the test, I'm working on increasing my deadlift by not deadlifting for a couple of months.