Slow bulk

liege, nice log!

I've checked in a few times, just didn't have a lot to add. You're one of the guys around this forum whom I respect for your knowledge and consistent training and results. Those are some very nice lifts. I knew your pulling was great and the Pendlays a couple of days above at 2x10x255 are killer.

Anyway, I'm glad you have this log and I'll be following it.
(liegelord @ Apr. 04 2007,23:41)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">front squats: 280x5

I don't know why the deadlift is going so slow.  It was much better tonight, but man, it feels more like 470.  I'll nail it next week.</div>
I may not know much about front squats, but I know that 280 is just a massive number....well done!

I may have hit the wall on deads when I tried 460, so next week I'll try rack deads with like 500 and see if I can't work my way backwards....have you ever tried that?  In theory, it seems like it could work, but I'm curious if guys like you &amp; Jonesy ever tried it.
Thanks Lifting N Tx, those rows are REALLY tough when your hands are sweaty and the gym owner doesn't allow chalk.

Cleans went well tonight and I again had the benefit of one of the football coaches being in the weightroom training a national class lifter. An 85k lifter totaling 320k at 20 years old. They fixed my problem of coming out of the hole on the ball of my feet on snatches. I didn't notice I was doing it on jerks also. I'm sure that's been my problem with push-presses too. Anyway, here's the numbers:

squat cleans: 230 (104.5k) 2x5 (PR)
clean &amp; jerk: 90k x3, 70k 3x3

Cleans felt real good tonight, I could have used 110k. That was actually the most I've done for sets of 5 in the squat clean; before I got hurt I was doing 3x3. I was tempted to try a PR with 120k, but decided it wasn't worth it yet, damn I want that second orange plate.
thanks slap, before I got hurt I hit 315x3, uncomfortable as hell. I have no experience doing rack pulls, maybe stevejones does.

An idea is to deadlift 435 and do 10 singles though, use max-stim, that may help.
(liegelord @ Apr. 06 2007,02:17)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I have no experience doing rack pulls, maybe stevejones does.  

An idea is to  deadlift 435 and do 10 singles though, use max-stim, that may help.</div>
I think Jonesey has experience lifting small cars off of curbs....same thing, eh

As far as the 435 singles, that's an option, too. I'll try the rack deads first &amp; see if I can't trick the 'ol CNS into handling the heavier weight, then drop down to 435 for a regular dead. Tks for the input!
I was just too frustrated to lift well tonight. I hate that I had to miss dips this week. My PR for weighted dips (neg) is 175x5, I did 160 2x5 last Friday.

Squats: 365x8,5
push-press: 200 3x3
pendlay rows: 255x10

I have to find a real gym.

slap, you may want to use your 3rm for deads and do 10-12 singles with it (max-stim). I've done that before and it helps. Add 5 lbs each workout for a few weeks.
pendlay rows with 255 for 10 is unreal! I hope to be able to do that one day, nice job. I bet guys who do sloppy, almost upright, 1/4 rows with 350 lb.s would have trouble doing pendlay rows with 255.
thanks, if I was in a better mood Friday I would have done 260 2x10 which I think would be a PR. I've done 290x3. I'll get 260 tomorrow. I want to do 270x10 before I start doing 7-8 rep sets. My short term goal is 315x5, and I want to squat clean 315x5 by Sept. It would be sweet to jerk 315 before the end of the year.
(liegelord @ Apr. 08 2007,19:20)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">It would be sweet to jerk 315 before the end of the year.</div>
Wow, that would be sa-weet!

Week 4 already. Bodyweight up from 220.5 to 220.8, but scale fluctuated from 220.8 to 221. Either way, weight moving up slow as planned. Was a real good workout, a friend figured out how we can do dips. Here's the numbers:

squats: 365x11,3 (11 is a PR)
push-press: 200 2x5 (max-stim)
pendlay rows: 260x10, 5, 5 (I think this is a PR)
neg dips: 170 2x5

I didn't go crazy with m-time on push-presses, about 15 seconds or so. I think I am getting fatigued from OH work 5x a week, and max-stim really helps. I can feel the difference. Also, I could have done the second set of rows straight through, but I had to stop and wipe my hands off.

I always use 3 different grips with rows. I go fairly narrow for my top set. For the second set I use a clean grip and then one in the middle of the previous two. It's easy with a 3x5, but with tens, I just change grip after the first 5 of the second set. But, because I can't use chalk, I had to stop this time for a moment and wipe my hands off.
Thanks slaps, and good work on SLD's.

Snatch work tonight was of course, still focused on form. Getting much better, coach suggested I should get a pair of lifting shoes. Tied a PR for OH squats. Lot's of snatch balances to warm up and lot's of hang snatches.
Leige, if anyone has a good reason for using wraps, I'd say you do. It's probably better than cheating yourself out of a good continuous set.
My oly bar has grip tape on it. I don't know where you get it, but it definitely is better than the bare bar. If they won't let you use chalk...heheh...when they aren't looking...
Thanks guys. I understand about doing a continuous set, that's why I use wraps for most deadlifts. However, after doing max-stim on a few exercises, I don't think I'm losing any benefits if I have to stop for a few seconds. Don't get me wrong, I prefer not to stop, but the time it took is minimal and the weight is deloaded anyway with rows. I think I'll sneak chalk in though.

Last night went well, although my deadlift is still not where it should be. I'm improving every week, so I don't think I'm doing anything wrong. Here's the numbers:

deadlift: 440x7,4
bench: 220 3x5
neg chins: 125 5,3,3
front squats: 285x5

I usually gain much better with deadlifts, but I'm determined to beat my PR of 455x11. I'll cut reps down after I hit 460x11 next month. I like doing chins with a neutral grip (thanks sci), for whatever reason my grip strength is better, even though the bars are pretty thick. Front squats are coming back fast also, should break my PR of 315x3 in 5-6 weeks.

Didn't sleep much last night and couldn't get to the gym to do cleans tonight. I may do them tomorrow instead of squats.

you might try bringing a small block of chalk in tupperware to the gym in your bag. usually just a swipe or 2-3 is plenty to coat the grip portion of your hand and doesnt leave any dust or residue. of course youll probably have to re-apply a few times depending on how many reps, sets etc etc.

they provide chalk in my gym but i prefer the blocks. the bin they have for it is in the corner next to all the heavy dumbells. its actually a convenient location but the way some folks lather up with the stuff like they are performing surgery just makes a god awful mess and coats everything. it looks funny but i have to blow off any dumbell im going to use for a press before actually getting started, otherwise you have to fight thru a shower of dust with each rep.

anyway, nice lifts, keep it up
Thanks guys. Slap, deadlift goal is to finally pull 600 before the end of the year. Blue, yeah, I'm going to do what you suggested. There is an animal who trains at the same gym with me and he suggested the same thing when we trained deads together, he usually does that too. Even though I can pull more than him, he does fairly strict BB curls with 225 pounds (101k).

The end of the 4th week. Tonight was OK, except for being out lifted by a 130 pound girl (she looked about 110). She's training for the olympics in pole vaulting and lifted right next to me. She did 3x5 hang power cleans (from just above the knee) with close to her body weight. Here's the numbers:

squat cleans: 235 (106.8k) 2x5
push press: 203x6 (92k)
pendlay rows: 260 (118k) x10
dips: didn't do them
hang clean &amp; jerk: 176 (80k) 3x3

I skipped back squats today because I missed cleans yesterday. I was too worn out by the squat cleans to push press well and those additional 3 lbs felt like 15. I tried to do dips, but the rack was really wobbly.