Slow bulk

Love this log Liege. Some great numbers you have there. Many congrats on your many PBs over the last month or so.

After your example, did some proper front squats last night for the first time at the end of my regular squat session. I did 10x60kg and then tried 100kgs. Managed 2x2 with that. Bit heavy really but went as deep as I could and was already tired from regular squats so maybe I could get 5 reps if I was fresher?

Question: I found that when I was in the hole with 100kgs that I had to lean forward a bit to start the upward motion. I suppose I was shifting the load more onto the ball of my foot? This is bad, yes? Trouble is I felt like I would be stuck there otherwise. Also, I don't think it could be much of a lean forward because the bar always felt secure. Just have no experience doing these yet.

At the moment my regular back squat for 5 is around 140kgs so does a 100kgs for 5 for front squats sound about right? Going to try to work up to that anyway.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Slap, deadlift goal is to finally pull 600 before the end of the year</div>

That's a very motivating goal to shoot for, liege. I know very few lifters (actually, only Jonesey!) in the 600 club. Can't remember if you read the poloquin article that someone posted on this site last week, but it's a pretty interesting approach for busting out of plateaus. If my plan doesn't produce the results I'm looking for, I just may give it a try.
(Lol @ Apr. 14 2007,07:24)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Love this log Liege. Some great numbers you have there. Many congrats on your many PBs over the last month or so.

After your example, did some proper front squats last night for the first time at the end of my regular squat session. I did 10x60kg and then tried 100kgs. Managed 2x2 with that. Bit heavy really but went as deep as I could and was already tired from regular squats so maybe I could get 5 reps if I was fresher?

Question: I found that when I was in the hole with 100kgs that I had to lean forward a bit to start the upward motion. I suppose I was shifting the load more onto the ball of my foot? This is bad, yes? Trouble is I felt like I would be stuck there otherwise. Also, I don't think it could be much of a lean forward because the bar always felt secure. Just have no experience doing these yet.

At the moment my regular back squat for 5 is around 140kgs so does a 100kgs for 5 for front squats sound about right? Going to try to work up to that anyway.</div>
Thanks lol. 100k is really good for your first run. It's bad when you come up on the ball of your feet, I was doing that for a few weeks with OH squats, snatches, jerks and push-presses. It kills your power, 100k is a good start, but you'd get buried with 140k coming up on your toes. Are you pausing in the hole? Are you using a clean grip?

Yeah, if you didn't front squat after back squatting you'd probably be good for 100k x 5. If you're doing front squats to help with cleans, make sure your foot placement is the same as coming out of the hole when you clean.

slaps, Jonesy left the 600 club a long time ago, he's going to be joining the 800 club soon; he warms up with 600. I have not seen the article, maybe you could post the link here.
Week 5. Last night went pretty well considering I didn't sleep well Sunday night. Bodyweight is 221.8, up a pound from last week. Here's the numbers:

olympic squats: 370x10 (PR), x3
push-press: 200 2x5, 3
pendlay rows: 260 2x10
neg dips: 180x5 (PR) x3

I want to finally get past 385 3x5, so I'll probably stay at 10 reps for a couple more workouts. I'm probably going to drop to 8 rep sets for rows or just start doing 3x5 again.

Tonight's snatch work went well also. My form is much better. Still focused on form though, not lifting heavy.

OH squats: 76.8k 2x3 (PR) I know, I really suck at these.
hang snatches: 4x5 50k - hang at mid thigh
Wow, the pr's just keep rolling in for you, too!!! Once you hit PRs, are you going to change up the exercises, or keep going with the same ones? I'm having that debate, myself. I'll obviously keep doing bench, deads, squats...but maybe I'll switch up my dips &amp; split jerks and try doing some exercises that focus on weaker points.
Thanks slaps, no, I'm not going to change exercises. I'll change the # of reps or do max-stim to keep the progression going as long as possible.

Last night was pretty good. I've been dragging a bit because I'm not getting as much sleep as I should.

Deadlift: 445x7,3,1
bench: 225 2x5,4
neg chins: 130x5 (PR),2,2
front squat: 290x5

I just couldn't bear doing 440 again, I had to bump the weight up. It felt good and I should be able to get to 460x7 no problem in a few workouts. I hate the fact my bench is so pathetic, I'm probably going to use max-stim. Every lift is improving, even if it's slow, but the bench. The combined weight for dips is 345x5 and I can barely bench 225 3x5. Some have suggested I'm too wiped out by deadlifts and that's killing my bench. I don't think so because my other lifts are improving and I am not going to failure.

Looking for a PR with squat cleans tonight, 110k 2x5.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">neg chins: 130x5 (PR),2,2 - The combined weight for dips is 345x5</div>

Awesome results there. Perhaps you are right about deadlifts wiping out your bench, at least this point when the load is so high.
It's hard to say colby, because I hit a PR with chins in the same workout and my front squat is progressing.

Anyway, hit another PR tonight. However, it was real tough because I couldn't get to the high school weight room, had to go the commercial gym I go to MWF, no bumper plates. I hate not being able to drop the weight

squat cleans: 245 (111k) 2x5 (PR)
rack jerks: 185 (84k) 3x3

Putting the weight down really drains me. The 1st set flew up, but putting it down really fatigued me though.
Great job, Liege!

Haven't been around the last couple of days due to my work being really busy. It's funny...I miss a couple days here, and there's so many new posts, I don't know where to begin!

One suggestion for bench...if you want to try what I'm doing, maybe you could do negatives/static holds/partials in a power rack. If you work up to negatives with, say, 300, I'm sure your regular bench will go up at least 20 least, that's what I'm banking on for myself, but only time will tell.

Also, I'm still rather intrigued by Poloquin's approach to busting out of strength plateaus, where you train the same muscle many days in a row until you lose about 20% of your strength, then take a 5-day break, then *hopefully* return stronger. I'm seriously considering doing that if my bench is still stuck by the end of May.

Anyhoo, it's something to think about
Thanks slaps. I'm going to probably do max-stim on bench, that worked well for a while.

End of week 5. I'm not getting the sleep I need the last few days and not being able to use bumper plates last night really fatigued me. I was just off tonight. I had to really take my time, about 1.5 hours, talked alot. Here's the numbers:

olympic squats: 375x8 (PR), 3
push-press: 205x5 - max-stim 205x7
pendlay rows: 265 2x10 (PR)
neg dips: 180x5,3

I am going to drop the reps per set soon. It took a while to finish that second set of rows, I'm going to do 270 Monday and do 3x5. By the way, this is the girl who out lifted me last week:
Damn. Your numbers are intimidating... and that girl outlifted you? At only 130 lbs?

Just... damn.

That 375x8 on squats is crazy too.
There's a husband/wife team at my gym, and he's a &quot;pro&quot;. He competes localy &amp; such, a real monster, and she's no slouch, either. At @115, she can squat 225. Pretty impressive.

Oh, and he benches 315 for reps....yowza!!!
(Totentanz @ Apr. 21 2007,20:04)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Damn. Your numbers are intimidating... and that girl outlifted you? At only 130 lbs?

Just... damn.</div>
She didn't lift more weight than I did, I did sets of 5 of squat cleans with 235 and I weight 221. She did sets of 5 of power cleans from above the knee with 120 and weighs 130. She out lifted me as far as bodyweight is concerned and because she did them from a hang.

Yeah, sci, I'm working on that form.
Nothing like an injury to make you really focus on your form though. I've really focused on the second pull and the catch. I did sets with 245 (111k) this week though, so I got a little more than what I was planning. Just need another 65 pounds to hit my next goal, then I have to jerk it before the end of the year. My max jerk is 245.
MiGod that's awesome. Sort of makes me get a little interested in the Oly lifts just to see where I'd be. But of course I'd have to train for it and I just don't feel like a long program outside of hypertrophy/strength.
They're definitely worth the time to learn quad. People at the gym have noticed my legs, upper back and shoulders thickening up the last few weeks. You can do them as a warm-up for your regular work-outs using a broom or an empty bar. I'm convinced they are very effective for hypertrophy and improving strength and power. Cleans and push-presses should be part of every routine if one is healthy.
Week 6.

Felt good not to lift for a couple of days. Bodyweight up slightly, an even 222. That's 3 pounds in 5 weeks and more people telling me I'm thicker in the upper back and shoulders and looking leaner. Felt much better today than Friday.

olympic squats: 380x8 (PR), 3
push-press: 205x5, max-stim 205x7
pendlay rows: 265 2x10
neg dips: 180x5,4 (PR)

I added another warm-up with squats, I usually do 135x5, 225x2, 275x1, 315x1, but I added 345x1. I always pause for a 2-4 count in the hole on warm-ups and 345 with a 1 second pause was the most I've ever used when pausing in the hole. I'm really nailing the first set of push-presses, but after that set I really have to take my time, the negatives really wipe me out.

Yeah, I know, the dips were only 1 more rep, but I'll take any PR I can.
If I were to employ oly squats and cleans as you recommended, I assume I'd have to go back to regular deads, since I do better using sumo style. Regular deads were hard on my lower back, but I could do them with lighter weights.
I don't think I ever saw anyone doing oly squats with a sumo spread.
The olympic lifters I know do not deadlift quad. If anything, they do romanian deadlifts. I personally think deadlifting is a must, though if you're focus is on OL, then you shouldn't do them frequently.

I did not list them, but last night after my workout I did a couple sets of cuban presses and let me tell you that was the last time. It killed my shoulder strength for today. RC work will be limited to over head work I'm already doing. I'm sure when I am push-pressing 315 I'll be able to bench more than 255. Tonight was snatch work.

OH squats: 174 (79k) 3x3 (PR) stop laughing, it's still a PR

hang snatch: 120 (54.5k) 3x3 (still working form)

I barely finished OH squats because it was so hard to stay locked out. I push-press the weight to lock-out and then squat and I missed a couple of push-presses because of the RC work last night.