I didn´t eat much cheese, just enough to get some flavor. It was still a lowfat day.
Anyway, my stomache hated me yesterday and this morning too. I can understand that. It´s a very unusual diet. Maybe I can make some adjustment to make my belly happier. Should I eat some vegetables this day to get some fibers? Or will that only make it worse? I had semi-diarrhea
It feels fine now after eating chicken, pasta, tomato, training and drinking some gainers. Maybe it was upset because of the large amounts only?
Today I did (from my memory)
6*140 kg
6*140 kg
4*140 kg
Dumbbell Bench Press
6*35 kg (15*17½ kg during carb depletion, big difference!)
6*35 kg
6*35 kg
(the number of the beast?
Dips (As always, extremely good ROM)
6*60 kg
6*60 kg
6*60 kg
Hack Lift
6*100 kg
6*100 kg
Biceps & Tris
curled some dumbbells...
morning weight: 79,3 kg (I expected this to be higher!)
waist: 85 cm (It was 94 cm when I weighed 88.8 kg (20th december)) and I think it was 86-88cm 2 months ago)