Sniggels Log

Don`t fret on the weights...Lyle`s reccomendations are fairly optimistic. Lactate production is key here, so the burn is the most important. Weight is secondary-just use enough to get the required muscular burn within 1 minute.
Thanks for the criticism. I really appreciate that you guys are honest and say what you think. It helps me improve my training. If you just said nice words like "great work", I would go on doing it the wrong way.

I don´t think I did bad on monday and tuesday though, because I felt a lot of burn (and nausea) during the sets, but I guess I could have done better by lowering the weights just a little bit more and do more TUT.

I just arrived from 1 hour low-intensity cardio (30 min moderate cardio recommended). It felt nice and quite easy.

Yesterday I was thinking about just doing one cycle because my self-esteem was very low. But I feel much better today and I realise that I will feel like **** from time to time but most of the time I´ll be alright.
It´s worth it if it gives results!

I will continue this UD2.0 for at least one more week (hopefully more) and I will improve my glycogen-depleting workouts.

im doing ud2.0 as well currently but 1 week ahead of your sched. morgoths advice is dead on (if memory serves he done it a few times for competition). if your not doing it already, read a lot of whats posted over at lyles site under ud2.0, even most of the old threads. just reading thru old and new posts answered 15-20 nagging questions i had as well as a bunch that came up trying to get thru the 1st week.

about that 1st week. reminds me a lot of my 1st cycle of HST. seems harder and more complicated then it really is b/c its new. 2nd week is hard but only the w/o's and even those are "easier" then the 1st week.

being 1 week ahead of you im obviously no expert nor do i even qualify to say "i know what im talking about" but so far im very impressed. wgt has dropped a bit, strength has not dropped (which is amazing since i took a full 2 weeks off from lifting just prior) and muscle size appears to be intact. i wont measr. until sunday but so far appearences are very encouraging. maybe i shouldnt be amazed as it appears to be working "as advertised" but most of my prev. diet exper (both gain and cut) have proven to be blunt instruments involving a lot of muscle/fat gain and loss. well see, long way to go.

good luck

btw the recommendation is that it takes @ 3 weeks to get the diet dialed in so i would try to make it at least that far. im just following the books recomm. range for all my diet and w/o  #s (except for the 60% 1 rep max for depletion, thats just nutz) and not trying to tweak anything. it seems thats where most folks screw it up.
I think that there are 2 good moments for taking measurements:on Sunday and on Thursday morning. Don`t use only weightloss as an indicator, the best thing would also be to use calipers to have info about %bf variation, if not, be sure to measure waist and hips with a tape measure. As long as those go down, you`re ok.
Im taking weightmeasure since I am interested to see how it varies during the cycle. I guess it can tell me a little about how my glycogen stores shifts. And when I have done several weeks I can compare the weight each week to see progression.

I should measure waist too. I think I will do that from now on every saturday morning.

Yesterday workout was a lot easier than mon/tue. Did 8 reps on everything and felt a lot stronger. Looking forward to Saturdays workout and hope to see some small difference in the mirror.

Here´s the "bad" news:
I will sadly not do UD2.0 next week, and I have a damn good reason not to. I have a job interview on tuesday and need to be my best then to improve my chances of getting employed.

Morning weight today: 78.3 kg
(Sniggel @ Apr. 06 2007,06:19)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I have a job interview on tuesday and need to be my best then to improve my chances of getting employed.</div>
Good 2 see you have your priorities straight, although if you went into the job with a killer pump........
(Slapshotz @ Apr. 06 2007,08:18)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Good 2 see you have your priorities straight, although if you went into the job with a killer pump........

Hehe, that would be something
Im finding its hard to eat the amounts I should. I´m a little behind schedule, but I will try my best to get all my meals. 3 meals eaten (0,5kg) 0,5kg pasta left to eat in about 8 hours. But now I´m adding cheese!
I didn´t eat much cheese, just enough to get some flavor. It was still a lowfat day.

Anyway, my stomache hated me yesterday and this morning too. I can understand that. It´s a very unusual diet. Maybe I can make some adjustment to make my belly happier. Should I eat some vegetables this day to get some fibers? Or will that only make it worse? I had semi-diarrhea  

It feels fine now after eating chicken, pasta, tomato, training and drinking some gainers. Maybe it was upset because of the large amounts only?

Today I did (from my memory)

6*140 kg
6*140 kg
4*140 kg

Dumbbell Bench Press
6*35 kg (15*17½ kg during carb depletion, big difference!)
6*35 kg
6*35 kg

(the number of the beast?

Dips (As always, extremely good ROM)

6*60 kg
6*60 kg
6*60 kg

Hack Lift
6*100 kg
6*100 kg

Biceps &amp; Tris
curled some dumbbells...

morning weight: 79,3 kg (I expected this to be higher!)
waist: 85 cm (It was 94 cm when I weighed 88.8 kg (20th december)) and I think it was 86-88cm 2 months ago)
Don`t eat fiber, it`ll only make things worse in the context of the carb-load. The side-effects are a consequence of carb-processing enzymes down-regulating during the low-carb week and the rather huge ammount of food you`re getting into the system in a shortish time-span. There`s little you can do about it.

I had my interview today and it went well. They are recruiting 4 people and had 40 applications  (that´s the odds I´m used to). I think I have a good chance though.

Im thinking about how to continue the diet. I have been off the diet since saturday. Maybe I will stick to maintenance-ish until monday. My goal since jan was to go 88.8 kg -&gt; 77 kg and it seems my break from the diet made me go +-0 this week (80-&gt;78.5-&gt;80). Maybe I lost 100-200g fat though I can hope
Its hard to tell numbers in such a short time.

Yesterday I trained legs (thinking about doing a split this week before jumping on the diet again)

Squat 2 sets (6*120 kg)

Then it was 8-15 reps on the rest of the exercises:
Leg Press 4 sets
Leg Curl 5-6 sets
Stretched Hamstrings
Calves in Leg Press 4-5 sets
Stretched Calves
Sitting Calf Raises 4 sets
Leg Extensions 4-6 sets
Stretched Thighs
i would think you could &quot;drop back in&quot; on the ud 2.0 on monday. sure its not ideal but as long as you eat at maint. this week you shouldnt be doing any harm, and it seems a lot better then scrapping the diet outright. probably best to limit carbs somewhat by the end of the week thru the weekend or monday low-carb day could be a bitch.

honestly, thats the only aspect of the diet i find difficult (now that im better at/more used to depletion w/os). low carb, 1/2 cal days are the ones i feel the best with (despite a little hunger) and i havent had any real trouble with the carb up but come sunday my body really wants all the food its been eating (thur night, friday and maint. on sat.). surprisingly, monday-thur low carb/low cal is way easier for me then sundays slight deficit, low carb pm. sundays transition day is only one thats been &quot;hard&quot; for me so far, not counting my 1st two depletion w/o days that is.

good luck with the potential job
Thanks bluejacket


Bench Press
6*90 kg
6*90 kg
4*90 kg

Decline(Incline?) Dumbbell Press
10*25 kg
8*25 kg
10*25 kg
10*25 kg

Over Head Press
6*40 kg
6*40 kg
6*40 kg

Lateral Raises
10*7½ kg
10*7½ kg
10*7½ kg
10*7½ kg

Lying Tricep Extension
10*25 kg
10*25 kg
10*25 kg
10*25 kg

Standing Tricep Extension
6*10 kg
11*7½ kg
10*7½ kg
10*7½ kg
Forgot to write some w/o down.

Standing Row (heavy, the way I´m used to)
6*90 kg
6*90 kg
6*90 kg
Will lower weight next time to improve form.


10*50 kg
13*50 kg
10*50 kg
13*50 kg

Dumbbell row
8*30 kg
8*30 kg
8*30 kg
8*30 kg

Barbell Curl
6*40 kg
6*40 kg
6*40 kg
6*40 kg

Dumbbell Curl
8*15 kg
15*10 kg
15*10 kg
15*10 kg


Leg Press
12*140 kg
10*180 kg
10*180 kg
15*180 kg

&quot;Kneel with Barbell&quot; (heavy)
6*60 kg
6*60 kg
6*60 kg

Sitting Calf Raises
10*40 kg
11*40 kg
10*40 kg
10*40 kg

Calf Press in Leg Press
16*180 kg
12*180 kg
15*180 kg
12*180 kg

Leg Extensions
15*60 kg
8*70 kg
8*70 kg
10*70 kg

Leg Curls
12*30 kg
8*35 kg
8*35 kg
8*35 kg


Press Over Head (heavy)
6*40 kg
6*40 kg
Felt extra easy so I raised to 50.
6*50 kg
6*50 kg

Lateral Raises
10*7½ kg
10*7½ kg
10*7½ kg


Lying tricepextensions
10*25 kg
10*25 kg
10*25 kg
10*25 kg

12*20 kg
10*20 kg
10*20 kg
11*20 kg


I have another interview on tuesday so no UD2.0 next week either. I will continue to cut the way I have done this week. By training 6 times/week + 1 cardio day. Seems to work surprisingly well.
The reason for that is because I only do one exercise heavy (basically 3 sets * 6 reps), the rest of them are a bit lower than I usually train, and more reps/sets. My recovery is incredible. I have never trained this way but it sure feels like an &quot;aha-experience&quot;.

This morning I weighed 79.0 kg (2 kg left!)
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">This morning I weighed 79.0 kg (2 kg left!)</div>

Well done....almost there!!!
Have been busy. This is what I have been doing the last couple of days:


Dumbbell Row
6*40 kg
6*40 kg
6*45 kg
6*45 kg

10*80 kg
10*80 kg
10*80 kg
10*80 kg

15*40 kg
8*60 kg
8*60 kg
8*60 kg

Barbell Curl
6*40 kg
8*40 kg
6*40 kg
8*40 kg

Dumbbell Curl
8*15 kg
8*15 kg
8*12½ kg (dropset)
8*10 kg (dropset)


4,7 km running in about 32-34 minutes.


3 10-minutes cardio sessions in the night


6*110 kg
6*110 kg
6*110 kg

8*80 kg
8*80 kg
8*80 kg
8*80 kg

Calves in Legpress
15*170 kg
13*170 kg
12*170 kg
13*170 kg

Sitting Calfpress
10*40 kg
10*40 kg
10*40 kg
10*40 kg

Leg Extension
8*70 kg
8*70 kg
8*70 kg
10*70 kg

Leg Curl
8*35 kg
8*35 kg
10*35 kg
10*35 kg


6*60 kg
6*60 kg
5*60 kg

Shoulder Dumbbell Press
8*20 kg
7*20 kg
5*20 kg
7*20 kg

Incline (Decline?) Lateral Raises
8*6 kg
8*6 kg
8*6 kg
8*6 kg
12*6 kg
12*6 kg
12*6 kg
10*6 kg


15*20 kg
14*20 kg
10*20 kg


Standing Row
6*80 kg
6*80 kg
6*80 kg


15*50 kg
10*50 kg
10*50 kg

Barbell Curl
6*40 kg
3*45 kg
6*40 kg
6*40 kg




Leg Press
10*170 kg
12*210 kg
15*210 kg
5*250 kg
6*250 kg


As you can see I am not doing UD2.0 I have had 2 more interviews since my last post. Looks like I´m getting employed soon, hurray!

I also got a strong allergic attack yesterday and am not feeling well today because of it. Will rest today and maybe tomorrow too.
Yesterday I trained Chest+Tris


It´s time for a slap in the face!
I will continue dieting in my own way. Maybe I can take away 2 pounds more before my photo date.
Almost all days will be cardio and low calorie intake.
2 days a week full body workout and on those days I eat more and also the night before I eat some high-carb meal.

Sorry if I let you down with the UD2.0 but I just dont have the balls for it atm.

1 hour low-moderate cardio

1 hour moderate cardio

And I will probably do one more hour tonight.

Food-intake, no caloriecounting, but it´s low.
1 more hour cardio last night, wohoo!

One 20 minute session today so far, hehe, hope I will have more energy tonight.

78.2 kg this morning! New lowest record this year.