Sniggels Log

Allright. Seems I decided to log my DC w/o here as well lol.
Some quick explanations. RP means restpause set= going to failure, put away the weight, rest with 15 deep breaths, continue do some more reps to failure again, rest as before 15 breaths, then do a few more reps to failure.
So it´s like 3 sets into one with short rest.
SS means straight set to failure. WM (widowmaker) is a set I do for quad exercises after the heavy straight set, 20 reps as heavy as it is possible to do 20 reps with.

<span style='color:red'>Blast Phase 1</span>

Dumbbell Scott Curl
11 kg
21 RP

Forearm Dumbbell Curl
15 kg
31 RP

Standing Calf Press
100 kg
19 SS

Leg Curl
20 kg
20 RP

105 kg
8 SS
65 kg
20 WM


Incline Dumbbell Press
34 kg
12 RP

Flat Dumbbell Press
15 kg
15 SS

Military Press
45 kg
11 RP

40 pounds
28 RP

Pull Down in Machine
30 kg
20 RP

Dumbbell Row
46 kg
9 SS
38 kg
10 SS


Dumbbell Curl
17½ kg
15 RP

Reverse Barbell Curl
27½ kg
15 RP

Calves in Legpress
200 kg
10 SS

Sumo Leg Press
170 kg
31 RP

Leg Extension
70 kg
8 SS
50 kg
20 WM


Decline Smith Press
70 kg
16 RP
My wrists are NOT ok, I will see what I shall do about it

Flat Dumbbell Press
15 kg
<span style='color:green'>20 SS +5</span>

Lying Tricep Extension
30 kg
18 RP

12 RP

135 kg
7 SS
105 kg
11 SS


Standing Barbell Curl
35 kg
16 RP

Finger Barbell Curl
60 kg
16 RP

Sitting Calf Press
40 kg
13 RP

50 kg
29 RP

120 kg
8 SS
80 kg
20 WM


Chest Press in Machine
40 kg
15 RP
Wrists are saying &quot;please no&quot;. I will listen to them and try to use as little barbell pressing movements as possible, cause thats when it hurts.

Flat Dumbbell Press
15 kg
<span style='color:green'>30 SS +10</span>

Shoulder Press in Machine
35 kg
11 RP

Standing Tricep Extension
12 kg
15 RP

Lat Pulldown
120 pounds
21 RP

Machine Row
200 pounds
6 SS
160 pounds
10 SS

Thats my first 2 weeks which means I have done all exercises. Next 2 weeks I &quot;must&quot; beat them all.

<span style='color:Red'>Blast Phase 2</span>

Dumbbell Scott Curl
<span style='color:Green'>13 kg +2</span>
<span style='color:Red'>15 RP -6</span>

Forearm Dumbbell Curl
<span style='color:green'>19 kg +4</span>
<span style='color:red'>17 RP -14</span>

Standing Calf Press
<span style='color:green'>260 pounds +40</span>
<span style='color:green'>21 SS +2</span>

Leg Curl
<span style='color:green'>22½ kg +2½</span>
<span style='color:red'>19 RP -1</span>

<span style='color:green'>115 kg +10</span>
<span style='color:red'>7 SS -1</span>
<span style='color:green'>75 kg +10</span>
<span style='color:darkorange'>20 WM</span>

I beat the logbook, yay! I am very proud overall but most by the WM and the calf press.

Incline Dumbbell Press
<span style='color:Green'>36 kg +2</span>
<span style='color:Red'>11 RP -1</span>

Military Press
<span style='color:green'>47½ kg +2½</span>
<span style='color:darkorange'>11 RP</span>
My wrists were much better today so I did the usual planned military press

<span style='color:green'>50 pounds +10</span>
<span style='color:red'>19 RP -9</span>

Pull Down in Machine
<span style='color:green'>35 kg +5</span>
<span style='color:red'>19 RP -1</span>

Dumbbell Row
<span style='color:green'>50 kg +4</span>
<span style='color:red'>7 SS -2</span>
<span style='color:green'>40 kg +2</span>
<span style='color:green'>16 SS +6 (lol?)</span>

Everything is working great so far and it is really fun.
Have been very busy so my cycle has had a small interrupt with 2 extra rest days.

2 days ago

Dumbbell Curl
<span style='color:Green'>18½ kg +1
19 RP +4</span>

Reverse Barbell Curl
<span style='color:green'>30 kg +2½
18 RP +3</span>

Calves in Legpress
<span style='color:green'>220 kg +20
13 SS +3</span>

Sumo Leg Press
<span style='color:green'>200 kg +30
39 RP +8</span>
Last time I was able to do too many on this one so i figured I´ll raise the weight a considerate amount this time but lol... I also did more reps, how the hell did that happen?

Leg Extension
<span style='color:green'>75 kg +5</span>
<span style='color:darkorange'>8 SS</span>
<span style='color:green'>55 kg +5</span>
<span style='color:darkorange'>20 WM</span>

I just cant believe I just did that workout... wow
Decline Smith Press
<span style='color:Green'>75 kg +5
18 RP +2</span>
My wrists are as good as fine, so I will continue do barbell pressing movements if they stay healthy

Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press
<span style='color:green'>22 kg +2</span>
<span style='color:Red'>14 RP -2</span>

Lying Tricep Extension
<span style='color:green'>35 kg +5</span>
<span style='color:red'>14 RP -4</span>

<span style='color:darkorange'>bw</span>
<span style='color:red'>11 RP -1</span>

<span style='color:green'>140 kg +5
9 SS +2</span>
<span style='color:green'>110 kg +5
12 SS +1</span>

Standing Barbell Curl
<span style='color:Green'>40 kg +5</span>
<span style='color:red'>13 RP -3</span>

Finger Barbell Curl
<span style='color:green'>70 kg +10</span>
<span style='color:red'>10 RP -6</span>

Sitting Calf Press
<span style='color:green'>45 kg +5</span>
<span style='color:red'>10 RP -3</span>
I got a high tendency to cramp on this one, maybe because I am not warmed up enough or maybe I should just stick to calf exercises with extended knee.
It prevented me from doing my best.

<span style='color:green'>60 kg +10</span>
<span style='color:red'>27 RP -2</span>

<span style='color:green'>140 kg +20</span>
<span style='color:Red'>4 SS (lol too f-ing heavy) -4</span>
<span style='color:green'>90 kg +10</span>
<span style='color:darkorange'>20 WM</span>
OMFG! Now I understand what a widowmaker is. I was tired at rep 6 but managed somehow to go through 20 reps anyway. I had to support on my gfs shoulder after walking out of the gym and I felt ill, but I was fine after 20  minutes or so.

Some of the exercises went really well, others were &quot;ok&quot;, others did not improve as much (or at all?), but overall I am satisfied with the workout, mostly because of my performance with the WM and SLDL.
Been sick, training has been interrupted for 2 days.. big deal. :rolleyes:

Anyway here is 2 days ago:

Chest Press in Machine
<span style='color:Green'>45 kg +5</span>
<span style='color:Red'>12 RP -3</span>
Wrists seems to be totally fine now again

Shoulder Press in Machine
<span style='color:green'>37½ kg +2½</span>
<span style='color:red'>10 RP -1</span>

Standing Tricep Extension
<span style='color:green'>13 kg +2
17 RP +2</span>

Lat Pulldown
<span style='color:green'>150 pounds +30</span>
<span style='color:red'>19 RP -2</span>

Machine Row
<span style='color:green'>220 pounds +20</span>
<span style='color:red'>3 SS -3 (not good at all!)</span>
<span style='color:green'>180 pounds +20</span>
<span style='color:red'>7 SS -3</span>



<span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:7pt;line-height:100%'>Blast Phase 3</span></span>

Dumbbell Scott Curl
<span style='color:Green'>15 kg +2</span>
<span style='color:red'>11 RP -5</span>

Forearm Dumbbell Curl
<span style='color:green'>23 kg +4</span>
<span style='color:red'>14 RP -3</span>

Standing Calf Press
<span style='color:green'>290 pounds +30</span>
<span style='color:red'>14 SS -7</span>

Leg Curl
<span style='color:green'>25 kg +2½</span>
<span style='color:red'>15 RP -4</span>

<span style='color:green'>120 kg +5</span>
<span style='color:darkorange'>7 SS</span>
<span style='color:Green'>80 kg +5</span>
<span style='color:darkorange'>20 WM</span>

Incline Dumbbell Press
<span style='color:Green'>38 kg +2</span>
<span style='color:Red'>8 RP -3</span>

Military Press
<span style='color:green'>50 kg +2½</span>
<span style='color:red'>10 RP -1</span>

<span style='color:green'>60 pounds +10</span>
<span style='color:red'>16 RP -3</span>

Pull Down in Machine
<span style='color:green'>40 kg +5</span>
<span style='color:red'>15 RP -5</span>

Dumbbell Row
<span style='color:green'>55 kg +5</span>
<span style='color:red'>5 SS -2</span>
<span style='color:green'>44 kg +4</span>
<span style='color:red'>9 SS -7</span>

It is obvious that it´s starting to get too heavy since I am failing to reach recommended minimum reps on some exercises. Some exercises will need to be replaced, that or I will do a cruise once I am through this blast phase depending on how I feel.
3 days ago

Dumbbell Curl
<span style='color:Green'>20 kg +2½</span>
<span style='color:Red'>17 RP -2</span>

Reverse Barbell Curl
<span style='color:green'>32½ kg +2½</span>
<span style='color:red'>15 RP -3</span>

Calves in Legpress
<span style='color:red'>unknown!
Forgot to write it down.

Sumo Leg Press
<span style='color:green'>230 kg +30</span>
<span style='color:red'>30 RP -9</span>

Leg Extension on Hammer Strength
40 kg
8 SS
25 kg
20 WM



Decline Smith Press
<span style='color:green'>80 kg +5</span>
18 RP

Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press
<span style='color:green'>24 kg +2</span>
11 RP

Lying Tricep Extension
<span style='color:green'>40 kg +5</span>
<span style='color:red'>11 RP -3</span>

Row in Hammer Strength
45 kg
15 RP
Lol this machine really prevents you from breathing

140 kg
<span style='color:red'>7 SS -2</span>
120 kg
<span style='color:red'>6 SS -6</span>

Signs of stagnation the past workouts, time for a cruise after this phase.
Got bored with DC, starting a self-written program instead. Similar to what I have been getting results with before, but with modifications.
(_tim @ Jul. 31 2007,14:07)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Can you give any hints as to what you'll be doing?  SST/HST/MS?  You're a beast, Sniggel.</div>
lol, beast, don´t think so but I am a little flattered

Well. This is my plan, it´s made out of my previous experience (Basic compounds, 4-6 reps, 3 sets, increase weights as soon as maxreps are achieved on all sets) with some modifications (up to 8 reps and up to 5 sets, very few exercises per day (2-3) so i can train often (because I like it) and with some added cardio)

So basically 5 sets, 4-8 reps, increase weight when managing 8 reps in all 5 sets.

Front Squat
(new exercise for me)

Cardio, will practice to make this HIIT, about 30 minutes total (divided into 2 sessions with ab training in between to recover)
Ab training (up to 10 reps on this one, but 5 sets as usual)
I have added specific ab training since my abs are lagging and I think I have a small lordosis so i need to strengthen my anterior chain.

Bench Press
Stifflegged Deadlifts
from a platform (to get big ROM)
these are really good for hamstrings as I´ve recently discovered

Barbell Curl
(up to 10 reps)
Pulldown in machine (a specific machine i like better than normal lat pulldown, up to 10 reps on this one)

Standing Military Press

Cardio (same as tuesday)
Abs (same as tuesday)
Dumbbell Row

Calves (up to 10 reps)
Dumbbell Shoulder Press

The routine is strength specific since I am planning on increasing weight beyond what I have lifted before. There is not any planned periodization yet (lighter workouts) since I will bulking and I am planning on go heavy now for quite a while. If i feel like i need to take it easier I will do that when I feel its time for it.

Food: lots of chicken, pasta, bread with something thats called &quot;leverpastej&quot; in swedish
, fruits and vegetables. Thats the base of my calorie and protein intake, making sure I get all those planned meals and after that I might add other stuff if i feel like it.
Not using milk since I am trying to see if I am allergic or something to it.
I forgot to mention, I have a vague goal of me weighing between 90-95 kg (I´m at 83 right now) being much stronger than I am now, and trying to hit new personal records on that weight for a while before i finally diet down to competition bf (70-75 kg?). How long will this take? A year perhaps.

Yes i am planning on risking going chubby!
Very nice plan! I agree - the stiff-legged deads are great for hamstring development. When I got toward the upper part of my load capabilities, they killed me. The full ROM (I used to touch the bar to my shoelaces) is gut-wrenching - but the results come insanely fast.

With your bulking plan, save up as much as you can for new pants. None of mine fit my legs anymore. I blame the SLDLs.

Good luck with the revisions!
(Sniggel @ Aug. 01 2007,10:02)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I forgot to mention, I have a vague goal of me weighing between 90-95 kg (I´m at 83 right now) being much stronger than I am now, and trying to hit new personal records on that weight for a while before i finally diet down to competition bf (70-75 kg?). How long will this take? A year perhaps.

Yes i am planning on risking going chubby!  
Time for an update.
Well my last statement turned out to be false. I have been dieting for a &quot;while&quot;. In December 2006 I weighed 88 kg.
Today I weigh 74 kg.

This is a comparison, go figure which one is which







Hey thanks, it´s been hard work, discipline and patience to get here, I have some more weeks to go then I will probably stay at maintenance for a while (picking up strength gains hopefully) before slowbulking (and gaining even more strength) over an extended period of time.
Its amazing what you can learn about your own body when transforming it with diet and exercise.