Thanks for the words of encouragement.
Any tips on how I might handle sumo deads next cycle if I keep em in seeing as I'm doing standard 2x15, 3x10, 4x5 squat? 10 and 15 rep deads are a real killer and take away from my squats. I got up to 315 x 4-5 in decent form way back when (when I was heavier) by sticking in the 5 rep range and pushing up by 5-10lb each deadlift session (every other session). Of course that's not going to work sticking with vanilla HST. Loads will be too high relative to everything else, right?
Any tips on how I might handle sumo deads next cycle if I keep em in seeing as I'm doing standard 2x15, 3x10, 4x5 squat? 10 and 15 rep deads are a real killer and take away from my squats. I got up to 315 x 4-5 in decent form way back when (when I was heavier) by sticking in the 5 rep range and pushing up by 5-10lb each deadlift session (every other session). Of course that's not going to work sticking with vanilla HST. Loads will be too high relative to everything else, right?