The Road to 10%

I think I may simplify and win this time around with my Hypertrophy/Strength split...

HST A: One Arm Bent-Over Row & Seated Press
SST A: Hack Squat

HST B: Pullover, Curl
SST B: Deadlift

8 week cycle
optimal 4x/week lifting, so each exercise is done 2x/week
Yes, I added Barbell Curl - haven't done it in three years, and it seems like it would be fun
Hack Squat is new, but it may be the best for me without a rack

HST will follow 10-5-3-1 rep mesocycles each with a length of 2 weeks
SST will follow this progression starting LIGHT...

#1: 10 x 3
#2: 4 x 5 (ramp up where last set is equal to weight done in 10 x 3 WO), 1 x 3 (increase of 2.5% of last weight), 1 x 8 (from Bill Starr's 5x5, equal to load in 3rd set of 4 x 5)
#3: 10 x 3 (at the same load as last WO's 10 x 3)
....... and so forth

What do you guys think?
Also, I may throw a C workout whenever there is extra time in a week.

It'll be based on Static Holds, Pilates and Tabata otherwise known as Calistenics Training (CT)

CT WO: STATIC HOLDS - Backpack Loaded Chair Dips, One Arm OH Barbell, Two DB Rest (formally known as Static Hold)
Tabata Squats, the Plank
Looks complicated...but maybe that's just because I'm slow. Any reson you're not starting with any higher rep ranges; I get a good benefit from them.
(soflsun @ Mar. 28 2008,22:56)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Looks complicated...but maybe that's just because I'm slow. Any reson you're not starting with any higher rep ranges; I get a good benefit from them.</div>
I am cutting, so the loads need to be high. My last cycle got cut off, so there is another reason to start off with higher loads for my 15th HST cycle. First workout in 22 days tonight...

3/28/08 - HST/5x5 WO
<span style='color:blue'>Pullover: 50 - 10 (3 sets)
Curl: 45 - 10 (3 sets)
Deadlift: 45 - 10, 135 - 5, 155 - 3 (10 sets)</span>
<span style='color:red'>Plank Static Hold: 61 seconds</span>
3/29/08 - HST/5x5 WO
<span style='color:blue'>DB Press: 12.5 - 10, 65 - 10 (3 sets)
One Arm Bent-Over Row: 12.5 - 10, 32.5 - 10, 70 (2 sets)
Hack Squat: 45 - 7, 70 - 3 (10 sets)</span>
4/1/08 - HST/5x5 WO
<span style='color:blue'>Pullover: 12.5 - 10, PR: 72.5 - 10 (2 sets)
Curl: 45 - 10, 65 - 10 (2 sets)
Deadlift: 45 - 5, 110 - 5, 125 - 5, 140 - 5, 155 - 5, 160 - 3, 140 - 8</span>
You're on your 15th cycle? Wow, dedication. Was there a point where you hit the wall with one?
I see you added the plankies in there. Maybe you could do them from a belly flop up to straight in a rep? Kind of a reverse hyper?
(colby2152 @ Mar. 27 2008,11:21)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">SST will follow this progression starting LIGHT...

#1: 10 x 3
#2: 4 x 5 (ramp up where last set is equal to weight done in 10 x 3 WO), 1 x 3 (increase of 2.5% of last weight), 1 x 8 (from Bill Starr's 5x5, equal to load in 3rd set of 4 x 5)
#3: 10 x 3 (at the same load as last WO's 10 x 3)
....... and so forth</div>
Only an actuary could come up with something like this (and only another actuary could follow it...).

I had hoped I would be able to understand your routine after watching for a bit, but so far I cannot.

Could you go over this once again please, using simple words of few syllables, and providing suitable illustrations, graphs, and charts (and perhaps an explanation of the Bill Starr reference -- without me having to figure out Bill Starr's routine as well)?

I am both open and interested; I'm just having a hard time understanding what you are doing.
(quadancer @ Apr. 02 2008,02:20)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">You're on your 15th cycle? Wow, dedication. Was there a point where you hit the wall with one?
I see you added the plankies in there. Maybe you could do them from a belly flop up to straight in a rep? Kind of a reverse hyper?</div>
I've hit walls, but I don't have the data right now to show when I hit them. The walls were not because of training, but because of poor diet. HST has never failed me.

A diet that turned out to be at maintenance levels screwed me over early 2006. This wasted away what could have been great cuts during my back-to-back Faustonian cycles. Why not explain my history of HST cycles while I am at it?

Prior to my experimentation with specialization, I had two LONG HST cycles that went from July 2005 to December 2005. Here is a link to my 2nd cycle review. I had excellent success with these, but 75% of the gains were to be blamed on muscle memory. Was HST the antagonist though? Perhaps.

After the failed Faustonian cycles, I had to change it up in Cycle #5. I went back to the basics for the next two cycles. The cut went really well that summer thanks to a moving job that I also had. On came my Senior Year at Penn State and the start of my 6th cycle. At this time, I was just starting to up the poundage in the SLDL. I started to bulk a bit, but I wasn't ready for what was about to hit me. The appendectomy in October 2006 really screwed things up for me. I also quit counting calories upon having that surgery. This resulted in me blimping out and going from 205 to 230 in a matter of months.

My 7th cycle would be known as the bridge. I had to get back to my lean shape that I had worked so hard on. I also had to build up strength in my core despite a fresh four inch cut in my abs. I was counting calories again and I was making some progress with my Battle of the Bulge. I was a bit overconfident in how I was doing, but at least I was back to lifting.

The new year (2007) brought on a whole new fresh outlook upon my training. I started a theme of training that would use HIT concepts for warmup and post-exhaustion mixed with HST A/B splits. I did shed some body fat despite another surgery (tubes), but as always, I was under minding how much fat I actually had as the following link can attest. Cycle #9 was of the same breed. Unfortunately, this cycle stumbled into the summer as a failure thanks to a lot of school work and a really bad bacterial infection that threw me for a loop that Easter. My diet got out of hand, and I once again gained weight.

My 10th cycle was perhaps my most famous cycle, at least since the Faustonian cycles. Last summer, I had no job, and my fiancee and I were trying to save money, so I lifted at home with very little equipment. This thrifty cycle would be known as the Caveman Cycle. Weight was at its all time high at that point as I just hit 250 lbs. It seemed as if I couldn't get a grip on cutting and getting myself back to a lean state. After all, I did gain 45 lbs in 9 months. I tried out gyms around the area, and had a lot of success here. I cut some fat and hit a lot of PR's. I pulled 335 lbs in the Romanian deadlift, but that would be one of the last times I would deadlift in such a style.

Cycle 11 was my first attempt at 5x5, mixed with HST of course! I really enjoyed 5x5, but it came to a halt when I got my own equipment last fall. As you can see, my return to 5x5 comes 4 cycles later!

My 12th, 13th, 14th and now, 15th cycles are all contained in this log. Last fall, I decided to dedicate myself to a cut to 10% body fat. This road would last at least until May 31st, the date of my wedding. I was tired of the up and down weight and inconsistencies in my diet and training. The success has been great, and despite the winter hampering my ability to do cardio, I have found other ways to shed the fat with lifting as my only exercise. Intermittent Fasting has helped me shed the fat and bring back my V form in my 14th cycle. I am continuing that in my 15th cycle with even better eating, and a return to HST/5x5 hybrid.

I'll admit my body fat percentage may still be higher than where I record it, but I will not write down 12.00% until my love handles are gone. At the very least, I want to hit that point in two months. 59 days to go and counting down, I believe I can do this.

I would like to thank everyone for their comments, critiquing and support in my journey! I will not even make my plans for what I will do when I do hit 10% because I need to concentrate on getting there. I think IF, consistent diet and training, and then some cardio when the weather heats up is my key!

Wow.... that was a rant?
That's quite a history Colby. The best part of it all is you've never gave up, even with some major setbacks and you've stuck to your guns. Your journey to 10% has been quite long(not that it matters), and I think your starting to see some light at the end of the tunnel. Get those running shoes ready, the light is getting closer! Good luck on steppin it up a notch these last 8 weeks. Stay Healthy!
I love the design of cycle 15, colby. Good luck, and enjoy the heavies. As others have said, I tremendously admire your dedication, colby. This hasn't been the easiest road to travel, and the fact that you never gave up is something you should be quite proud of.
4/2/08 - SHT* WO
<span style='color:red'>Chair Dip Hold: 235 + 0** - 38 seconds, 57 s
OH Barbell Hold: 45 - 60 s
DB Static Hold: 35's - 315 s
Planks: 235 + 0** - 61 s, 45 s
Tabata Squats: 45 lbs</span>

*Static Hold Training
**Body weight rounded to nearest 5 lbs + any extra load

That was a quality workout; I did it during the 1st intermission of the Penguins-Flyers game tonight.
(colby2152 @ Apr. 02 2008,10:11)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I have found other ways to shed the fat with lifting as my only exercise. Intermittent Fasting has helped me shed the fat and bring back my V form in my 14th cycle. I am continuing that in my 15th cycle with even better eating, and a return to HST/5x5 hybrid.</div>
How does you Intermittent Fasting cycle work? Do you just skip breakfast, then try to eat all your meals right before or right after your workout? What do you do on non-workout days?

If it's working well enough to get your V shape back, it might be worth studying a bit.
TR, it's about time I answer some of your questions...

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">
How does you Intermittent Fasting cycle work? Do you just skip breakfast, then try to eat all your meals right before or right after your workout? What do you do on non-workout days?</div>

Believe it or not, it's pretty much that simple. To hold off hunger pangs, drink some brewed tea or coffee. Non-WO days follow the IF protocol as well. A lot of my questions, as well as others', have been answered here.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Only an actuary could come up with something like this (and only another actuary could follow it...).

I had hoped I would be able to understand your routine after watching for a bit, but so far I cannot.

Could you go over this once again please, using simple words of few syllables, and providing suitable illustrations, graphs, and charts (and perhaps an explanation of the Bill Starr reference -- without me having to figure out Bill Starr's routine as well)?

I am both open and interested; I'm just having a hard time understanding what you are doing. </div>

Well, the HST component is fairly simple. The 5x5 part runs right along with it in a different type of progression.

For instance, say I choose to start off by dead lifting 155 lbs, which I did on March 28th, then my first workout is a warm up followed by 10 sets of 3's at that weight. The next workout, which I did April 1st, incorporates the 5x5...

The goal is to increase upon that 155, so with four sets of fives as my progression, I lift 110, 125, 140, and then 155 for 5 reps. I now increase the load to 160 (a minimum of 2.5% increase). This load is done at 3 reps and will be repeated in my next 10x3 workout. Lastly, a metabolic set of 8 reps done at the 140 lbs is done.

My version of 5x5 is a mix between Bill Starr's version and a simplified 10x3 workout. This 4x5,1x3,1x8 WO is actually one of three different workouts in Starr's Linear 5x5 approach. The other two WO's are a five sets of 5's and then a four sets of 5's WO. I shrunk these into one WO at a whole 10x3 setup.

I chose to start my deads at 155 because I wanted to start at a lighter weight, but not too light, so I can work on form every chance I get. The greater of 2.5% and 5 lbs a week may not seem like much to people, but when I am at 155 this week, the pace will bring me to 360 lbs at the end of the year. Considering 335 was my PR for a SL/Romo Dead, my actual Deadlift PR may be in the mid to high 200's, so I will be pushing my PR by summer's end!
4/3/08 - HST/5x5 WO
<span style='color:blue'>One Arm Bent-Over Row: 12.5 - 10, 62.5 - 7, 80 - 10 (2 sets)
OH Press: 65 - 10 (2 sets)
Hack Squat: 50 - 5, 55 - 5, 65 - 5, 70 - 5, 75 - 3, 65 - 8</span>
yeah, I think I read about that famous cycle in the papers somewhere...or was it National Geographic?

My thoughts on the hack squats: Having done them in lieu of squats because of erroneous info for taking care of a bad back, I found:
Some guys do them almost laying down...with a short ROM. You can lift a car this way, but won't do much for hypertrophy.
Some guys use the hands to push down the knees at the start. This practice is debatable, as you can use more weight for the push, but you're actually taking weight off the hole, where your sticking point and usage of hamstrings are.
Sitting up straighter involves more of the hamstrings. Hack squats work more the quads.
Therefore: Drop the weight, sit up straight and push solely with the legs to more resemble a squat. Nobody's really impressed with the sixteen plates you have on there, but I must admit that it felt good!

I couldn't push my hands on my knees since I am holding the bar. I think you are talking about the sleds at gyms. You are forgetting that I am lifting at home with a barbell! Either way, I appreciate the comments. I suppose I am doing the Hack Squats correctly as this video suggests!
Family is in town, so I haven't been best buds with training as of late... I'm trying an extra long fast today with an abbreviated workout some time this evening.
4/8/08 - HST/5x5 WO
<span style='color:blue'>Pullover: 12.5 - 10, 72.5 - 10, 72.5 - 9
Curl: 65 - 10 (2 sets)
Deadlift: 65 - 5, 135 - 5, 160 - 3 (10 sets)</span>
<span style='color:red'>Jump Ropes: 33 reps, PR: 121 reps</span>

Hit failure on my last pullover set. Look out endurance! I set a new record on consecutive Jump Ropes.